funny southern nicknames

52. My mother still calls me that. Some are simply astute observations or accurate descriptions. Another friend was a little bit chubby in college, but we always called him Narrow. We certainly didn't invent the concept of a hand-me-down name. Our list of classic names includes popular Southern girl names, boy names, and gender-neutral names, so you're sure to find just what you're looking for. 5. Hillbillies are often looked down upon by city-dwellers as being unrefined and backwards. If you're looking for a unique aunt nickname for your baby, here are a few great suggestions from our list: Classic Aunt Nickname in the US: Auntie Aunt Nickname in Spanish and Portuguese: Tia Aunt Nickname from Ukraine: Titka Cute and Funny Aunt Name: Nini The term has also been used to describe people from rural areas in other countries such as Canada and Australia. Some people use them to identify themselves better. In this case, the middle name is often the name that is used. 65 Sweet Nicknames Only Southerners Call Their Significant Others, 28 Gifts for Your Best Friend Who Has Everything, 46 White Elephant Gift Ideas You'll Want To Steal For Yourself, 18 Perfect Fall Girlfriend Getaways To Plan Immediately, 50+ Fresh Strawberry Recipes That Are Pretty In Pink. In this article, we will share with you some cool and funny Nicknames for Southern. They are also generally considered to be more educated than both rednecks and hillbillies. I promise this isn't a joke. They may become public nicknames at some point, but they usually remain private. Sissy 13. -- Mark Girard, "I have a cousin named Cricket and another named Sunshine. Their names wereGirls: Zelphia, Zula, Zadie and Zenobia. Lulu: A German name meaning famous warrior.. Funny Aunt Nicknames Auntem Ti Caramela Carina Funfetti Gummy bear Big love Mimi Bonifa Kisha Sunny Maggie Funny Nini Bite-size Boogie F.A. Gomer: A Hebrew name meaning complete., 4. 37 of 65 Marmi Southern Living This name is excellent for grandmothers named Margaret, Marnie, or Maggie. You will find lists of different kinds of monikers. If youre visiting the South and youre not familiar with Southern cuisine, its probably a good idea to verify exactly what is in any food dish youre offered if youre not certain. Levi: Another Biblical name, this one meaning joined in harmony., 3. 44. Gender-Neutral Redneck and Hillbilly Names. MawMaw - Southern grandmothers are typically addressed by this nickname. Our list features a range of fun, humorous choices. Southerners who speak with a drawl have a tendency to drop the last letter when pronouncing words that end in g. This leads to fixin, goin and other similar pronunciations. Buttery Chocolate - A girl who is dark like chocolate and soft like butter. - It's a , Are these the most Southern restaurant names ever? They are the family that we get to choose, that we willingly welcome into our lives because our worlds are much brighter with them in it. Her mother was Durana, nicknamed "Drainie". Littlun' - a catchy moniker for a girl. Boys: Zadok, Zeber, Zeronald, Zesley, Zeola, Zora and Zelbert. The new baby would be an infant, and the baby would be a little older, sometimes called a hip baby because he or she could be carried on the hip. Southerners are often ridiculed for their habit of giving double names, like Billy Joe and Bobbie Sue. While Southern terminology has spread and is often used in other regions now, many words and phrases reflect the region's unique spirit. I knew him for years as Brownie before I ever learned his actual name. You can keep those that are catchy, memorable, and reflect your personality. A Well-Fed Southerner Is: 17. They became sort of a local legend because of it. 80. Tickle your partner's funny bone and put them in a jovial mood with funny nicknames for him and her. [By L.R.Knost, author of Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages, Whispers Through Time: Communication Through the Ages and Stages of Childhood, and The Gentle Parent: Positive, Practical, Effective Discipline available on Amazon and through other major retailers.] So, lets start browsing through these amazing nicknames. platonically and QPRs, i *adore* pet names (i am so southern, help) but in the "bedroom?" absolutely not haha. Everybodys got one, and some people are blessed with several. Dont forget to include your parents, siblings, teachers, and friends. But luckily for you, weve collected a massive list of catchy, funny, and original nicknames for Southern for you to choose from. Of course, we're used to it, but that doesn't mean everyone is. We Southerners are often accused of "making up" words to create a more colorful language. All rights reserved. Jedidiah: A Biblical name meaning beloved of the Lord., 2. Cute Southern Nicknames 1. -- John Bell, "Fannie Mae, my aunt. Queen - for a remarkable woman, like a mom or a wife. Some are timeless and some are questionable, but they're all quintessentially Southern. 42. One of my best friends is named Scarlett and, of course, every dog that has ever been named Bear or Bryant!" -- Lynn Hohengarten, "My kids call my sister-in-law 'Aunt Sister'." This term of endearment is a go-to nickname for little ones who need comfort, consolation, or encouragement. Sometimes, it seems that the better the friend, the quirkier the nickname we give them. (Want to keep up to date with us? Having a unique nicknames have a lot of advantages. missy - could be someone named Missy (maybe short for Melissa); could be any female person (Look here missy, mind your own business.) I'm so hungry my belly thinks my throat's been cut. Rummy - a masculine nickname for a friend. Friends, in addition to our given family, are one of the greatest treasures in life. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Here are some cute, funny nicknames for boys: Oldie Shortie Kiddo Smarty Boomer Scout Ace Buddy King Champ Bro Amigo Bubba Gump Tank Tiny Goon Punk Rambo Bond Sweet, Funny Nicknames For Girls And Guys Unsplash / Chewy This list has plenty of fun, interesting ideas you should feel free to steal! Ti-Ti 11. The new baby would be an infant, and the baby would be a little older, sometimes called a hip baby because he or she could be carried on the hip. It also used to be very common to hear nicknames like Sweetie and Honey applied to perfect strangers. In the South, it is common to refer to children as Sister or Sissy, and Brother or Bubba. We often struggle to think of a witty way to describe ourselves. From Annabelle to Harper to Zadie, your new bundle of . Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Scooter - a fun nickname given to boys. Almost every Southerner seems to have a nickname for them, with some having multiple. 29. Wise and Funny: Those Things That Grandparents Say. A friend of mine was . "The exclusive," in allusion to the plant of the same name regarded as sacred to Venus. If that's not Southern, I don't know what is." My high school friends called me Tex for reasons that have never been clear to me, and my wife calls me Red because of my hair. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Lily - based on the name of a flower. A variant form of Marcia. -- Pattie Georgia-Peach Norton, "My contribution -- and I'm sorry, but this is the winner -- is New York Jets Assistant Coach Jim Bob Cooter. Dottie - a common nickname given to a small-town, Southern girl. But once you find true friends, they will try their best to stay with you forever. These hillbilly names are generated from a tool: It is often said that there is a difference between rednecks, hillbillies, and southerners. 21. And I thought that her name was Shebbyjean until I was almost grown because that is how the whole family pronounced it. Funny pet names for lovers. This dish, made from the small intestines of a hog, is deep fried and served with hot sauce. Sign up here. Southern baby names range from old, classic, and charming to eclectic, unique, and country, but all Southern names are fit for a badass cowboy or cowgirl. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Darling Originally an Old English nickname, this cute name to call your boyfriend is often used during the later stages of a relationship. There are no definitive characteristics of a hillbilly name, as they can vary depending on region and personal preference. Here are some of the best (and funniest) hillbilly names around. Rednecks are often considered to be uneducated and to have little interest in anything beyond their immediate surroundings. 73. Someone lucky would be able to get a short nicknames these days because all the short ones are already taken by people. They may become public nicknames at some point, but they usually remain private. Cricket - an uncommon nickname common for Southern boys. I could eat the north end of a south-bound polecat. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Where do these names originate? Wise and Funny: Those Things That Grandparents Say, Tips for Step-Grandparents: Equal Treatment and Avoiding Favoritism, Grandfathers in Russian Culture and Language, 8 Lottery Winner Success Stories That Will Inspire You to Buy a Ticket, 4 Reasons Grandchildren Need Their Grandparents. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Timely Abbeville Institute articles and news delivered directly to your inbox. Baba In Russian, "baba" refers to a grandmother. Nonna - another nickname for a grandmother or older aunt. They might use them to refer to each other, or even just to their friends. When I was four, I apparently told a nosy lady that my name was Tom Butterbean, so the Butterbean part stuck. However, some people may consider a hillbilly name to be more rustic and down-to-earth, while a redneck name may have a more negative connotation. ), "Our family had Donnette, Lowette and Annette." 61. The impact nicknames have on personhood and family dynamics has also been examined. i don't actually really get into headspaces much at all, so pet names can take me out of the mood very quickly. I dont know as many Southern women with initials for a nickname, but then again, I dont get around very much. cteconsulting / iStock / Getty Images Plus, funny southern trap door on a canoe words, Natalia Darmoroz / iStock / Getty Images Plus. Monk - a masculine moniker for adults. -- Bretagn Savage, "My mom lives in Tennessee and has neighbors Cordel (Core-dell) and Hollis and Leetta (Lee-Etta). A mother might have a new baby, a baby, and a knee baby all at the same time. Ye can't git no suthern than that! Jasper: A Persian name meaning treasurer., 8. 125 Cute Nicknames To Call Your Boyfriend Canva 1. In need of a weekend getaway? 8. With a degree in English, he has written many academic articles on business management, law, and medicine in the UK, Australia, Canada, and United Arab Emirates (UAE). 9. As with "Bug," you can make any name sound more Southern and familiar by adding "Lou." You can keep those that are catchy, memorable, and reflect your personality. So, give it a try. Pronounced See-less and See-more." Bee - for a little girl child. Youre sure to hear some of these any time you venture below the Mason-Dixon line. 5. Why Southern Manners Matter In a Modern World, 50 Cute Best Friend Quotes About True Friendship, 190 Happy Birthday Wishes for Friends, Family, and Everyone In Between, 135 Best Dad Jokes That Are Actually Funny, 110 Loving Messages for Mom that Go Beyond 'Happy Mother's Day', 38 Cute and Funny Prom Quotes and Instagram Captions, Why Lunch at Your Local Meat 'N' Three Is Always Worth the Long Line. If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. Hillbillies and hillbilly culture have an integral part of American culture. The different language nickname. My nickname? And if our friends can hold our deepest secrets and pick us up when we're down, they should at least have a notable nickname to carry with them as a reminder of how much we love and appreciate them and their friendship. Bug - another term of endearment for a child. The Appalachian region is an area that includes parts of the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. 95. For more colloquial terms associated with the South, check out this collection of hillbilly slang. Doll - for a girl who looks like a barbie doll. You might also find inspiration from the article to create new monikers yourself. 4. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The short descriptions added for the nicknames can help you make relevant choices. There is no definitive answer to this question, as there are rednecks and hillbillies in many different states. Beau - a catchy, Southern moniker for boys. We try to pronounce Alabama town names - It's a Southern Thing , These are the most adorable Southern grandma and grandpa names , Are these the most Southern restaurant names ever? Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. Susan is the author of the book "Stories From My Grandparent: An Heirloom Journal for Your Grandchild." Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Flossy - for a person with amazingly white teeth. Others use them to show off their uniqueness. But luckily for you, weve collected a massive list of catchy, funny, and original southern nicknames for you to choose from. Cajun - derived from the word 'Acadian', is a nickname for referring to people from southern US states. Some Southern nicknames are considered to be authentic lifelong names, like my wife's parents and grandparents, for example. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hillbilly names can come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to: family names, given names, occupations, nicknames, and even animals. Sugar: Sugar is a nickname that's actually more commonly used with people you don't know than with those who are close to you. Other nicknames are secretive and almost tribal, and only a select few know about their origins. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. In this more politically correct time, both of these traditions are on the wane. Stretch - a popular moniker given to guys. All I could think is that this family did that THREE TIMES!" Cyrus: A Persian name meaning throne., 10. Trixie: A Latin diminutive of the names Beatrix or Patricia. Earl: An English name meaning nobleman., 7. Nicknames play a huge role in how we interact with others. His nickname was a public one. What are types of nicknames you could use? You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. It's no coincidence that the American South has produced some of America's greatest authors, including Harper Lee of To Kill a Mockingbird fame. If youre Southern and you dont have a nickname, then there might be something wrong with you. 9. Faunt Bubbles Bubby Mom-Ty Aunt C Auntsy Aunt M Ant Auntie Mimi Cookie Bubby Latifah Countess Dollface Wonder Woman Buffy Funfetti Real Deal Ti-Ti Too-Too Cookie Hillbillies are often times considered to be ignorant and uneducated. In fact, there are many different reasons why people use nicknames. Puddin' - a common Southern moniker used for girls and boys by someone close. Wink-a-puss is an old English nickname for an owl, but it was also once used as "an opprobrious appellation, in allusion perhaps to a mangy cat," according to one 19th century . Common hillbilly names include Eustis, Otis, Gomer, and Bubba. "The princess," a diminutive form of Sarah. In my southern nicknames, I use combinations that are appealing to the eyes, interesting to others, convey my personality, and are easy to spell and pronounce. 38. Sure, it can be a nickname for Melissa, but more commonly, using it occurs to catch the attention of a daughter when she's caught herself in a bit of mischief. 83. 23. 75. Also, there's many in my family who all had the same middle name and initials, Louise, and the initials of ELW." -- LaDonna Rausch. What you see as a weird pronunciation, someone else just might perceive as a charming Southern drawl. Southern Live Oak Tree Facts: Should You Plant Them In Your Garden? All of the best hugs and kisses come from Lovie! -- Traci McLaughlin Martin, "Two of my great grandmothers: Minnie Belle and Myrtle May." In fact, there are many different reasons why people use nicknames. Someone with red hair might be called Rusty or Red. Cool Southern Nicknames Fate Cassie Sis Huck Winnie Simba Oakley Cornelia, Eleanor, Ellen, Helen Preston Hawk Trudy Carter Lavinia, Lavina, Melvina Viney, Viny Smokey Lazar Boo Viola Tryphena Cooper Dolly, Dot Bedstemoder Sarge Mattie Pearl Nancy Stetson Biscuit Lena Cash Tammy Monster Etta Ima Tate Giles Rider Essie Kinsey Eleazer Cristian Gilbert Too-Too 9. In fact, people love it when you call them with a simple nickname. 49. Or, it can refer to a devilishly handsome boy. What's easier to say than "ma" or "da?" 3. 69. Have you seen Robert? 45. They might use them to refer to each other, or even just to their friends. Make sure to select such a name that will impress everyone. She is a freelance writer whose grandparenting expertise has appeared in numerous publications. Dear. 66. After nine months of googling, polling family and friends, making list after list, and The backstory nickname. See, we thought it'd be fun to buy a couple Easy-Bake Ovens off eBay and then put Ryan, Liz, Adam and Talia's baking skills to the test to see who could make the best cookie using only their prior baking experience (which we quickly learned amounted to very little in some cases. Southerners have some interesting phrases to use to discuss eating food, something that seems to happen an awful lot in the South. So, give it a try. By joining Kidadl you agree to Kidadls Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receiving marketing communications from Kidadl. Southerners can have strong feelings about lots of subjects, so it shouldnt come as any surprise that their slang features a number of creative ways to express the opposing emotions of anger and happiness. A nickname is a word used to describe someone or something. 4. Hillbilly names are often given to people who are from rural areas or considered to be uneducated. Sunshine - for someone who brightens up your life. Also ask people in your network for their thoughts. Shorty - feminine nickname given to girls. Discover some uniquely Southern words and phrases that portray a special kind of wisdom found only in the South. 24. It was pronounced 'Antikew'." " -- Joe N Kelsey Graves, "I went to a large church with several wealthy families. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. Im not the only Doctor on our campus, but I think Im the only Doc. In our combined families, we also have a Jug, a Peavey, a Shorty, a Wookie (decades before Star Wars), a Bug, a Bird, a Duggah, a Renny, a Sonny, a Dinky, a Bigdaddy, and a Gee, to name a few. This is one of the more popular nicknames south of The Mason Dixonand one that you're not likely to see gaining popularity up North anytime soon. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Pawpaw or PawPaw and Papa or PaPa are the most common choices, as well as the classic Grandpa or Grandpaw. I have a sister named Jenetta, and another sister named Josephine. It's a Southern original. A friend of mine was apparently too fond of brownies as a little boy, and he was known to everyone as Brownie, even though his real name was John. Plus, she'll offer up some sure-fire tips and reveal the four key ingredients that will make your dishes the talk of the church potluck for decades.You can watch it here! Having a unique nickname have a lot of advantages. Remove the rest of them and get to the next step. Bunny - nickname for a girl. These are used as substitutes for given names, as in, "Tell Brother to come in for supper.". Typically, an Ace is a little too quick-witted for his good. Her father was called Spud, and her mother was called Kohny. In my nicknames for Southern ideas, I use combinations that are appealing to the eyes, interesting to others, convey my personality, and are easy to spell and pronounce. For instance, someone tall and thin might be called Slim or Stringbean. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The term hillbilly has been used in a negative way to describe someone who is not well educated and is from a rural area. In fact, people love it when you call them with a simple nickname. The 100 Most Popular Southern Last Names With Meanings And History. My other grandmother was Augusta Magnolia. 7. The back-story nickname. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Aunnie Cute Aunt Nicknames Regardless of how we arrive at their nicknames, these terms of endearment signify our affections for and connections to our friends. Why would we stop with mere words? The most common grandmother names seem to beGrandma and Gramma, sometimes with a "w" attached to create Grandmaw and Grammaw. Nicknames are usually used by people who share a similar personality trait or characteristic. Ive known two people nicknamed Shoney one because he was a big boy, and the other because he was the exact opposite of a big boy. That didn't stop us from trying though. Some popular choices are Hoss, Buster, Slim, Peewee, and Peanut. If youre looking for something thatll stick to your ribs, you just cant beat a locally owned roadside diner in the Heart of Dixie. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. We'll skip the confusion of father and son sharing the same moniker and call him Junior instead. They can be based on a person's physical appearance, personality traits, and interests. 93. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It's also a dish made of black-eyed peas and rice. Aunt X (first letter of her name) 5. A nickname is a word used to describe someone or something. But the naming game is still a little different down South. 77. So, lets start browsing through these amazing nicknames. Grab your friends and road trip up the coast. You can use these nicknames anywhere you want for free. 76. Many people in the United States use this term to describe someone from the Appalachian region. Renny - an unusual masculine moniker. Pick up the phone and call your gal pals over to watch a swoon-worthy Hallmark film. But where we depart from the usual convention is neglecting the inherited name altogether. 10. Let your besties know how much they mean to you with one of these unique nicknames. " -- Shannon Miller, "My grandmothers' names were Ocie Mae and Georgia Belle." Even John Grisham (The Firm, The Pelican Brief) grew up steeped in the unique dialect and rhythm of the South. ), and you'll have your very own Southern nickname. In an earlier time, children were sometimes named after Southern heroes like Robert E. Lee. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. In this article, we will share with you some cool and funny southern nicknames. Life in the South is loud.Whether it be cicadas, train horns, tornado sirens or some other obnoxious noise, it seems like Southerners can't hold a conversation outside or even inside for that matter without having to talk over something. It's also a nickname for Cecilia. That didn't stop us from trying though. My father always called me Tico, which was his variation of the first letter of Tom. Let's start with Southerngrandparent names. Kinda cool." Research shows that the compatibility of humor styles and relationship satisfaction are interconnected. Its name comes from Medieval England, where the dish was . Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Remind us to apologize to him (again) later for that.You can watch it now! Auntie 2. Couples love using sweet nicknames! Remind us to apologize to him (again) later for that.You can watch it now! Here are some examples of short and simple nicknames for Southern: Now that youve selected a few nicknames for Southern ideas, its time to gather some feedback. While the three groups are often lumped together, there are actually some significant differences between them. 8. -- Elizabeth Mengelt Walters, "A lot of people say my name is pretty southern.

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funny southern nicknames

funny southern nicknames