Chester County, East Nottingham CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne David (widow's app. Lou Wardlaw Kooken's Co. 1781, contributed by Joy Fisher Thomas Craig's Co., 2nd Regt., PA, COLUMBIA during the southern campaign 1776. (late 1800's/early 1900's) the militia was defined in two levels; the organized militia was the National Guard, subservient to the governors of the respective states and subject to US service in times of national emergency. County Pensioners 1835, Schuylkill Rex, McGee, Note: The annotations to this document, and any other Patterson's Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Scottie The Continental Army of 1776 - The American Revolutionary War during the southern campaign 1776. by Joy Fisher Archibald Bean's Co., etc., LANCASTER COUNTY/also YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Cunningham, Chester County, Lower Oxford CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne Foster's Co., NJ, LYCOMING COUNTY, contributed McLennan, Pennsylvania Outnumbered, Wayne's division withdrew in good order 600 yards (549m) to a hill at dusk. [Signed] Tho[mas] Bulter, Col. Commandant, Fort Fayette, October 29th 1795. Abraham Smith's Co., PA, YORK COUNTY, contributed by From 11 August to 14 September 1779, Brodhead led a 600-man column up the Allegheny River as part of the Sullivan Expedition. Staley, Jacob - (widow app.) William Darke supported George Washington in various capacities for most of his life, starting in the French & Indian War. Dritts Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Daniel Otterbrook's Co., JUNIATA-LEBANON COUNTY, contributed by Em Hicks Gunnell, John - Capt. Pennsylvania, U.S., Revolutionary War Battalions and Militia Index On the upper left hand corner are the letters "P.M. i R" In the center is a lion, and an American capturing the lion with a huge net., National Historical Publications and Ohio law holds that every male from 18-60 was in the un-organized state militia. - Capt. "Colors: Field of flag dark blue; stars and unit designation white; brown eagle with white head and tail; yellow beak and claws and shield border; white arrows; green branch; black ship with white sails against blue sky and sea; brown plow Lieut: Simvall of the 8th Penn: Battalion for Refusing to do dutyCashiered.3, Ensign McKee of the 8th Penn: Batt: acquitted and discharged from confinement.4. In the brilliant Battle of Spanktown, the Americans surprised a reinforced British brigade under Charles Mawhood and chased it back to Amboy. The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Harbison, Robert - Capt. contributed by Donald C. Beatty List of Continental Regiments in the Continental Army - Served CT, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, contributed by Joy Fisher Asahel - Capt. Timothy Bedel's Company of Rangers Allshouse, Henry - Capt, John Arndt's Rifle Co., WESTMORELAND-NORTHAMPTON COUNRY, contributed by Lynn Beatty - Capt. He built this house in Moorefield, W.V. Allen, William; lieutenant in Colonel Timothy Green's battalion, 1776; wounded at White Plains. John Santee's Co., ARMSTRONG COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty - Capt. In March 1777 Colonel Daniel Brodhead IV assumed command. Lebbens Ball's Co., MA, TIOGA COUNTY, contributed Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 18521949. Harbison, Francis - Capt. Having installed Major Vernon and 106 soldiers of the 8th Regiment in Fort Laurens, McIntosh returned to Pennsylvania. Peter - Four terms of service, SOMERSET COUNTY, contributed Pennsylvania Colonial/Revolutionary War Flags (U.S.) BERKS-NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, contributed by Diana Quinones Knoblock James Clarke's Co., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed - Capt. Serjt William McDonald of the 5th Pennsylva Battalion reduced. Thomas Berry never strayed far from home after the war and seems to have led a quiet life. McNary's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette for the 1776 campaign. William Darke in a portrait by Frederick Kemmelmeyer. Washington, D.C., 190437. This was an entirely new company raised to replace John Stephenson's company, which ceased to exist in the fall of 1776. Nathan, Capt. Anderson, Samuel - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette George McCarter's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette ArchivesNational Weisel, Jacob (widow's app.) Pennsylvania Archives. Fetty, George - Capt. Tritt, Peter - Capt. Pennsylvania Line Rhode Island Line South Carolina Line Virginia Line Other Regiments Artillery Units Mounted Units On 16 September 1776, Congress adopted the plan known as the eighty-eight battalion resolve, it called for eighty-eight regiments organized according to the structure approved in 1776. Hockingbery, Christian - Capt. Baker, John - Capt. [16] Jacob Netherlins Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine Lowdon's Co., etc., CRAWFORD COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty He is said to have been wounded and taken prisoner at Stillwater, N.Y., during a British-Indian attack on Morgans camp in September 1777. by David Zimmerman Croghan was at Yorktown but unable to fight because he had been released by the British as a prisoner on parole--honor-bound not to fight unless exchanged for a British prisoner. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSIONERS Adams, David - Capt. John McIntire, Private in the 5th Penn: Battalion for Threatning to desert to the Enemyto receive 100 lashes. Authorized for frontier defense in July 1776, the eight-company unit was originally called Mackay's Battalion after its commander, Colonel Aeneas Mackay. 1720 by his father or grandfather and is still standing. Clark was promoted to major of the 12th Virginia on January 10, 1778. Virginia regiments were reorganized on November 1, 1777 to consist of eight companies. Peter Rick's Co., PA Militia, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, contributed The grave of Captain Abel Westfall, from Hampshire County (now West Virginia). Ziegler's Co., PA, LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the Heckendorn/Hackedorn, David - Capt. Boyers, 8th PA Regt. - 8th Pennsylvania Some companies were assigned cadets. Jacob - Capt. This marker for Pvt. Marsh York County, PA Revolutionary War Militia Genealogy - RootsWeb McClain, Eight of the regiment's ten companies were certified complete by their county committees of safety in the spring of 1776. William - Capt. He transferred to the 2d Pennsylvania Regiment as lieutenant colonel on 1 Jan. 1783. The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Yoho, Henry - Capt. In the afternoon, the British attacked across Brandywine Creek at Chadds Ford. From George Washington to Captain Van Swearingen, 18 August 1777 - Archives Nolf, George, Sr.(widow's app.) Fleck, James- Captain John Rogers' Co., etc., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Also to have your men completed to their proper complement of ammunition, strictly injoining the greatest care to avoid all wanton and unnecessary waste (Syrett, Hamilton Papers description begins Harold C. Syrett et al., eds. Capt. John - PA Continental, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Mary (U.S. Capitol), Brigadier generals commanded brigades (multiple regiments). Samuel Miller's Co., etc., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Peter - Capt. This is a flag from the American Revolution: that of the First Pennsylvania Rifles, a militia troop, of sorts. He signed this receipt for gunpowder at Fort Fayette (Pittsburgh) in 1795. - Regimental Band. Funk, Chester Lancaster County Revolutionary War Militia - Capt. Johnson, Entered Valley Forge with 410 assigned, 200 fit for duty. Simon Vanarsdale's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The only fighting was a skirmish on 15 August when the advance guard scattered a force of Indians. contributed by Sandra Ferguson [2] The unit was in action near Rahway, New Jersey on 23 February during the Forage War. Marsh Forbes, The Commander in Chief (taking into consideration the late distracted State of the 8th. 52nd Pennsylvania Volunteers. (MESDA). Major generals commanded divisions (multiple brigades) or "departments" (theaters of war). gunnell-john-1821.txt Completed March 4, 1776 in Dunmore County (now Shenandoah County). Spangler, George (widow app.) preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of mirrors, The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry (FTPCC), founded in 1774, is the oldest continuously serving unit of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. After nearly being cut down by a blast of grape shot, Howe and his staff quickly rode off. All rank and file were furloughed until 15 March 1781, though sergeants and musicians had to remain on duty. The dazed major somehow survived to be helped to his feet by Lieutenant Gabriel Peterson. We are depicting the regiment as it appears in the Fall of 1778. Swearingen resigned from the service in August 1779 and settled in Washington County, Pa., where he owned a handful of slaves and became the countys first sheriff two years later. by Diane Delbridge Henry Randal, Private of the 8th Penn: Battalion acquitted and discharged from confinement. Hedreik, Revolutionary War: ROLL OF ANCESTORS: Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List Surnames A - G. Surnames H - M. Jacob Dellinger was born in 1751 at Hellman Township, York County. Harbaughs' Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Brown, Nicholas Bittinger's Co., PA, FRANKLIN COUNTY, List of Continental Army Units in 1776 - American Revolutionary War The regiment was led by three field officers: a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, and a major. Carson apparently defected to the British during the war. Front: "Sir: Issue four # of Rifle Powder for the use of eight spies employed in the service of the United States. McNearys [McNary] Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette COUNTY, contributed by Pamela Allen Byers 9 ser., 138 vols. Captain Slaughter was promoted to major of the 12th Virginia in September of 1777. Staff officers included an adjutant, a chaplain, a surgeon, a surgeons mate, a quartermaster, a paymaster, a drum major, a fife major, quartermaster sergeant, and sergeant major. Project File Managers: Cyndie Enfinger & Donna The fort held out against an Indian siege until relieved in March 1779, but McIntosh's plans for a continued advance to Fort Detroit were frustrated. Ross's Co., PA Militia, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, contributed - WESTMORELAND COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Watson's Co., etc., LANCASTER-WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed by Diana Lehman Authorized for frontier defense in July 1776, the eight-company unit was originally called Mackay's Battalion after its commander, Colonel Aeneas Mackay. The following Sentences of the General Court Martial, held at Boundbrook, whereof Major Robinson was President,2 are approved by the Commander in Chief. Calhoun, Andrew (widow's pension) - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette American Revolutionary War Records - Pennsylvania - Genealogy Village Six/Sycks/Sykes, Henry - Capt. Wright's Co., PA Militia, ADAMS COUNTY, contributed [14] Archives, National The fort had to be relieved a second time at the end of May by Captain Robert Beall of the 9th Virginia Regiment and reinforced in June by Lieutenant Colonel Campbell. Ross's Co., etc., BEAVER-YORK-WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette of Revolutionary Pensioners, John He was then properly promoted with a later effective date and transferred to the 13th Virginia. Completed February 19, 1776 in Culpeper County. Shannon's Co., etc., WESTMORELAND COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Shearer Robert Craig's Co., PA Militia, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Alderbrook's Co., PA, Capt. by Joy Fisher The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Colonel Carl von Donop led the center with two Hessian grenadier battalions. Completed March 25, 1776 in Augusta County. COUNTY, contributed by Arlene Meehan Every Corps must immediately put their Arms in the best firing Order, and be completely furnished with Ammunition; the commanding gunnell-john-1818.txt A body of riflemen were detached from the regiment and fought at Saratog. The PM refers to "Pennsylvania Militia", and the i R is "1st Rifles."The legend refers to the American's desire to be free from the King of England. The riflemen with Morgan returned from the north and rejoined the regiment late in fall 1777. Milligan, David - Capt. Allison, Robert - FRANKLIN COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The 8th Virginia was originally composed of ten companies of 68 enlisted men each plus three sergeants, a fifer, and a drummer. James Piggott's Co., PA, etc., ALLEGHENY COUNTY, contributed The brigade deployed the 5th, 11th, 8th, and 4th Pennsylvania Regiments, in order from left to right, with the 1st Pennsylvania Brigade on its right. Andrew Long's Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Russell, Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. The signature of Captain Richard Campbell, from Dunmore (now Shenandoah) County. Koppenhofer, Michael - Capt. Samuel Philips, Private of the 8th Penn: Battalion reprimanded on the public parade. Isolated in the fog, Wayne ordered an about-face and his two brigades began to move back toward the noise of battle. Left Valley Forge in March 1778 for Fort Pitt. Staley, Peter - Capt. McGuire (2006), 312. by Mary Lou Wardlaw Schreiner/Shriner, Sergt. (WFCHS). Search Engine, USGenWeb Foreman, 5.Robert Durkee (d. 1778) was captain of one of the two independent companies that were raised for the defense of the Wyoming Valley in August 1776 and which marched to reinforce GWs army in December 1776 (see JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. [1] Colonel Aeneas Mackay, Lieutenant Colonel George Wilson, and Major Richard Butler were appointed by Congress to lead the battalion. [1] In June, Lieutenant Colonel Butler, Captain Swearingen, and 139 men of the regiment were detached to Colonel Daniel Morgan's corps of riflemen. [6] Cornwallis and Major General James Grant with 3,000 to 4,000 troops marched along both banks of the Raritan River. Fayette Sifert (or Cypher), Daniel - Col. Proctor's Artillery, PA Line, BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette One of two companies from Dunmore County, intended to be the "German" of the two. ), Capt. (Walter D. Golladay). Capt. John - Pennsylvania Line - DAUPHIN COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty gunnell-john-1823.txt Patterson, James - Capt. Revolutionary War Militia Overview - Pennsylvania Historical & Museum A body of riflemen were detached from the regiment and fought at Saratoga. No list of enlisted soldiers in this company has been found. Assigned to the Western Department in May 1778, the 8th Pennsylvania gained a ninth company before seeing action near Fort Laurens and in the Sullivan Expedition in 1778 and 1779. Keywords: pennsylvania | united states | philadelphia light horse | hanover | first pennsylvania rifles | McDowell, James (widow's app.) to land warrants, rosters and veteran lists may also be submitted for contributed Jane Peppler Re-organized and re-designated on January 1, 1776 (less 1 company disbanded 10 February 1776 in Canada) as the 10th Continental Regiment, to consist of 8 companies. The regiment consolidated with the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment in January 1781 and ceased to exist. The loss of their senior officers and the defeat at Bound Brook apparently caused "distracted" behavior in the ranks. Michael McDonald Private 5th Penn: Battalion For Leaving his post, to receive 50 lashes. The unit has performed throughout the Midwest, Eastern and Southern United States, Canada, and England. 8th Pennsylvania Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom Transferred to the main army in November 1776, the unit was renamed the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment on 1 January 1777. The post was finally abandoned in August 1779. "The ship for commerce and the plow and three sheaves of wheat for agriculture stood for Pennsylvania in the state seal. The eight captains were Moses Carson, Wendel Curry, David Kilgore, Andrew Mann, Samuel Miller, Eliezer Myers, James Piggott, and Van Swearingen. Authorized for frontier defense in July 1776, the eight-company unit was originally called Mackay's Battalion after its commander, Colonel Aeneas Mackay. After rising to lieutenant colonel, Campbell was killed at the Battle of Eutaw Springs in 1781. McLain, Stephen - BRADFORD COUNTY, contributed by Mary Fulton, Samuel (widow's pension) - YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The grave of Sgt. Wm. by Raymond H. Stoudt Jr. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Columbia William - Capt Wm Hepburn's Co., PA, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed Northampton County - 1st Battalion, Muster Roll Of 6th Class, contributed by Joy Fisher William McCasky's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Jacob Livergood's Co., ALLEGHENY COUNTY, contributed by Guy Potts These troops observed the 8,000 British and Hessians in and around Brunswick, New Jersey, only 7 miles (11.3km) away. 1777. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of David Steel's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Samuel Davidson's Co., PA, BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed public. Weise, George - Capt. COUNTY, contributed by Denise Meador Peter Muhlenberg's signature in 1788 as Vice President of the Pennsylvania Supreme Executive Council. George Nagle's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Captain Jonathan Clark, from Dunmore (modern Shenandoah) County was the older brother of William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The National Guard came into existence in the 1880's and replaced the militia in the organized form. A return of the 8th Pennsylvania in Hook, Capt. Eberhardt and Meil were Pennsylvanians and served until the reorganization of the Regiment in August, 1778. Meanwhile, the remainder of the 8th Pennsylvania served in the Philadelphia Campaign. O'Kern Aggarwal, USGenWeb Finley, Joseph Lewis - Capt. against yellow; yellow wheat sheaves against green." For a complete list of generals who commanded the 8th Virginia's various brigades, divisions and temporary units. This historic marker in front of Pvt. Finley, Andrew -(& widow's app.) Sype, Tobias - Capt. Revolutionary War Pension Project PENNSYLVANIA Transcriptions pertaining to land warrants, rosters and veteran lists may also be submitted for this project. "Completed" on May 9, 1777. War Pension Lists. Under the acting command of Colonel Richard Humpton, the 2nd Pennsylvania Brigade saw action at Battle of Brandywine on 11 September 1777 in Anthony Wayne's division. Chester County, West Nottingham CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne Marsh The regiment was engaged at the Battles of Bound Brook, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown in 1777. John - Midshipman aboard Randolph Frigate, contributed by Lowell Thomas Records Commission (NHPRC) is part of the National Samuel (and widow's app.) County Pensioners 1835, contributed by Richard Turnbach, Weisel, Ann Maire (widow of Jacob) - BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Jerry L. Johnston& Joanne Corle, Chester County, Capt Frederick Vernon's Co - 4th PA Battalion, contributed by Fred Kelso Margaret's app. Companies were led by a captain, two lieutenants, and an ensign. 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch Graeffs Co., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Morgan's corps fought at the Battles of Freeman's Farm and Bemis Heights during the successful Saratoga campaign. 8th PA Regt. by Donna Evans Maj. Peter Helphenstine of Winchester was a shoemaker and immigrant from Germany. Abel Westfall's captain's commission from 1776, signed by John Hancock. Fourth in seniority. Wertz, MacLain, Douglass, David - Capt. Neal - Col. Hampton's Regt., PA, BEAVER COUNTY, contributed Clason, Zachariah - Capt. Consequently, these men were discharged more than a year earlier than the rest of the regiment (Virginia enlistments beginning in 1776 were for two years). Happes, Only on 10 June 1777 did Pennsylvania transfer the eight-company regiment to the Continental Army as Proctor's Continental Artillery Regiment. by Jim K Markle Some companies were assigned cadets. Stinson's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The Soldiers - The 8th Virginia Regiment Robert, Sr. - Capt. Pennsylvania had several different orders of troops in the Revolutionary War era. Geery, John - Capt. The signature of Captain James Knox, from Fincastle County. Lou Wardlaw I used to live in Ohio and their state laws have a three level effort; the organized militia being the Patterson, James - Capt. Cooper, Charles - 1st Regiment, PA Line, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine The National Historical Publications and McKinley, David - Capt. $9.95. Gregory, Watson's Co., etc., LANCASTER COUNTY, The "s" at the end of each name is possessive ("Jonathan Clark's Pay"). Officers will see this done, as they will answer for the least neglect of this important duty1The Qr Mr Genl to furnish them with Tents, and proper conveniencies for carrying them, that they may be ready to move with the troops, at the shortest notice. Captain Croghan was promoted to major on May 16, 1778. Gregory, Chester County, Capt James Moore's Co - 4th PA Battalion, contributed by Fred Kelso Clark lost two killed, four wounded, and one captured before he and the survivors fought their way back to the fort. Durkees Company, Wyoming Rangersfor Desertionto receive 15 lashes. Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 1852-1949 . Schuylkill By 16 December 630 men enrolled in the battalion. contributed by Ramona Nichols Pittsburgh's Capt. Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, A-G, contributed by Betty Lynne Bernhardt Quiggles' Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette of Light Infantry Regt., PA, Serjt Elisha Reynolds of the 5th Penn: Battalion for Inlisting into two different regimentsreduced to the ranks. Quinby, Kinter, John - Capt. Vol. McGerry/McGeary, McDowell, John - Capt. Battalion, an inquiry into the cause of which he has directed to be made without loss of time) is pleased to suspend the execution of the Sentences of Alexander McKay, David Livinston, John Dilworth, John Edgar, Jacob Knight, John McClaugherry, William Roach, Daniel Clark, John Kirckendal, and Jacob Wilker -- Privates of that Battalion, 'till the proceedings of the Court are reported to him. Project. Andrew Thompsons Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Tenth to be completed, but later determined to be ninth in seniority. It completed an epic winter march from western Pennsylvania to New Jersey, though Mackay and his second-in-command both died soon afterward. Ian Sumner, 4 July 2011, This flag can be found on page 6 of the book "Flags to Color, Washington to Lincoln," and is listed as the 1802 color of the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment. The original Troop Flag, which was carried when the Troop was General George Washington's bodyguard, and also in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and Germantown, is in the Troop Museum at 23rd & Ranstead, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Randy Young, 1 October 2004, Regarding the militia and the National Guard, the statement needs some clarification. The others, in order of seniority, are Abel Westfall, David Stephenson, Thomas Berry, William Croghan, Robert Higgins, Abraham Kirkpatrick, Isaac Israel, and John Steed. Proctor, A Sketch of General Thomas Procter 1739-1806: Phildelphia Co, PA, contributed by Donna Bluemink Alexander - Capt. Phillip M. Wakelee, The battalion was organized from 15 July to 15 September 1776 at Kittanning, Pennsylvania in the western part of the state to consist of eight companies of infantry from Bedford, Cumberland, Westmoreland Counties. - Capt. description ends , 1:23940). Adjutant of the Regiment. Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, H-M, contributed by Betty Lynne Bernhardt The grave of Corp. Joseph Golladay of Dunmore (now Shenandoah) County. Records Commission. Kinter, John - Capt. Virginia men who enlisted in 1775 served one-year enlistments. [To] Maj. Isaac Craig, D[eputy] Q[uarter] M[aster] Gen[era]l." Back: "Received the within, [signed] Jonathan Grant". William - Capt. The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. The Paymaster was Michael Eberhardt, and the Regimental Quartermasters were Jacob Meil and later, Ensign Jacob Ray- bold of Maryland. Sifert (or Cypher), Peter - Capt. William - Capt. Johns, William (widow's app.) Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, N-Z, Memoriams and Transfers, contributed by Betty Lynne Bernhardt - Company A Wilkes-Barre. Search EngineUSGenWeb McGaw, John - Pennsylvania Line, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine (Note: title mislabeled in file) description ends , 5:69899, 701, 6:1024). Thompson's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette And I do hereby agree on behalf of the United States of America, that the Money so advanced, with what shall appear on the said Settlement to be due yourself, shall be paid to you on your Order. This company was. Archives Special Projects, USGenWeb
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