The 1st IO Cmd Training and Analysis Branch conducts courses, seminars, workshops and situational training exercises to support internal 1st IO Cmd requirements, and external IO and MILDEC training requirements as tasked in EXORD 136-14, AR 525-20, and AR 525-21. PREREQUISITES: U.S Citizen. Course attendance is determined by COMPO. 3. 2. The content in this course is largely based on information contained in the Insights and Best Practices Focus Paper 10 (dated May 2016), and other material published by the Joint Staff J7 Deployable Training Division. CLASSIFICATION: Resident course is SECRET, MTTs are UNCLASSIFIED JSOU is currently an accredited educational institution accredited through the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) - a national accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education. WebThe two-day training utilizes interactive presentations, participant discussion groups and case study methodology to become familiar with USG international disaster response structures, relevant offices, policies, mandates, and roles and responsibilities. Individuals must register for OPEN ENROLLMENT IWS VTTs, from the below schedule, through the RESIDENT / VTT OPEN ENROLLMENT process shown in the instructions at the bottom of the page. (2 hrs), JFC 100 Module 04: Joint Force Sustainment. Per CJCSI 3210.01C (14 February 2014), the Joint Information Operations Force (JIOF) consists of IO units and staff elements within the Joint Staff, CCMD, and JTF/JFC headquarters population of commissioned officers in grades O-4 through O-9 and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) in grades E-6 through E-9 drawn from the Active and Reserve Components, as well as DoD civilians, who conduct IO. However, all students must complete the Cyber Cybersecurity Compliance requirements to officially become an NDU/JFSC student. The overall goal is to assist you in preparation for future combatant command level IO planning. WebWe are a nationally accredited intelligence training institution providing quality training to personnel across the Defense Intelligence Enterprise and the greater IC. SCOPE: Students are introduced to EW concepts, fundamentals, doctrine and capabilities within the Department of Defense (DOD) with a focus on EW's integration with the other information-related capabilities (IRCs) ISO Information Operations (IO) for overall mission planning. 2. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. %PDF-1.6 % 6/7/2023 View All. CAPACITY: 48 It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. This is achieved through research activities, and stakeholder engagement across 5 broad areas; the other elements of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), our partners across government, close liaison with academia, working alongside our international allies, and observation of the private sector. %%EOF The JEMIS website can be found here:, NDU Cybersecurity Compliance requirements can be found here: Email: for IO all course Directors and Instructors, Joint Forces Staff College The course curriculum covers information operations; the role of the IO Planner; integrating Information Related Capabilities (IRC) into the Military Decision Making Process (focus on mission analysis and course of action development); the IO Planner's participation in other staff processes such as Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield, Targeting, and Assessment; and the importance of cultural considerations in information operations. It covers the evolution of Chinese IW and Chinese IW focus areas, then has students apply this knowledge in multiple facilitated discussions, and by simulating Chinese IW employment in a mock South China Sea scenario. Updated course information and new contact email added. The course culminates with an individual, comprehensive examination requiring students to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IO doctrine and processes. The Joint Information School is a high-demand course. CAPACITY: Min 12; Max 48 (Resident); for an MTT Max in week 1 is 48, Max in week 2 is 18 due to computer limitations. To register for JIOPC follow the following instructions: The exercise builds off the IOCAP/AIOPC course training. DSN: 328-4392 This course provides a broad awareness of the media environment and skills for personnel who are likely to be involved in Social Media product production, interviews with the media and internal media briefings. The training is entirely classroom based and uses lecture, discussion, problem-based or experiential learning-based facilitation, performance-based PEs, and a comprehensive capstone PE. d. Applicants must have completed service-related IO training to attend this course. PREREQUISITES: The IOAW is open to all members of DoD and supporting contractors who meet these prerequisites: Web: This introduction examines Information Operations (IO) conceptually and doctrinally, but is intended only as a guide to facilitate academic discussion and is not authoritative. Recently Ended. Each group will conduct their planning in parallel on the same problem. To accomplish this, the JLC integrates component functional skills and knowledge through the study of strategy, doctrine, theory, programs, and processes. The Joint Information Operations Warfare Center (JIOWC), a CJCS controlled activity (CCA), supports the Joint Staff by improving the Department of Defenses ability to meet CCMD information-related requirements, improving development of IRCs and ensuring operational integration and coherence across CCMD and other DoD activities. The IA cert must be obtained on the JKO website only. Sustainment is primarily the responsibility of the supported combatant commander (or CCDR) and subordinate Service component commanders in close cooperation with the Services, combat support agency (or CSA), and supporting commands. The Joint Information Operations Orientation Course (JIOOC) is a prerequisite to the Joint Information Operations Planners Course (JIOPC). e. Applicants must have completed service-related IO training to attend this course. Joint OCS Planning & Execution Course (JOPEC), Joint Humanitarian Operations Course (JHOC). Normal working hours are 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, except bank holidays. Training Administrator This workshop is delivered in three modules, using individual or small group practical exercises to obtain desired results. These one-time courses should be completed within 1 year of being assigned to the Joint Staff or JTF. The 10-day MILDEC block of instruction is one of the most extensive in the U.S. Army, and produces students able to conduct this critical activity upon graduation. JIAG regularly provides a capacity building capability in support of international defence engagement. The course focuses on OCS planning and execution responsibilities during phases 0 through 5 at the Geographic Combatant Command (GCC), Sub-Joint Force Command, and Service component commands.. Joint Humanitarian Operations Course (JHOC) Tier A: Combatant Commands with an AOR according to the Unified Campaign Plan (UCP), Tier C: SECDEF-approved Joint Task Forces with JDAL, Tier D: Theater Special Operations Commands or SOCOM Sub-unified Commands, Tier F: Joint Staff, OSD Staff, and other DoD Agencies. Mentors are there to assist students through the exercise and will provide remedial training as required to keep students moving forward. Provided by Joint Staff J7. SCOPE: Students are introduced to Cyberspace Operations (CO) concepts, fundamentals, doctrine, and policies within the Department of Defense (DOD) with a focus on the evaluation of CO integration with the other information-related capabilities (IRCs) ISO Army Information Operations. It focuses on the functions of sustainment (logistics, health services, personnel support, and engineering) during the formation of a joint force headquarters, the execution of operations, and the termination and redeployment phase of military operations. DURATION: 80 hours (2 weeks) The following training suffices for this requirement: AIOPC/IOCAP, IOQC, TIOPC, JIOPC, IOIC (Air Force Training), IMIOPC (Marine CORPS). delivery of information activities training for media and communication and information operations personnel from across defence, direct support to operations and defence collective training exercises, supporting defence and other government departments through the provision of expert advice and operational capability, providing a capacity building capability in support of international defence engagement through provision of individual advisers or delivery of bespoke training packages, both in the UK and overseas. The lessons will require approximately 34 hours to complete, excluding writing assignments. JIAG provides specialist information activities training, operational delivery capability and capacity building for defence and other government departments. b. U.S. Citizen. This course provides individuals with the foundation knowledge required for employment in Information Operations roles at the operational level in joint, multi-national, or multi-agency environments. U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) helps agencies meet their mission requirements through their adoption and implementation of laws, policy and procedures. The students will also examine operations/plans, current lessons learned, medical intelligence, medical force protection, operational risk assessment, health surveillance, and SOF-relevant clinical subjects. If you do not receive a registration confirmation within 3 working days of submitting the TRF to the above email address please follow up with an email, or a phone call to (703) 428-4392. JIAG strives to remain at the forefront of all information activities developments. The following training suffices for this requirement: AIOPC/IOCAP, IOFC, IOQC, TIOPC, JIOPC, IOIC (Air Force Training), IMIOPC (Marine CORPS), IO 101 CBT, Intro to IO, NIOPC. (working hours only), Chief Clerks office 01296 65 6595 (working hours only). DURATION: 1 day WebJoint Information Operations Orientation Course (JIOOC) is a prequisite to Joint Information Operations Planners Course (JIOPC) Course Mission. Topics include CO doctrine and policy frameworks; Cyberspace as an Operational Domain; Cyber Threat; Integrating CO in support of Army operations; Planning CO; Intelligence Support; Cyberspace Infrastructure and Key Terrain; and Joint Targeting. It also prepares engineers from all military services for assignment to a Joint Task Force. The courses of particular interest to joint logisticians include: Information Assurance and Critical Infrastructure Protection (AII 6203), Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIP 6230), Strategies for Assuring Cyber Supply Chain Security (SAC 6444). For 1st IO Command Training support, contact the branch at: You can change your cookie settings at any time. A listing oftraining and continuous learning institutes for federal acquisition process and professional organizations. Other non-joint assigned or interested personnel may also attend when space is available. The course culminates with students demonstrating what they have learned by integrating EW into IO for a scenario-based mission planning exercise. Joint OCS Planning & Execution Course (JOPEC) Complete the JIOPC Application Form at (recommend using Internet Explorer)