dog throwing up thick white mucus

In severe cases of blockage or bloat, surgery could be necessary. & what do i do? The penis at such time looks sore and does not slip back easily. What else might it be? If your dog ate food or drank water too fast, they may get an upset stomach or indigestion. Vet is says She will not eat her dry dog food, but will eat meat & cooked hamburg with rice. Substances such as certain plants, chocolate, grapes, chemicals, insecticides, artificial sweeteners and human medications can be toxic to dogs. she seems to be in pain when she walks and wont really sit down on her bottom. Do boxers have a problem with kidney failure as young dogs? We have 11 puppies about 6 1/2 weeks old. Lab tests do not show any major symptoms other than a slight elevation on liver enzymes, but nothing that our vet felt was alarming. I have a 10 year old miniature pincher and It has happened a few times now that he will collapse (and in this last episode seem to faint or go limp for a second) after being outside even after only 10 minutes. Also, her anal area is black? Her temp is 100.4. What could be wrong? A hospital stay will be necessary for post-operative care. Blood work during a second episode showed WBC increasing from 15.51 to 19.97, his GRA increasing from 11.9 to 17.1. My mom's dog has developed some symptoms of Cushing's Disease, but we haven't confirmed anything yet. If he vomits a few times and then stops it's likely he ate something that irritated his gastrointestinal tract and this was a way of getting rid of it. My dog has black stuff coming out of his mouth. The last thing you will want is for your dog to start throwing up again right after their symptoms were almost gone. It's possible that the presence of air in your dog's vomit could indicate a more serious issue. What are pregnant dog signs? Is it parvo and he is not eating or drinking? I can't identify a trigger. relatively dry nose. Tried 2 doses of antibiotics which did not help. She has been like this for over 4 days, since yesterday she hasn't been eating. my adult female pomerarian had a big bump on her back filled with pus which we got it removed from the vet,.the vet removed the pus by slightly slitting the skin and cleaned the area and did not stitch the slit part.he said that he would give antibiotic tablets for the wound to dry up.after 10days of givin her those tablets,the wound did dry but my dog keeps scratching there till it bleeds and its been 7 months after that and her wound is still not dry.even after repeated visits to the vet. The white foam is a mix of saliva and beaten gastric juices. He seems sensitive in low lumbar/saccral region just above tail. What is it? Possible reasons for dog swollen in the face? Pancreatitis can be an acute or chronic condition. At first there was a lot of grass and now it seems to just be a white frothy kind of substance. Pets should not be exposed to secondhand smoke. Kennel cough is a mild sickness that dogs contract from one another. Her diet has changed (hopefully for the better) and she was stung by a wasp the day she came to us. dog bump on side, by rib cage, hard, feels no pain. What should I do? My dog just got back from dog day care and has a discolored discharge from his penis. My mixed breed lab and pit bull suddenly developed a liquid filled sack the size of a golf ball on the back leg right at the top of his paw. Some dogs will be happy to eat anything they find on the floor. Dog has been on 136mg of Orabax daily for two weeks. Any ideas? What is the cause and is there treatment to correct it? Stools smell horrible and gas is even worse. If so what would most likely cause this in such a young boxer? I think it could be fire ants since we live in southern Alabama, but it doesn't look like any kind of fire ant bites I've ever seen. I have a (chic) small dog she is very listless, My chinese sharpei dog has a huge bump on his face. I don't see them. Thanks for your response! I've got a dog, pointer/weimeraner mixed. An upset stomach can cause a dog to hypersalivate, swallow more saliva than usual and vomit white foam. He stumbled, almost fell over a couple of times. Last night she kept her tail tucked down but not as much today. After she has "bled", it stops for the entire day until the next morning.Any ideas? It was not a bright or dark just in between. An old search-and-rescue dog, the loss of control upsets her; she knows it's wrong (we never punish her). pneumonia. Dog has a lump on her neck near her esophogus. Inflamed intestines-xray, NO diarrhea, BUT really odd fecal w/very bad odor,NO eating,NO drinking,lethargic,depressed,dehydrated. Thanks! She is 100 pounds, about 20 lbs overweight. Now I have another one acting the same way. Phlegm is a white foamy substance that typically comes from stomach acids mixed with saliva. I have a 14 year old rat terrier who, for the past couple of years, tends to vomit when nervous or eats something she's not supposed to. I am unemployed and can't afford a vet bill. Pls help Thank U. I believe my dog has one on his back (appeared out of nowhere as a red hairless bump with slightly bumpy texture; no pain or irritation). They give her cortizone shots which help, but only for a short time. Kennel Cough I have been using allergy meds. if so how do i know? 8 year old male Brittany Spaniel vomited all of yesterday morning's food in the P.M. Today has not eaten, but vomiting yellow bile. This severe type of coughing can be caused by: asthma. Why Spitting Up White Foam Occurs in Dogs Thanking you beforehand. Dog vomiting bright red blood after throwing up liquidy water. Your dog might have been nibbling on grass, licking something with a bad taste, or chewing on something irritating. He was sent home with instructions to avoid stressful situations and stay in cool climates. Do you think I should wait longer or could it be something else? I am not even sure if she is indeed pregnant, yet if she is I want to make the best choice for her health. This last litter of 10 puppies we had encountered 1 puppy with puppy strangles at the age of 5 weeks old. Some of the more common causes of white foamy vomit in dogs include: White, foamy vomit is often saliva that mixed with gas in the dog's stomach. First, he stopped eating and had fever. I recently rescued a 5 week old Sharpe puppy, that looked really ill. She was riddled with worms and looked half starved, with a bloated belly. Could the sores be causing the behavior. I cant afford vet prices, what can I do? These are the only symptoms displayed. Could she have picked up mange from this? Her lab work was fine with slight hypoglycemia. Since we just adopted her this is all I know.She seems like a robust healthy girl. The dogs medical history, physical examination and the diagnostic tests will help the veterinarian determine the best treatment for the condition. The other day I noticed a lump on my dog's throat. Coughing is accompanied by hacking sounds, noises in the throat, and movement of the chest and ribs. Hi my dog Bella is 9yrs old and she has a large grape sized lump on her stomach by one of her nipples. I can't afford to go to the vet is there anything i can do for him. What confuses me is she has a very good appetite, which may be the good sign here. She has been shivering and lethargic for 8 hours. Could it have been food poisoning? I think she is in heat she licks her vagina a lot and I came home and saw like a testicle sack hanging from her vagina. Dog Throwing Up White Foam: What to Do Now! - Dog Food Care He weighs 25-28 lbs. He has scabs on his hind end and over his eye and now a raw sore under his neck. how do i know if she is now in congestive heart failure or could it be something else like phnemonia? energetic beagle lethargic suddenly. My Yorkie Maltese Dog 5 years old developed a sore on her back. Vomiting of mucus can be expensive to treat. He also has diarrhea. Yesterday he threw up a green liquid but he didn?t eat grass. Uncoordinated with his back legs. She isn't whimpering or anything and is sleeping right now. He may recommend a complete blood count, a urinalysis, fecal exam, x-rays and an ultrasound. Thanks. My dog is allergic to fleas. He isn't very active so it is hard to tell if he is actually lethargic or not. What to Give a Dog for Severe Mucus & Vomiting | Cuteness He never gets to eat anything except his dog food "Taste Of The Wild". What can I do? Now here is the strange thing. Our 11 yr old Samoyed suddenly dropped to her side without any symptoms prior to this. What should I do about this bump under my dog's neck? What could this be? It just started yesterday after she ate at her usual time around 4-5pm. I rushed her to the emergency room fearing bloat or something terrible, and they could not find anything. Hi, Eliminated exposure to hot pavement. Dog Runny Nose (Nasal Discharge): Causes and Treatments - WebMD Do you think that is possible? Why does my beagle dog have a blister on the back of his neck? She has trouble getting up and will not put weight on the leg. Twitch was first accompanied by barking on first onset but not in subsequent occurrences. thgen i looked and on the inside of his ears are the same way, My 4 1/2yr old GSD is some type of pain Any thoughts to what is going on. After 3 ct scans and 2 biopsies (both biopsies negative for cancer) the mass has gotten larger and has destroyed a small amount of bone between the sinus and brain. He seems to be pain free when standing, running and jumping. She sleeps with me in bed every night..what woul make her wake up in pain .everything was normalhwhen we went to bed. My dog is foaming at the mouth, we looked through out the house and found nothing he could have eaten he is 8 years old. An x-ray was taken her discs near her neck are some what comprised,she is fine with everything else eating fine going to the bathroom normal but her tail hasn't come up its been 2 months and i don't want her on the predisone any longer what is the problem? She appears to be unconscious. I noticed a few lumps under her skin on the side of her neck a month ago and took her to her vet. What does this sound like and what do you recommend? or could it be that something he ate made him react this way? I started supplementing her dry Iams with canned dog food and cut back to only a 40-minute walk per day, but she still isn't gaining weight. Can someone please help with what is going on? You can give your dog small, frequent amounts of water during the first 24 hours of vomiting mucus or vomiting in general, but if your pet can't keep any water down, contact your veterinarian immediately. She is still bleeding off and on. I noticed my dog Sam seemed really tired after he had been digging in the back yard. Why is my dog having a bowel movement that appears white? I noticed that she has been chewing at her bottom and making it bleed.She won't do anything but lay in her cage all day and all night. But she can't exercise as she used to because her hips & legs just don't work the best anymore. My dog who is about 10 has all of the usual symptoms of Cushings. Ask A Vet?I have a 12 week old poodle mix puppy. Dog Coughing Up White Mucus - We are thinking about getting rid of her because we can't make her better. Dogs may cough up white, foamy mucus if they have kennel cough-and it might seem like they've vomited the substance. He looks in pain and very sad. She is 7 years old, eating and drinking good. I live in China and took her to the vet that day, but they refused to treat her, saying you have to wait 7 days- in case she dies! They help by reducing the size but it never goes away. Additional signs of an infection might include a bad odor, a nosebleed, and coughing or choking resulting from post-nasal drip. What does that mean? What would you recommend? What do I do for a dog with a hernia? What could this mean? she still gags throughout the day. He cried when it happened and now doesn't move very much. I have a two-year old Alaskan Malamute. Dr. gave me prednisone. She is still the same dog as far as energy and appetite goes. It doesn't bother him. I have a large (103 lbs.) Any ideas? Initial doses are usually given via injection to avoid further vomiting. Vomiting white foam hard chunks may be an early sign of a problem with the digestive system. Any suggestions? She has no hair on her sides and around the base of her tail and her butt.We have been dealing with this for about 2 yrs Any advice? Chris, Los Angeles, California. But she have started again to seize. Now I think that it may be getting more serious. I have a nine week old puppy. What should we do? She has been loosing weight and muscle mass rapidly, and seems to be constipated. Any advice on what to try next?? I've kept her separate from her 8 month old kitten friend so she can rest and not deal with his rough play. If your vet suspects a GI obstruction, then endoscopy or surgery may be needed to remove the cause for the blockage. Mucus in Dog Poop: Causes and How to Treat It | Great Pet Care What could be wrong?She got into the neighbors trash a couple days ago since they moved out an she recently ate a dead bird (she came back with a part of it). I check her anals every 3-4 weeks as a health precaution, and she has never had nor shown any anal sac problems. Whether they are vomiting clear liquid as a precursor for actual vomit, or if they are simply regurgitating food . I hope you could help me. Vet said it couldn't be better. She is an english bulldog. It is about the size of a pencil eraser tip and it's clear. I am reluctant to put him through surgery if it can be avoided, any advice? Vet did usual work up couldn't find anything. We have stopped the aspirin, is there anything else we can do? I have a 10 year old Rott/Shepard mix, She is 100lbs and quite lazy. 1.) What should we be looking out for? At first I thought he had a stroke but what do you think? I'm starting to worry. He was running a temperature initially and given an antibotic and an anti-inflammatory. Dog has a bump on his side by rib cage, hard, feels no pain. Please help my poodle. Her paws blister, peel, and then scab over. Hi!.. My dog got into the garbage earlier and now he has swollen lips, Found few lumps on my 7 month old lab dog, Question about demodex mites and puppy strangles, My dog has fungal infection, what are the causes. what can it be? can you help with a possible cause of these symptoms? He has not been eating normal. When he walks it almost appears he is drunk or on ice. What could cause small bumps around the dog's vaginal area? She has diarrhea. Where she once had a round belly her sides are now sticking in. Lately it is losing its color and turning pink mainly under her nose, is there something wrong or is this normal? This occured almost overnight, what is it? Is that normal? When there is an accumulation of mucus, you tend to cough it up. I have a puppy 3 weeks old and when it stands it shakes and staggers alot. Right now she can hardly stand we have to carry her out side to potty but she has had times she cant help her self. White foam vomit typically occurs due to extra gas and saliva in the stomach. My dog occasionally has a facial twitch that looks like a snarl. In most cases, even after your dog drinks a lot of water, they are still throwing up mucus. Is lethargy a side effect of the leptospirosis vaccination? Any idea what it is?It stopped bleeding when I applied pressure and left a tiny spot. Sometimes just yellow bile but most of the time it's whole food. The mucus lining his stomach is irritated, becoming frothy, and that's what you're seeing come up onto your carpet or floor. Every time my shepherd comes in to heat, her front paw seems to be hurting her. My dog keeps biting and licking her back area, dashing about at times and moaning, what could this be? Liver failure, cancer, and ingestion of toxins can cause the dog's blood clotting ability. Brought to you by Pet Insurer, Wag! (I don't remember the name that he called it). My dog got the leptospirosis vaccine this morning and tonight is very lethargic and not feeling well. He had his rabies shot 2 weeks ago (in case that could be the problem) We have not changed his food brand, nor have we increased or decreased the amount. Have a boxer who has slight fever, diarrhea, and severe hind end weakness. If you notice all or some of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. My 7 month chihuahua x yorkie has for the last few weeks been sick-mostly in the mornings but also times inbetween. please help. hes dewormed and he was perfectly normal 2 days ago and today he cant eat or drink anything with out getting sick ten minutes later. Additionally, it is best to keep your dog away from fresh paint, lawn pesticides, or any other strong smelling chemicals. Although the cause is often a response to a . He seems to run fine and can even stand on his rear legs when interacting with our much larger greyhound. Any ideas? everything normal. It has been happening for a couple of weeks now. She yelped yesterday 1X and once today when I picked her up. and should I get a second opinion? I am trying to understand what might be wrongworking on getting her scheduled for an ultrasound. She had pulse rate of 200 for over 90 minutes, and very low blood pressure, with no color in her gums and tongue. Part of what she vomited looked like dinner from over 24 hours prior. Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Clear Liquid and What Can I Do About It? When he rises from a nap, his tail is sometimes tucked under him. I have a (chic) small dog she is listless and has an extended stomach or hard to the touch. my chinese sharpei has a huge bump on his face and now is spreading on his face with smaller pink bumps next too it what is it?

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dog throwing up thick white mucus

dog throwing up thick white mucus