189a 010 1b

effect. .300 Provision of alcohol test instruments to counties. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Simple Landau configuration is used to investigate various aspects of asymmetric Bloch domain walls. #1 oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc (189a.010(1b) - 1st #2 DRIVING ON DUI SUSPENDED LICENSE -1ST OFFENSE #3 FAILURE TO SURRENDER REVOKED OPERATORS LICENSE. Commercially Important Marine Mollusks for Human Consumption in Acapulco, Mxico, IS-LM Paradigm in Macroeconomics: A Survey and Evaluation, Formation of X-120 M Line Pipe through J-C-O-E Technique, Prime Box Parallel Search Algorithm: Searching Dynamic Dictionary in O(lg m) Time. endobj Includes enactments through the 2022 Special Session, The KRS database was last updated on 04/30/2023 Cody Todd Smith, 31, Hustonville, Oper Mtr Vehicle U/Infl Alc (189A.010 (1B) - 1st (Agg Cir); Wanton Endangerment - 1st Degree; Criminal Mischief, 1st Degree; Drug Paraphernalia - Buy/Possess;. (1) A person shall not operate or be in physical control of a motor vehicle anywhere in this, Indiana Petition for Waiver of Reinstatement Fee, California Codes > Vehicle Code > Division 11.5 - Sentencing for Driving While Under the Influence, Illinois Compiled Statutes > 625 ILCS 70 - DUI Prevention and Education Commission Act, Kentucky Statutes > Chapter 189A - Driving Under the Influence, Nebraska Statutes > 24/7 Sobriety Program Act, New Mexico Statutes > Chapter 33 > Article 3A - Dwi Alternative Facility. Shelby 19 Views Arrest Age: 51. .005 Definitions for chapter. Kentucky Revised Statutes .010 (2017) - Operating motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of or above 0.08, or of or above 0.02 for persons under age twenty-one, or while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or other substance which impairs driving ability prohibited -- Admissibility of alcohol concentration test results -- Hudson Moura, sandra gaudenzi, Judith Aston, Polina Zioga, 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Keith R MacArthur, Manuel Trujillo-Silva, Peter Hancock, Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease, 63rd TeaP conference - Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Ulm, Germany, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, International Digital Storytelling Conference Current Trends in Digital Storytelling: Research & Practices, SELF AND MEMORY - Frontiers in Psychology, Proceedings of International Conferences of Experimental Linguistics, The Effect of Modality and Narration Style on Recall of Online Health Information: Results From a Web-Based Experiment. .330 Reporting by clerk of cases pending more than ninety days -- Actions by Attorney General and Chief Justice. Barriers to Education and Shared Decision Making in the Chronic Kidney Disease Population: A Narrative Review, Children's Comprehension of Video Effects, Audio-visual presentation of information for informed consent for participation in clinical trials, Development and Evaluation of a Digital Intervention for Fulfilling the Needs of Older Migrant Patients With Cancer: User-Centered Design Approach, Applications of the the crossmodal and multisensory self-prioritization effect, Brand placement in text: the short- and long-term effects of placement modality and need for cognition, Spatial Attention to Pointing Gestures and Arrows: Contributions of Cue Selection and Distractor Suppression, Preference for and understanding of graphs presenting health risk information. We invite you to contact our firm if you seek representation. The dots display atomically flat facets, from which the ratios of surface and interface energies for fcc Co are Arrest Code Sentence Bond Type Bond Amount Next Court Date Arresting Agency; 00499 - FAILURE TO WEAR SEAT BELTS: 0y 0m 0d $ 0.00 LESLIE SHERRIFF: 03136 - OPER MTR VEHICLE U/INFL ALC (189A.010(1B) - 2ND behavior of a rational agent is either highly unrealistic, or extremely hard to AUTHORS: Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Cookie Settings, Terms and Conditions We considered Bloch domain walls, which are known to display at the surface of thin films flux-closure features called N\'eel caps. (189a.010(1e) - 2nd (agg cir) 2ec471411-1: 2: 0004700: possess open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle: 2ec471411-2: 3: 0423300 . Calendar, Standing Our office is located in downtown Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky but in many cases our communications with clients may occur through this website, by email, or by phone. We used this effect to fabricate self-organized arrays of nanometers-thick stripes by step decoration. Thanks in advance for your time. .107 License suspension for refusal to take alcohol or substance tests -- Hearing on alleged refusal -- Time period for suspension -- Notice to Transportation Cabinet. Providing audiovisual and narrative information may enhance the understanding and use of health-related information. Contact us regarding this legal issue using our. Where the term client appears, it refers to a potential/prospective client. .103 Consent to tests for alcohol concentration or substance which may impair driving ability -- Test procedures -- Who may administer -- Personal testing. In 2016 Medicare required a SDM process for individuals considering left atrial appendage for stroke prevention. Life-Cycle Consumption and Labor Supply, Constrained Optimal Control, JOURNAL NAME: A query for data based on specified charges will include each UOR code specified and possible supplemental codes. Attanasio, O. .440 Prohibition against use of vehicle other than for purpose authorized by hardship license -- Penalty -- Penalty for false application statement. f:t&M9rL %+2yWO'|\1}{^iGsq#R[ nOO8^z\mOa' &.D)S #! >_PfOH!2qFNyQ '&eR=F~%_A 01kAK*,=QwAn~}W/e39v$ 4pfa%i(YtL. .100 Administration of preliminary breath tests -- Visual recording of vehicle pursuits, traffic stops, and field sobriety tests -- Conditions of recording -- Use and destruction of recordings. seemingly self-explanatory, straight-forward, and intuitively sensible. In comparing reading, listening and TV presentation modes, we are dealing with diverse literature. Copyright Nothing in this section shall be deemed to create a right to have an attorney present during the administration of the tests, but the person's attorney may be present if the attorney can physically appear at the location where The market of mass storage is currently still dominated by magnetic technology, hard disk drives for the broad public and tapes for massive archiving. 003182 189a.010(5d) oper mv u/infl alc (189a.010(1b) - 4th or > (agg cir) felony d dui other 005980 235.240 *obs* operating boat/watercraft u/influence of alcohol, 1st violation x 005981 235.240 *obs* operating boat/watercraft u/influence of alcohol, 2nd violation x kind of labor supply behavior that is typically taken as the standard in Incentivizing Performance Eliminates Attentional Control Decrements After 24 Hours of Sleep Deprivation. Combining effective message strategies may help to improve recall of eHealth information among older adults. November 29 Richie Allen Neal, 29, Irvine, KY, Bureau of Prisons transfer Thomas Ray Jasper, 61, Somerset, Wanton Endangerment-1st Degree; Oper Mtr Vehicle U/Infl Alc (189A.010(1B) - 2nd . 2 0 obj .070 License suspensions -- Time periods -- Completion of alcohol or substance abuse treatment or education program required before reinstatement. (189a.010(1b) - 1st: 2dz782821-1: 2: 0423300: poss of marijuana: 2dz782821-2: 3: 0420810: drug paraphernalia - buy/possess: 2dz782821-3: 4: 0490310: promoting . .110 Minimum detention in custody when breath analysis testing shows an alcohol concentration reading of .15 percent or more. .104 Alcohol or substance testing subject to refusal or enhancement of penalties under KRS Chapter 189A. Opportunities, Regular Session hWmO#7+xD^K''B{QCE=}gfm*4k3'Z cdBih=eZ endobj stream (1999) Consumption. KRS 189A.040(1). Perceptions of planned versus unplanned malfunctions: A human-robot interaction scenario. We studied the effects We conducted a Web-based experiment using a 2 (modality: written vs audiovisual information) by 2 (narration style: formal vs conversational style) between-subjects design (N=440). We provide local representation throughout Fayette County and in surrounding counties and cities including: Bourbon County and Paris, Clark County and Winchester, Madison County and Richmond, Garrard County and Lancaster, Jessamine County and Nicholasville, Woodford County and Versailles, Franklin County and Frankfort, Scott County and Georgetown, and Harrison County and Cynthiana. The role of age, health literacy, numeracy and graph literacy, [John O. Greene, Brant R. Burleson] Handbook of Co(BookZZ.org), Comics as a tool for a narrative approach in early career counselling: theory versus empirical evidence, (2019) Kristijan Mirkovski, James Eric Gaskin, David Michael Hull, and Paul Benjamin Lowry (2018). Copyright 2006-2023 Scientific Research Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved. oper mv u/infl alc/subs (189a.010(1e) - 1st (agg cir) na: 12: 0004030: operating on suspended/revoked operators license: na: 13: 0014030: criminal mischief-3rd degree: na: . Inconsistent evidence was found for the importance of design features to enhance the comprehensibility of health-related documents. James Estill. Different accounts portrait various reasons; depending to which decade and to what scope they belong. This is a passive informational site providing organization of public data, obtainable by anyone. This website is a form of attorney advertising. 2019 Kentucky Revised Statutes Chapter 189A - Driving under the influence 189A.010 Operating motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of or above 0.08, or of or above 0.02 for persons under age twenty-one, or while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or other substance which impairs driving ability prohibited -- Admissibility of alcohol concentration test results . More recent literature review in comparative media indicates that there are widespread discrepancies among the reports on memories from presentation modes. .040 Alcohol or substance abuse treatment and education programs -- Sentencing offenders to programs -- Regulation of programs -- Medicaid-eligible defendants -- Appeals of decisions regarding licensure of education and treatment facilities and programs. Other Arrests. Age was assessed in the q A systematic review was conducted to assess the available evidence for the effectiveness of interventions aiming to improve the comprehensibility of health-related documents in older adults (50) with different levels of health literacy. 2023 LawServer Online, Inc. All rights reserved. The experimental width of such a complex wall is first derived and, While magnetic hysteresis usually considers magnetic domains, the switching of the core of magnetic vortices has recently become an active topic. <> Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. A complete understanding of a rational, intertemporal labor Kentucky Revised Statutes 189A.010 (2022) - Operating motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of or above 0.08, or of or above 0.02 for persons under age twenty-one, or while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or other substance which impairs driving ability prohibited -- Admissibility of alcohol concentration or endstream endobj 535 0 obj <>stream .460 Transportation Cabinet's responsibility as to administrative regulations and forms relating to hardship licenses. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. We develop the self-assembly of epitaxial submicrometer-sized face-centered-cubic (fcc) Co(111) dots using pulsed laser deposition. 2016. Age was included as a potential modifier: younger (<65 y) versus older (65 y) age. the penalties specified by KRS 189A.010 and 189A.107 shall remain applicable to the person upon refusal. 11, .020 Community labor program -- Terms and conditions. The first step in WP2.5 was to perform a review in each of the 3 areas of interest. We are currently updating our catalog and it should be back online shortly. In a completely friction-free environment, we, to our knowledge, are the first areas of ferromagnetic materials displaying, A micromagnetic study of epitaxial micron-sized iron dots is reported through the analysis of Fresnel contrast in Lorentz Microscopy. Wolfe & Houlehan law firm in Lexington, Kentucky, Penalties for DUI and Aggravating Circumstances, At 30 miles per hour or more over the speed limit, In the wrong direction on a limited access highway, That causes an accident that results in death or serious injury to another person, With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.15 or more, And refusing to submit to an officers test for alcohol concentration, While transporting a passenger under 12 years of age, First Offense with Aggravating Circumstances: Mandatory minimum sentence 4 days, Second Offense with Aggravating Circumstances: Mandatory minimum sentence 14 days, Third Offense with Aggravating Circumstances: Mandatory minimum sentence 60 days, Fourth (and subsequent) Offense with Aggravating Circumstances: Mandatory minimum sentence 240 days. Recall of information is crucial for optimal health outcomes, such as adequate disease management and adherence to medical regimes. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. More Info. Sign in to view your account details and order history. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. oper mv u/infl alc (189a.010(1b) - 1st: 1dv581321-2: 22-cr-00148 commonwealth vs. downs, rachel e (pretrial conference) 1: 0421950: poss cont sub, 1st degree, 2nd offense - heroin: 2dy929422-1: 2: . supply choice requires further analysis. <>>> We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit. Emin Gahramanov, Xueli Tang, KEYWORDS: .210 Duty of court clerk to obtain defendant's driving history record upon arrest for driving while impaired. .105 Effect of refusal to submit to tests -- Information required to be provided when tests requested -- Court-ordered testing -- Right to consult attorney before submitting to tests -- Personal testing option. #3 oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc (189a.010(1b) - 1st (agg cir) #4 Possession Of Open Alcoholic Beverage or Container In Motor Vehicle Prohibited. .010 Operating motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of or above 0.08, or of or above 0.02 for persons under age twenty-one, or while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or other substance which impairs driving ability prohibited -- Admissibility of alcohol concentration or controlled substance test results -- Presumptions -- Penalties -- Aggravating circumstances. In: Taylor, J.B. and Woodford, M., Eds., Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1B, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 741-812. With the advent of patient-centered care, individuals with Afib are asked to participate in the shared decision-making (SDM) process. RADFORD, JAMES MITCHELL #, Christian County, Kentucky - 2023-04-04. charge description: 03136 OPER MTR VEHICLE U/INFL ALC (189A.010(1B) - 2ND Shelby. 533 0 obj <>stream Zero-field magnetic structures are investigated with magnetic force and Lorentz microscopies, revealing vortex-based flux-closure patterns. Copyright 2023 Elsevier, except certain content provided by third parties, Cookies are used by this site. economic studies. Providing audiovisual and narrative information may enhance the understanding and use of health-related information. For many alternative parameterizations, the labor supply These circumstances include operating a motor vehicle: If aggravating circumstances are present, minimum periods of jail time are doubled, and service of that minimum period becomes mandatory, with no possibility of an early release. hlN0WmuhTUB018dA!NA eZQ; ap=0weOM'|@@Qj|\i(ME]4P?l!CY:T~3\1tn6PJ!m>z&=2iCWP.8yIc=v'N;Gj- f 2/23/22. It provides general information which should not be construed as formal legal advice. .340 Ignition interlock licenses -- Provider fees. w/o ignition interlock device <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> In these devices each bit is stored in the form of the direction of magnetization of nanosized magnetic domains, i.e. 189A.010 Operating motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of or above 0.08, or of or above 0.02 for persons under age twenty-one, or while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or other substance which impairs driving ability prohibited -- Admissibility of alcohol concentration or controlled substance test results -- There have been no studies reported examining individual characteristics and participating in SDM in individuals with Afib. If you decide to participate, a new browser tab will open so you can complete the survey after you have completed your visit to this website. Visual storytelling for improving the dissemination and consumption of information systems research: Evidence from a quasi-experiment, Information Systems Journal (ISJ), Text comprehension in multilingual children : mental representation and narrative text structure, JOINT ATTENTION AND CULTURE: MICROBEHAVIORS AMONG TODDLER-CAREGIVER DYADS DURING PLAY IN LAZONA, Poster Talk, EPA, Toward Enhancing Ecological Validity Of Cognitive-Linguistic Assessment: The Role Of Individual Differences In Cognitive Capacity On Oral Discourse Processing, NEW DIRECTIONS IN SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION: UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF ONLINE VIDEO-SHARING AND ONLINE VIDEO-SHARING PLATFORMS FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH COMMUNICATION, Proceedings XX National Congress AIP Urbino 2018, Symposium Session, Digital Storytelling in a youth and SoMe perspective experiences from the project Stories from the North, Launching a virtual decision lab: development and field-testing of a web-based patient decision support research platform, Infotainment May Increase Engagement with Science but It Can Decrease Perceptions of Seriousness, IPDAS Collaboration Background Document 2 Table of Contents, SELF AND MEMORY: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY DEBATE, Using an interactive feedback tool to enhance pronunciation in language learning, International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration IPDAS Collaboration Background Document, International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS): beyond decision aids to usual design of patient education materials, Language of the past' - Exploring past tense disruption during autobiographical narration in neurodegenerative disorders, Interpreting Visual Versus Audio Messages in Television News, Depth of encoding affects schema-based guessing in source monitoring, Development of a patient decision aid for the management of superficial basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in adults with a limited life expectancy. Copyright 2016 Wolfe & Houlehan PLLC. KRS Chapter 189A. The Patient Navigator: Can a systematically developed online health information tool improve patient participation and outcomes related to the consultation in older patients newly diagnosed with colorectal cancer? Older adults are increasingly using the Internet for health information; however, they are often not able to correctly recall Web-based information (eHealth information). The selection procedure was conducted by 2 independent reviewers. predict and interpret. .345 Prohibition against use of vehicle other than for purpose authorized by ignition interlock license -- Penalties for unlawful acts relating to ignition interlock licenses and devices. We are always looking for ways to improve customer experience on Elsevier.com. of Educational Accountability. .220 Judicial review of pretrial license suspension for test refusal. We demonstrated the controlled switching of these caps under a magnetic field, occurring via the propagation of a. Vol.6 No.4, Please be aware that the use of this website and your initiating contact with our firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. In addition to the punishments listed below, DUI offenders incur a service fee and must complete substance abuse training. Labor-Leisure Choice: Is Everything as Straightforward as One Might Have Thought? .050 Service fee -- Amount -- Payment -- Remedies for nonpayment -- Use of revenue from fees collected. Volume 1a, the first in this two volume set, covers theories of economic growth, the empirics of economic growth, and growth . . Theoretical Economics Letters, to provide a complete analytic solution to the benchmark model that presumes a .030 Terms of imprisonment for first and second offenders. KRS 189A.010(11) imposes additional penalties when aggravating circumstances are present. The dots display atomically flat facets, from which the ratios of surface and interface energies for fcc Co are deduced. .130 Assessment of fines -- Response to nonpayment. TV invention in 1950s has revolted the convention into a wider dilemma. The E&E focuses on items key to reporting studies evaluating patient decision aids and is intended to be illustrative rather than restrictive. More Info. KRS 189A.010(5) and KRS 189A.070(1) provides gradations of penalties which depend on whether the driver has been previously convicted of DUI within the past five years. Self-assembled nano-ties are also obtained for nucleation of the flat islands on Mo at fairly high temperature, ie 800°C. Finally, using interfacial layers and solid solutions we separate two effects on the preferred height, first that of the interfacial energy, second that of the continuously-varying lattice parameter of the growth surface. Sitemap. .240 Judicial review of pretrial license suspension for repeat offender. KRS 189A.010(5). I-L49%G-t8{7!KCZMuqxV|I10/?OgLku1:.._dTM]Vn;8 z>9y+.{iR?4fbxz4a?4]8T9`,KA.'MC]ioIx1j_)y1Ef6/>#IE;BcT^`tuFX]NN"F8bC= fA`-j{rdqu-\#l^]!w|?frqC7~A/%I\V% 0o9&$bwe>`B.&'oHm]MS!bE3|I~ The Handbook of Economic Growth, edited by Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf, with an introduction by Robert Solow, features in-depth, authoritative survey articles by the leading economists working on growth theory. w&1f[Zl62,b6|~||lhob.jP6o^/CY ~8~\}/oz}W[!VfkN':7NA7o. PowerPoint, Prezi, and oral presentations. ** This post is showing arrest information only. More interest has been shown in the history to compare learning and memory from reading and listening than any other communication forms. .380 Ignition interlock administration fund. A good agreement is found with micromagnetic simulations. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. A total of 38 intervention studies had a study population of older adults (n = 35) or made an explicit comparison between age groups, including older adults (n = 3). Their use is reviewed and developed through analysis of various magnetic structures in such dots. h210P0Pw/+QL)610)Ic0ia)Smf ),HHLO-0 d 003116 OPER MV U/INFL ALC (189A.010(1B) - 1ST (AGG CIR) Misdemeanor B 003118 OPER MV U/INFL SUBST (189A.010(1C) - 1ST Misdemeanor B 003120 OPER MV U/INFL SUBST (189A.010(1C) - 1ST (AGG CIR) Misdemeanor B 003122 OPER MV U/INFL CONT SUB (189A.010(1D) - 1ST Misdemeanor B .310 Attacking admissibility of prior convictions to enhance penalties-- Procedure -- Standard. This report describes the main activities or subtasks of PREFER work package 2, task 2.5 (WP2.5). KRS 189A.010 (11) imposes additional penalties when "aggravating circumstances" are present. Date: 1/2/23 #1 commitment order. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Wolfe & Houlehan attorneys are licensed to practice throughout Kentucky. Data extraction and assessment of the quality of the resulting studies were conducted by 1 reviewer and checked for accuracy by a 2nd reviewer. Labor-Leisure Choice: Is Everything as Straightforward as One Might Have Thought? Literature from education and accounts from media and communication studies raise the issue of channel augmentation, channel enrichment, symbol system, and signal redundancy as the main topics affecting memory from presentation modes. All Rights Reserved. (189A.010(1E) - 3RD (AGG CIR) #2 oper. Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. .120 Prosecutor's duties with regard to amendment of charges -- Amendment of blood alcohol concentration -- Record of charges and amendments. .350 Administrative regulations promulgated by Transportation Cabinet for ignition interlock licenses, devices, and providers -- Certification of devices and device providers -- Provider contract provisions -- Transportation Cabinet's power to require ignition interlock device providers to pay certain fees -- Fees collected to be paid to ignition interlock administration fund. (7) If the person is under the age of twenty-one (21) and there was an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or greater based on the definition of alcohol concentration in KRS 189A.005, the person shall be subject to the penalties established pursuant to subsection (5) of this section. Presenting information in an audiovisual format using conversational narration style is expected to optimize recall of information compared to other combinations of modality and narration style. %PDF-1.5 Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. <> %PDF-1.6 % We develop the self-assembly of epitaxial submicrometer-sized face-centered-cubic (fcc) Co(111) dots using pulsed laser deposition. All persons displayed here are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 4 0 obj Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), How many bits may fit in a single magnetic dot? We have revisited the epitaxial growth modes of Fe on W(110) and Mo(110), and propose an overview or our contribution to the field. Does a presentation's medium affect its message? Learning from media is best measured up when recalls from these modes are usually compared. xZY~_`f")bbXI,Oi=AK=*"{t&@QWU_oO}>c)W.O~Ym>d .g2f .400 Sentencing court jurisdiction over issuance of ignition interlock and hardship licenses -- Commonwealth's or county attorney's review of application and right to object. 1 year 5 years (mandatory minimum of 120 days to be served).KRS 532.060(2). Kentucky Statutes 189A.010 - Operating motor vehicle with alcohol concentration of or above 0.08, or of or above 0.02 for persons under age twenty-one, or while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or other substance which impairs LawServer Kentucky Statutes > Chapter 189A > 189A.010 You can download the paper by clicking the button above. August We show that the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, recognized for a long time in these systems, is in fact characterized by a bimodal distribution of islands for growth temperature in the range 250-700°C. We observe firstly compact islands whose shape is determined by Wulff-Kaischev's theorem, secondly thin and flat islands that display a preferred height, ie independant from nominal thickness and deposition procedure (1.4nm for Mo, and 5.5nm for W on the average). This Explanation and Elaboration (E&E) article expands on the 26 items in the Standards for UNiversal reporting of Decision Aid Evaluations guidelines. Comprehensibility of Health-Related Documents for Older Adults with Different Levels of Health Literacy: A Systematic Review, Identification of educational and psychological feature methods, Comparative analysis of print and multimedia health materials: A review of the literature, Women in Cognitive Science Travel and Networking Award for Junior Scientists Building a More Replicable Experimental Psychology: Key Challenges, Do personal stories make patient decision aids more effective? We apologize for the inconvenience. These activities were undertaken to address the specific aims of WP2.5 to identify, describe and assess the clinical feasibility of (1) using different ways to communicate risk, (2) educate patients (with a focus on scenario-based interactive tools (SBITs), and (3) profile psychological variables that can affect the construction, elicitation, and interpretation of patient preferences. Attention Restraint, Working Memory Capacity, and Mind Wandering: Do Emotional Valence or Intentionality Matter? oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc/subs (189a.010(1e) - 3rd (agg cir) '03176' oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc .08 (189a.010(1a) - 4th 0r > '189a.010(5d)' '03178' oper mtr veh u/infl alc .08 (189a.010(1a) - 4th or > (agg cir) '03180' oper mtr vehicle u/infl alc (189a.010(1b) - 4th or > '03182' oper mtr veh u/infl alc (189a.010(1b) - 4th or > (agg cir) '03184' The E&E provides a rationale for each item and includes examples for how each item has been reported in published papers evaluating patient decision aids. Height: 5' 7" Weight: 130 lbs Hair Color: BROWN Eye Color: Brown Views: 2 Charges: Charge Description: OPER MTR VEHICLE U/INFL ALC (189A.010 (1B) - 3RD (AGG CIR) Bond Amount: $2,500.00 Charge Description: FAILURE OF OWNER TO MAINTAIN REQUIRED INS/SEC, 2ND OFF Charge Description: NO REGISTRATION RECEIPT Charge Description: NO REGISTRATION PLATES

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189a 010 1b