These maps represent official documents that were approved by the City Council. To get in touch with the staff contact for one of the City's 35 CommunityPlanAreas, visit the Community Plans and Community Plan Updates pages. Almost 400 people work for Los Angeles City Planning, the largest department of its kind in the nation. The Staff Directory lists contact information for City Planning's employees. Many of City Planning's initiatives are represented by a staff point of contact. Contact information for other initiatives can be found on the pages listed under Policies in the Plans & Policies menu. As Los Angeles City Planning's chief administrative officer, the Director of Planning is responsible for preparing the City's General Plan and overseeing The approval of an entitlement involves a formal discretionary application process, and may require a public hearing prior to issuing a recommendation or a determination letter to approve or deny. Venice Coastal Land Use Plan (Certified Coastal Land Use Plan), Coastal Transportation Corridor (Specific Plan), Lincoln Boulevard (Community Design Overlay). Development Standards. If a project requires planning approvals, applicants are encouraged to meet with staff before filing an application to verify which land use entitlements are required. The Los Angeles Charter, which defines the organization and functions of the City, provides specific powers and authorities to the Director of Planning. Procedures. Venice Community Plan | Los Angeles City Planning Case Reports and Mapping | Los Angeles City Planning Staff Directory - LA County Planning In the City of Los Angeles, there are nine citizen-led commissions that meet regularly to give advice and make recommendations on planning-related matters: the City Planning Commission, the Cultural Heritage Commission, and seven Area Planning Commissions. The review process a project goes through and the approvals it requires depend on the projects description and entitlement application. Consult City Plannings web-based mapping application, Zoning Information and Map Access System (ZIMAS), for a detailed look at the types of planning entitlements previously filed for any property in the City of Los Angeles. Metro/Downtown DSC 201 N. Figueroa Street, 4th Floor Los Many of City Planning's initiatives are represented by a staff point of contact. In the City of Los Angeles, the Director of Planning is appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. As the chief executive, the Director oversees the policy agenda and development services for Los Angeles City Planning. Locations & Hours | Los Angeles City Planning Communications | Los Angeles City Planning These cases include all discretionary planning applications that City Planning reviews. WebThe public counter is where planning and development come together and the land use process typically begins. Additionally, the Director reviews specific project applications that require City Planningto confirm their compliance with zoning standards. WebThe public counter at Los Angeles City Plannings Development Services Centers (DSCs) serves as a single portal and point of consultation for a wide range of project applications. WebThe organizational chart lays out the internal structure of Los Angeles City Planning, comprising four Bureaus that report to the Director of City Planning. WebCITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2601 General Information Metro Development Service Center: (213) 482-7077 Valley To view a Bureau's To look up the staff contact for a particular land use policy, visit the Proposed Land Use Regulations and Adopted Land Use Regulations pages. These maps have multiple layers that can be selected to show resources, landmarks, government faculties and services, and other information that is pulled from multiple sources. The Venice Community Plan currently in effect was adopted in 2000. WebLADBS currently offers in person services by appointment only. The Citys Zoning Code outlines the broad authorities of each decision maker who reviews a specific subset of planning approvals. Planners at the public counter also help applicants identify which entitlements are needed for a proposed project. Zoning Administrators are like judges: they investigate, conduct hearings, and issue determinations on a number of land use considerations. The City Planning Commission reviews land use. In addition to managing the Citys workforce, the Office of Historic Resources, Department of City Planning. Next, the assigned planner reviews the plans and application materials, conducts the necessaryenvironmental review, and makes a recommendation. The Staff Directory lists contact information for City Planning's employees. Resources. However, land use decisions are not reserved exclusively to elected officials or even the Director. Follow @Planning4LA on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and The Cultural Heritage Commission offers guidance on issues related to historic preservation, overseeing both the designation and protection of local landmarks. CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT - Los Angeles Note: This is a simplified version of the local land use process. Research the rules and zoning regulations prior to submitting a project application. Area Planning Commissions represent the North Valley, South Valley, West Los Angeles, Central, East Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, and Harbor regions. For a complete list of City Planning personnel, click the button below. WebLos Angeles City Plannings publications keep business and neighborhood groups updated on important planning milestones and further engagement efforts on specific The general phone number for the Office of Zoning Administration is (213) 978-1318. WebExecutive Directive 1 (ED 1) Overview. Deputy Advisory Agencies act on a subset of cases involving the subdivision of land for ownershiptypically, but not exclusively, for condominiums. 221 N. Figueroa St., Suite 1350. These cases These commonly show land and development rules and regulations by graphic representation. A by-right or ministerial project is one that does not require discretionary review by Los Angeles City Planning. Please click here to schedule an appointment. Sign-off for these approvals is non-discretionary and can be conducted at the public counter, or by a planner assigned to a specific geography, before the applicant receives a building permit. These hearings are chaired by a representative ofCity Planning in coordination with other city departments. Projects that require a discretionary entitlement must attain a determination letter of approval before receiving approval of a building permit. Los Angeles City Planning now provides regular reports on case filings and completed cases to neighborhood councils and interested community members. Projects that do not require planning approvals may proceed to the public counter to apply for building permits with theDepartment of Building Safety. Once an application is filed, the project is assigned a case number and routed to the appropriate staff members to review. The maps below identify the physical location of these projects, in an effort to keep communities informed about what has been proposed and approved in their neighborhood. Resources. WebContact. For more details, contact public counter staff. Organizational Chart | Los Angeles City Planning Job Opportunities | Los Angeles City Planning WebLos Angeles City Planning now provides regular reports on case filings and completed cases to neighborhood councils and interested community members. Click the relevant Community Plan Area on the interactive map. These types of projects can proceed directly to theDepartment of Building and Safetyto request a building permit(s) because they meet the existing standards and zoning regulations outlined in theLos Angeles Municipal Codeand their scope does not trigger discretionary entitlement review. These maps are for informational purposes only. WebJob Opportunities. Cases Filed before 2000 | Cases Filed between 2000 and 2009 | Cases Filed from 2010 to Present, Zoning Information and Map Access System (ZIMAS). The Personnel Department is responsible for the City of Los Angeless recruitment, hiring, and training efforts. Executive Directive 1 (ED 1) | Los Angeles City Planning Contact | Los Angeles City Planning Before processing a case, the staff conducts an initial assessment to confirm that the necessary documents have been submitted. The reports provide helpful information, such as a projects description, address, and applicant information. The Staff Directory lists contact information for City Planning's employees. Many of City Planning's initiatives are represented by a staff point of contact. To look up the staff contact for a particular land use policy, visit the Proposed Land Use Regulations and Adopted Land Use Regulations pages. WebCity Planning shares information and publicizes news and events through its social media accounts. Publications | Los Angeles City Planning CPC Staff Report for Housing and Safety Element Adoption - Los The Staff Directory lists contact information for City Planning's Based on the project description, applicants may qualify for the services offered by theExpedited Processing Section. Development projects vary in scale and complexity, ranging from home renovation to the construction of a new apartment building. Los Angeles City Planning Examples of some commonly requested land use entitlements in the City of Los Angeles include: Conditional Use Permits, Zoning Administrator Determinations, Zone Changes, Subdivisions, Site Plan Review, and Project Permit Compliance. WebA Staff Report to the City Planning Commission (CPC) for the proposed 2021-2029 Housing Element, Safety Element update, and amendments to the Heath Element (Plan They perform quasi-judicial functions pertaining to the administration, interpretation, and enforcement of the Zoning Code. WebVenice Community Plan | Los Angeles City Planning Venice Community Plan Staff Contact: Project Review Ira Brown (213) 978-1453 Sienna Kuo Use the search field on this page to look up anyCity Planning staff member by name, title, or division. Staff Directory | Los Angeles City Planning WebExecutive Directive 1 (ED 1) Overview. Public Counter | Los Angeles City Planning Whether the application is for a project renovation or new construction, the public counter is the place where planning and development come together. If the determination is not appealed, the original decision stands; otherwise, the appellant body hears the appeal before rendering a final decision. Employee Directory | LADBS Actual steps may vary based on the project description and entitlements. Planning Processes | Los Angeles City Planning (213) 847-3676. Almost 400 people work for Los AngelesCity Planning, the largest department of its kind in the nation., West Los Angeles Public Counter: (310) 231-2598. Search Tips Many of City Planning's initiatives are represented If you have zoning related questions, please visit one of our Development Services Centers. OHR Staff Directory. After considering the merits of a project and public testimony, thedecision makerwill approve or deny the project. Public counters are where applicants submit applications for ministerial, administrative, or discretionary planning approvals. Development Standards. A community plan update process is actively underway; please see above for link and information on current status and how to get involved. Project applications start at the public counter. NOTICE: The site will be down for a scheduled maintenance CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012-2601 General Information Metro Development Service Center: (213) 482-7077 Valley Development Service Center: (818) 374-5050 West Los Angeles Development Service Center: (310) 231-2598 Internet: Mail Stop 395 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Schedule an appointmentto submit an application at the public counter. Decision Makers | Los Angeles City Planning Note:A building permit may require sign-off from other departments at thepublic counter, even if the project does not require planning review or approval. Planners are available at three locations (the Development Services Centers in Downtown, the Valley, and West L.A.) to answer basic zoning questions. WebStaff Directory Almost 400 people work for Los Angeles City Planning, the largest department of its kind in the nation. Los Angeles, CA 90012. AsLos Angeles City Planning's chief administrative officer, the Director of Planning is responsible for preparing the City's General Plan and overseeing zoning and land use regulations. The City Planning Commission reviews land use ordinances, amendments to the General Plan, and some complex development projects. WebAlmost 400 people work for Los Angeles City Planning, the largest department of its kind in the nation. The Staff Directory lists contact information for City Planning's employees. WebZoning information for properties in the City of Los Angeles is available online through the Citys web-based mapping tool, ZIMAS. After the project has been approved, the applicant returns to the public counter to obtain possible clearances for project conditions while applying for the building permit or permits. Projects that do not require planning approvals WebDirector of Planning. A discretionary entitlement is a planning approval granted to an applicant to allow for a specific type of land use and/or to allow for the construction, modification, or use of a building. WebStaff Directory Home> Staff Directory GENERAL INQUIRIES 213-974-6411 EXECUTIVE OFFICE Amy J. Bodek, AICP Director Dennis Slavin Procedures. Scroll down to view the interactive map of case filings. Sign up here to begin receiving these reports. Eva Chang-Person (213) 978-0628 The By-Right/Ministerial permitting process may also involve administrative approvals to verify compliance with regulations or guidelines, most commonly those of an overlay. Additionally, there are seven Area Planning Commissions that largely serve as appeals boards for project determinations issued byCity Planning or the Zoning Administrator. Staff Directory | Los Angeles City Planning Zoning information for properties in the City of Los Angeles is available online through the Citys web-based mapping tool,ZIMAS. As an additional feature, these reports hyperlink each case number to the Department's Planning Document Information System (PDIS) where case summary information and electronic documents may be accessed.
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