tuvalu flooding case study

Eng. She folds washing and stares out at the unsettled turquoise sea, its moods and rhythms increasingly unpredictable, as its rising proximity threatens to strangle her family. Codiga, D. L. (2011). Damlamian, H., Bosserelle, C., Raj, A., Begg, Z., Katterborn, T., Ketewai, M., et al. But this is the first time it's reached my doorstep," he explained, gesturing to the water still flowing down the island's main road. - One of the world's smallest nations. Surv. A. Tropical cyclone (TC) Pam formed in the central south Pacific in early March 2015. island. What are the projections on its disappearance? A mean annual warming of 2 degrees Celsius or higher by the 2050s and 3 degrees Celsius for the 2080s is projected. An awareness event about climate change. In addition, because the sea level is rising on the islands, Tuvaluans must continually deal with their homes flooding, as well as soil salination. Access modules, Certificates, and Short Courses. Change 53, 155168. How is climate change creating climate refugees? 9,000 . (2018). All of the associated TCs tracks lay primarily well to the south and west (or north and west in one case) of the Gilbert Islands and Tuvalu, and most, though not all, attained at least a TC category 4 maximum sustained wind intensity. Narragansett, RI: University of Rhode Island. Then browse over 1000 free courses on OpenLearn. Predictions for future sea-level rise vary. Sustain. (2012). Before, the sand used to stretch out far, and when we swam we could see the sea floor, and the coral. Sci. Farmlands may experience droughts, while deserts could become vast stretches of oases. Kopp, R. E., DeConto, R. M., Bader, D. A., Hay, C. C., Horton, R. M., Kulp, S., Oppenheimer, M., Pollard, D. & Strauss, B. H. (2017). Bull. Scatterplot matrix of Nui (Tuvalu) event-based data identified by declustering extreme sea level events with wave energy flux (CgE), above the 99.5 percentile threshold. doi: 10.1002/2017JC013204, Perry, C. T., Alvarez-Filip, L., Graham, N. A. J., Mumby, P. J., Wilson, S. K., Kench, P. S., et al. Case Study: Tuvalu What: A case study to explore differing views surrounding the management of climate change at the local, national and international scale When: 2014 Where: It is south of the equator in the Pacific Ocean (midway between Hawaii and Australia). Tuvalu is sinking is the local catch-all phrase for the effects of climate change on this tiny island archipelago on the frontline of global warming. Within each subplot the event closest to March 15, 2015 (i.e., associated with TC Pam) is highlighted with a red circle. Indeed, over 30 years ago (in 1989) a United Nations report stated that Tuvalu would vanish in the twenty-first century unless global warming was drastically reduced (Mason, n.d.). The ninth island is tiny Niulakita. Islanders are relying on rain water catchment because saltwater intrusion into their aquifers is adversely affecting drinking water. A2 Physical Geography - Plate Tectonics and Hazards. Introduction Tuvalu is one of the smallest countries in the world, after the Vatican, Monaco, and Nauru. swallowing the island. "I think it would be better if my kids were somewhere else," said hospital worker Beia Fetau, 40, preparing to help with Sunday school in shirt, tie and traditional male "sulu," or skirt. Freshwater supply is under threat as wells on the islands are being polluted by seawater. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. To assess the timing and location of regional TCs, particularly TC Pam, the IBTrACS (Knapp et al., 2010) database (version 04r0)1 was interrogated for TCs tracks; any portion of which occurred between longitudes 155E and 170W and latitudes of 30S and 10N and between the years 19792019 (the time period of the wave hindcast used in this study, see next section) were retained and defined as regional TCs. 9. (2002). coral bleaching. What have the environmental effects of climate change been in Tuvalu? Scientists predict Tuvalu could become uninhabitable in the next 50 to 100 years. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2010.0291. However, in order to determine local sea level rise (SLR), one has to take into account local coastal flood levels which could be 2.8m above Mean Higher-High Water (MHHW) at extreme forecasts. They also have direct implications for more accurate regional flood hazard analyses in the context of a changing climate, which is crucial for informing adaptation policies for the atolls of the central Pacific. Briney, Amanda. Formerly known as the Ellice Islands, the nation achieved independence from Great Britain in 1979. The findings of this study give impetus to the development, implementation and/or improvement of early warning systems capable of predicting such reef-island flooding. Sitting on a slayed coconut tree, Siones eyes are troubled as she stares at the ocean, beating its relentless path against her home. Amanda Briney, M.A., is a professional geographer. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.06.006. It examines the contests and conflicts that centre on the estuary in terms of managing the environment for human Test your knowledge about plastics in our oceans, and learn about how they impact the environment by clicking on the image below Liz Wright is a Staff Tutor in the Geography Department at the Open University. "I'm worried about the islands," said one woman with tears in her eyes. However, in this study, a further verification of the hindcasts ability to estimate the extreme waves associated specifically with TC Pam was performed by comparing hindcast Hs to calibrated Hs measured by multiple satellite altimeters, provided via the Ribal and Young (2019) dataset (sourced from Australias Integrated Marine Observing System)3. To the extent that disagreement exists within the scientific community, all models still project a warmer future: between 2.5 to 10.4 degrees F warmer by 2100. Home. Its terrain consists of low lying, narrow coral atolls and reefs and it is spread over nine islands which stretch for just 360 miles (579 km). 1. New houses are all currently built on 10-foot-tall stilts, something never before seen in the traditional architecture of the island groupings. Other sets by this creator. Widespread inundation of pacific islands triggered by distant-source wind-waves. Beachhead erosion, coastal engineering, environmental mismanagement, overpopulation, deforestation, and deteriorating coral reefs are acting together and in conjunction with global warming to affect sea levels and cause damage to Tuvalu's underground water table. Table 2. 22 terms. I believe we still have time to make this island very attractive, very beautiful, and continue to be inhabited by generations of Tuvaluans to come.. Siaosi Finiki, 68, the chief of Funafuti, gives the history of ten generations of his family, who lived on Tuvalu and survived by fishing and farming. Sames Geege starting to wish I never to AS geog it takes the mic. The note expands on the lessons learned from this case study, which has been written to help students learn from a real-world disaster recovery experience. Generally the local population does not see the link between climate change and health. 34 & 33 & 33 & 29 & 26 \\ Changes in Climate Extremes and Their Impacts on the Natural Physical Environment: An Overview of the IPCC SREX Report. EGU General Assembly 2012. New Elevation Data Triple Estimates of Global Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Flooding. Initially a non-believer in climate change, like many older people on the island, Setani has slowly become convinced of the science as her daily life becomes tougher with every erratic movement of the sea. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Of course, many factors will affect its sustainability, in particular, whether its coral reefs begin to regenerate. covering the runway, this hampers materials from being imported into Tuvalu, -Groundwater will become undrinkable as the sea water Environmental News, Data Analysis, Research & Policy Solutions. She has previously worked as an Associate Lecturer tutoring on Environment and International Development modules. Over the period 1901-2010 global average sea levels rose 0.19 metres (IPCC, 2013). 127, 8590. If someone favors the free movement of labor within the United Allows choosing the RCP, the greenhouse gas concentration trajectory defined by the IPCC. Mother Jones, Time, The Smithsonian, National Geographic, and Science are just some of the magazines that have given it space between their covers. Most of the islands sit barely three metres above sea level, and at its narrowest point, Fongafale stretches just 20m across. The spotlight first fell on Tuvalu when then Tuvalu Prime Minister Koloa Talake addressed world leaders at the Kyoto conference in Japan in 1997. Polar bears have to swim further. Washington, DC: USAID. Lett. However, even if all countries met their Kyoto Protocol commitments, and if all emissions of greenhouse gases ceased after 2020, a sea-level rise of 14-32 cm is very likely. Call for change. 3. Stemming the tide. The Dp (peak wave direction) associated with the event is taken as that occurring at the time of the peak (maximum) CgE. With natural disasters, come fuel crises, and in this case, there were massive fuel shortages in the South Florida region . This leads to saline pollution affecting crops and fruit trees. "Look at this plant," he says dejectedly, running his finger on the yellowed edge of a leaf. Distant-source swells cause coastal inundation on Fijis coral coast. According to local climate data, Iona says the biggest impacts of climate change on Tuvalu have been rising air temperatures, more intense and frequent storm surges and decreasing rainfall, as well as the total inundation of low-lying coastal parts of Funafuti including, sometimes, the countrys lifeline, its runway. This makes sense from a geomorphology perspective, since local storm ridges and other reef island features are highly dependent on local wave climate (e.g., Woodroffe, 2008; Vila-Concejo and Kench, 2017). Nature 558, 396400. Ongoing efforts by regional organizations to provide downscaling of these global wave forecast products for Kiribati and Tuvalu could significantly contribute to the generation of island community scale actionable warning information; however, bias correction between forecast products and hindcast/historical products is necessary, and better overall skill assessment of both are needed. not? Geomorphology 222, 106121. During COP [climate] negotiations we had to stay up till 7am to ensure we were listened too, says Tinilau. They are hours away from declaring another drought. Emergency Plan of Action Final Report Pacific Region: Tropical Cyclone Pam. 2. High Tide: The Truth About Our Climate Crisis by Mark Lynas, Time & Tide: The Islands of Tuvalu by Peter Bennetts and Tony Wheeler, and SOS Tuvalu by Pirkko Lindberg are considered important and influential books on the subject. Case Study 1 - Tuvalu - Impacts of Climate Change on DEVELOPING country Location: In the Pacific Ocean, North-East of Australia. Between 1850 and 1880, the population of the islands fell from 20,000 to just 3,000. He is raising money to build a new settlement on the Fijian island of Kioa. In addition to the TWL and Hb event AEP levels of indicated in Figure 6, wave direction (Dp) associated with each event is also indicated by an arrow indicating the direction waves are traveling at the time of peak Hb. He is also determined to see that the people he left behind have a chance for a new life some place else. Salt water is flooding the shores and killing coconut palms. J. Atmos. Regional Case Studies. Tuvalu, a country consisting of several small islands, has been described as a canary in a mine, as it is predicted to become the first country to disappear into the ocean (Mason, n.d.). The accuracy of these TWL components were independently assessed using tide gauge and satellite altimetry observations; it also includes an empirical wave runup estimate. flooding such as implementing ten foot stilts and raise the house to prevent GHSL Data Package 2019 Public Release. To just abandon it at such a time as this, when it is hurting I dont feel comfortable. "Maybe five years ago," he says, referring to the same storm that swamped Tepuka Savilivili, in Funafuti's lagoon. When I lived there I had never heard of such things as hurricanes or king tides. 11. 27 & 32 & 33 & 32 & 29 \\ Unlike the case studies of Hoeke et al. Family burial plots are sinking into the ocean or being moved to higher ground. The handling editor declared a past co-authorship with several of the authors RKH, JA, and MW. Once the islands separated, they became known officially as Tuvalu. However, given the uncertain future some Tuvalu residents have relocated to other countries and others are planning similar moves. Central Intelligence Agency. Inundation 2016; Hoeke et al. . (2010, April 22). Displacement diagram of model calculation results for both shields crossing the flood control levee: (a) longitudinal section of the right line tunnel; (b) longitudinal section of the left line tunnel; (c . Sites located downstream from large reservoirs or rivers may be subject to flash flooding after relatively short periods of intense rainfall. Recently, Tuvalu has gained significant media attention worldwide because its low-lying land is so susceptible to rising sea levels. It consists of five coral atolls and four reef islands but none are more than 15 feet (5 meters) above sea level. Ocean acidification is reducing fish stocks One of the worlds smallest nations. heads inland, -Crops cannot be planted as the seawater intrudes into the At the southern end, old-timers say, their meeting hall used to stand in the middle of the village. Geosci. Geneva: IPCC. (2006). EssayBot is an essay writing assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Although many studies and . The New Zealand government established an immigration program called the Pacific Access Category to help qualifying Tuvaluans start over in a safer environment. Around ten Tuvaluans present with ciguatera poisoning every week, accounting for about 10% of the weekly case-load of climate-related illnesses. Groundwater is increasingly becoming undrinkable due to sea-water intrusion. Context: - Their homeland is a low-lying country at risk from coastal flooding and therefore vulnerable to climate change. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. They all also come with a low enough computational cost to be widely applied to the approach presented in this paper, e.g., by using the kind of long-term hindcast data presented here as boundary condition to establish much more locally relevant extreme value analysis-thresholding. Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to quantitatively attribute what role sea level rise may have played in the events reported here, it does implicate positive sea level anomaly, and forms a basis to examine attribution of sea level rise in reef island flooding events in future studies. It's some of it's nearby neighbors are Fiji and Samoa. Vila-Concejo, A., and Kench, P. (2017). The Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project is a seven-year project implemented by UNDP in close collaboration with the Government of Tuvalu and funding from the Green Climate Fund. It is located in in the Pacific Ocean, midway between (2010, February). 24 & 30 & 20 & 34 & 31 \\ Before there is nothing left of their homes and gardens. We're thinking of migrating to New Zealand. Climate refugees are people who are forced to leave their home due to the impact of climate change. They talk to activists and environmentalists and journalists and filmmakers, to anyone who might listen. Plate Tectonics 5. Tuvalus official government policy is to stay on the island come what may. Technical Report 2011-01. 33 years of globally calibrated wave height and wind speed data based on altimeter observations. Glob. Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. A Global Reanalysis of Storm Surges and Extreme Sea Levels. Fishing has also played an historic role in Tuvalu's economy because the islands have a maritime exclusive economic zone of 500,000 square miles (1.2 million sq km) and because the region is a rich fishing ground, the country gains revenue from fees paid by other countries such as the U.S. wanting to fish in the region. In general, the people of Tuvalu are having difficulties growing their crops because of salination of the soil. Other options such as constructing a floating island are also being explored, as is importing refuse from Australian mines to construct an energy wall to ring the atolls, breaking up the power of the sea as it smashes towards the islands. Taking all 35 SRES scenarios into consideration, the scientists projected a sea level rise of 9 cm to 88 cm for 1990 to 2100, with a central value of 48 cm. When fish infected with these ciguatera toxins are consumed by humans, it causes an immediate and sometimes severe illness: vomiting, fevers and diarrhoea. Spring tides have steadily gotten higher. This free course, Managing coastal environments, looks at the example of the Blackwater Estuary in Essex, England, describing how the current state of the estuary came to be. The central value gives an average rate of 2.2 to 4.4 times the rate over the 20th century. Kopp, R. E., Horton, R. M., Little, C. M., Mitrovica, J. X., Oppenheimer, M., Rasmussen, D. J., Strauss, B. H. & Tebaldi, C. (2014). may road is flooded on funafuti. This is causing depletion of fish stocks, particularly tuna, on which the island economy depends (UNDP, 2020). Most nations present agreed to lower their emissions but neither the United States nor Australia supported the Kyoto Protocol, refusing to sign the agreement because developing nations were not subject to the same restrictions on the amount of greenhouse gases they could produce. The second wave came in then, and that was the one that brought all the debris ashore. In addition, more frequent floods could cause more waterborne disease such as dysentery. doi: 10.1007/s10712-019-09557-5, Durrant, T., Greenslade, D., Hemer, M., and Trenham, C. (2014). The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.539646/full#supplementary-material, Albrecht, F., Pizarro, O., Montecinos, A., and Zhang, X. Journalists have taken the story of Tuvalu's sea-level rise and run with it. Describe the location: It is located in in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Australia and Hawaii. Planet. Nikotemo Iona at the Bureau of Meteorology. Coastal flooding in the maldives: an assessment of historic events and their implications. Paris Agreement 2015 - legally binding global climate deal to limit global warming to below 2oC Surv. The resulting swell propagated throughout the central Pacific, causing flooding and damage to communities in Tuvalu, Kiribati and Wallis and Futuna, all over 1,000 km from TC Pam's track. 16. For further information on the details and discussion of this hindcast/satellite altimeter comparison, please refer to Supplementary Material, however, the authors have confidence that the CAWCR wave hindcast represented the propagation of the wave field associated with TC Pam, and its representation within the overall extreme value statistics of the hindcast, throughout the Gilbert Islands and Tuvalu sufficiently to support the papers conclusions. The housewife and mother of five decamps from her airless concrete home to catch the breeze in a simple wooden shack by the waters edge. The fruit is smaller and doesn't taste good. Fiji has repeatedly offered land to the Tuvaluan government to relocate their population 1,200km south, an offer the Sopoaga government has not accepted. E.g. Here are some of the changes they have noticed over the last few years. In addition, if foreign investment and aid come together to create sustainable development, Tuvalu will be better able to adapt to climate change and a more secure future will be possible. Vanuatu, G. (2015). Here are some of their stories, told mostly in their own words. Time series plot of estimated breaking wave height (Hb, red), wave setup/runup (2, black) and total water level (TWL, blue) for selected islands listed in Table 1, from March 6March 20, 2015. Econ. Tuvalu was granted full independence on September 30, 1978, but is still a part of the British Commonwealth today. I don't want my children to see this, it's enough.". This definitely contributed to the overall severity of the event, particularly in Tuvalu. Why or why A Polynesian country situated in Oceania, Tuvalu is no more than a speck in the Pacific ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. A local man points out a rusted field gun left over from World War II's Battle of Tarawa, in which U.S. Marines seized the island from the Japanese in 1943. They are formally known as Ellice Island, Explain why it is vulnerable to sea level rise. To this end, an increase in in situ wave observations and monitoring is required, perhaps to at least the level currently provided for sea level monitoring via the tide gauge network. Sci. a case study on Tuvalu Shafi Noor Islam; Sandra . 41, 72457253. The world want to ignore us. The resulting swell propagated throughout the central Pacific, causing flooding and damage to communities in Tuvalu, Kiribati, and Wallis and Futuna, all over 1,000 km from TC Pams track (Damlamian et al., 2017; Figure 1). It is associated with the largest Hb and TWL at many of the southern Tuvalu islands in our analysis; severe flooding and destruction of homes were reported on Nanumea, Nanumaga, Niutao, Nui, and Vaitupu6. Lett. Hand-picked stories once a fortnight. However, astronomical tides were not abnormally high (mostly roughly between spring and neap, Figure 3) during the event at any of the impacted islands. 39:21701. doi: 10.1029/2012GL053240, Keywords: tropical cyclones, flooding, sea level, wave climate analysis, coastal hazards, atolls, Citation: Hoeke RK, Damlamian H, Aucan J and Wandres M (2021) Severe Flooding in the Atoll Nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati Triggered by a Distant Tropical Cyclone Pam. The severity of these remote impacts was not anticipated and poorly forecasted. Weve pioneered distance learning for over 50 years, bringing university to you wherever you are so you can fit study around your life. the mainland or to nearby countries such as New Zealand, In general terms, the government is planning to evacuate She folds washing and stares out at the unsettled turquoise sea, its moods and rhythms increasingly unpredictable, as its rising proximity threatens to strangle her family. The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). So I went to alert people. Numerical Simulation of Flood Control Levee Deformation by Shield Tunnel Excavation through the Liuyang River: A Case Study. Science 181, 11611164. In contrast to (or perhaps complimenting) these other studies, the swell triggering this event was generated not by distant mid-latitude storms, but by a distant tropical cyclone (TC Pam). South Pacific Ocean NE of Australia; coral atoll; 10-12000 people; 5 m max elevation. Comput. Res. Seen from the air, Tuvalu looks like paradise: a slim scar of sand densely planted with coconut palms, and ringed by shallow emerald waters. Coastal landscapes and change. Documented remote impacts in Tuvalu and Kiribati. Correlation coefficients (R) and RMSD calculated against the low-pass filtered tide gauge residuals are shown in Table 2. Fisherpeople have noticed rising sea levels and eroding shorelines as the island atolls shrink, some to half their original size. doi: 10.1130/G46362.1. They argue that as small island states have not been responsible for the damaging greenhouse gas emissions, but are suffering the consequences, it is the industrialised countries who caused the problem that should take responsibility. What have the economic effects of climate change been in Tuvalu? Boxing Day Tsunami Case Study. All state agency activities, whether directly undertaken, funded, or approved by an agency, must also be evaluated in terms of significant environmental impacts under the State Environmental Quality Review program, which includes a substantial increase in flooding as a criteria of significance. I have been learning the things that are happening are the result of man, especially [from] other countries. He petitioned countries around the world to take immediate action on global warming and make the changes needed to stop it in its tracks. Sometimes I feel scared of the ocean, says Sione, who adds that she is leaving for the sake of her kids. including the Maldives, Kiribati and Tuvalu, are already grappling with the effects of sea level rise. to rising sea levels, experts predict that Tuvalu will disappear by 2050. Commun. Data 6:77. doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0083-9, Rueda, A., Cagigal, L., Pearson, S., Antolnez, J. During king tides, the islands are battered by powerful waves that flood homes. Commun. a group of nine small islands in the South Pacific. But up close, the fragility of the land reveals itself. Start studying Global impacts of Climate Change, TUVALU Case Study and Climate Change Management. Try EssayBot which is your professional essay typer. Tuvalu is made up of nine tiny islands in the southwest Pacific, with a total landmass of just 10 square miles and highest point of 4.5 metres above sea level. We promise, no spam! Now the king tides go right up to the houses and they're becoming more frequent every year. Tuvalu, a dot on the globe, but home to 11,500 people and 1000 km away from the next ATM , face an existential threat. Sione, her husband and four children are planning to migrate to New Zealand in the next two years to join more than 2,000 of fellow Tuvaluans already resident in the country; a migrant population that doubles every five years. Will they disappear? It also makes sense from a coastal engineering perspective (coastal defenses are typically designed using wave and/or water level exceedance probabilities); and also with respect to traditional island settlement patterns, although inconsistent coastal management and contemporary changes in settlement patterns may cloud this picture somewhat (Duvat, 2013; Kench et al., 2018). ICRC (2018). To better examine the relative contribution of CgE, tides (tide), background sea level (SL), other multivariate aspects of this event and its relation to other TWL extreme events, Figures 4, 5 present scatterplot matrix diagrams for Tamana and Nui, which were selected as representative of impacted locations within Kiribati and Tuvalu, respectively. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Dataset. What all this will mean for Tuvalu is pretty clear, especially considering that many parts of the nation currently have an elevation less than one meter above sea level. CAMPAIGN for the international community to tackle global warming by reducing carbon emissions. F. Gemenne and S. Shen, 'Tuvalu and New Zealand: Case study report', EACH-FOR Environmental change and forced migration . (2016). 33 & 28 & 25 & 32 & 33 \\ J. Geophys. The issue of who should take responsibility is one of ethics and moral fairness. It is densely populated and generally less than 3 m above sea level. Social Impacts: Ocean. During storm surges or the highest tides, the Pacific Ocean bubbles up from the sandy soil under Enna Siones small yellow house. The high-frequency (remainder) residual variance at both sites is 0.001 m, i.e., 510 times less than that of the monthly variance; which is fairly typical of low-latitude Pacific locations where sea level variability is dominated by seasonal and interannual (e.g., ENSO) dynamics (Merrifield et al., 1999; Church et al., 2006; Zhang and Church, 2012).

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tuvalu flooding case study