mustang public schools powerschool

Mustang Middle School 405-376-2448 7th Counselor - Karie McGavock 8th Counselor - Angie Larson Mustang Central Middle School 405-256-5275 7th Counselor - Sloan Douglas Teacher Appreciation Week. Mr. Brown is a 1989 graduate of Mustang High School. Log on to:, 2. To change this setting: Mrs. Matney is having Matt Kerr here during homeroom to have 8th graders check o Coach Ellis is having an info meeting about athletics incentive trip to Burlingt Any student who didn't get their physical today, they can have it done May 17th. On Tuesday, April 18, Regional Rural Technical Center in LaHarpe, KS will be hosting an open house for potential students and the public from 1-6:30pm at the tech center in LaHarpe. Community. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Open System Preferences and go to Keyboard: Select the Shortcuts tab. Cody is also highly involved with NCAA Softball. Don't miss the EARLY BIRD discount!!! It is more important now than ever before. 1. ClickHEREto access the map and You may exit the program at any time and return to complete it at your convenience. . They have three children together, Dakota, Ezra, and Haden. Mustang Public Schools has access to multiple resources including books online. Kaitlin Hensley is starting her fourth year at Mustang High School. Click to read more! footer with copyright and legal information 2008-2023 PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s). Once you have completed your application, you may apply for any open position. PowerSchool Clouds Student Information Cloud Personalized Learning Cloud Educator Effectiveness Cloud Educator Recruitment Cloud Student Success Cloud Workforce Development Cloud BY ROLE Superintendents Curriculum & Instruction IT / Technology Human Resources Data & Accountability Professional Development Counselors & Student Support MPS Virtual/Blended Instruction Applications will be available on your Parent Portal account under Forms in the left navigation menu. More information will be available in the weeks leading up to May 5. *. Students and Families. Please join us in celebrating our Mustang High School artists that have been recognized in the 2023 Scholastic Art Awards. Log in to your studentsParent Portalaccount in PowerSchoolusing a browser,you can notaccess this feature from the Power School App on a mobile device. Click for details. Over the past two years, all students have received free school meals due to USDA federal waivers. She is so excited to be a part of the Mustang High School community! Your student will need to use their and pw from their schedule (Tip: PW will be 3 numbers, a CAPITOL letter, 2 LOWER case letters and a symbol, in that order.) For more information visit Mustang's Options for Reaching Students & Educating Youth (M.O.R.S.E.Y.). Your web browser does not support the

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mustang public schools powerschool

mustang public schools powerschool