saklas and barbelo

We have told you many times that within the word Yesod is hidden the word Yod, and also the serpent, which is the letter Samech. It is the solar light within the plant kingdom. As microcosmos we came from the Chaos, which is the womb of the mother; our intelligence developed there, within her womb. And this is the language we speak, Ing-lish, English. [9] Lewis, Nicola Denzey. As an example of the ubiquity of space; that 7th symphony of Beethoven which I spoke about earlier, it was emanating from space. Bar, which means son, and Bel (Belo or Belus) which means Sun. The text describes her thus: This is the first thought, his image; she became the womb of everything, for it is she who is prior to them all, the Mother-Father, the first man (Anthropos), the holy Spirit, the thrice-male, the thrice-powerful, the thrice-named androgynous one, and the eternal aeon among the invisible ones, and the first to come forth. A spark ignites from this light, resulting in yet another pale light. Theodoret (H. F. f. 13) merely paraphrases Irenaeus, with a few words from Epiphanius. And, that is precisely the goal; to develop that level of intuition, of consciousness, because it is not as though only he can achieve that, and that we are not capable of it. She is not manifested, but abstract, a feminine force. But, those elements are developed in darkness. Barbl (Greek: )[1] refers to the first emanation of God in several forms of Gnostic cosmogony. All rights reserved. Through the base of the amphorah meaning, through sexual alchemy Bar (or Ing), the child of Bel, collects the solar light, the strength of Yesod, the sexual energy, the strength of Malkuth (the Earth). So, the stable of Bethlehem is a symbol of the planet Earth; that is the stable where all the solar lights from our solar system, from our galaxy, from our constellation, from our infinite are gathered remember that different types of plants collect different forms of solar energy from different parts, different levels of the cosmoses that abide within the abstract Absolute Space, and this is what we feed ourselves with. woodhull internal medicine residency interview. But, if they say that the origin of that expansion is the big bang, an explosion, that is wrong. You and the Solar Absolute become one force, even though you retain your individuality. The Biblical prophets were to proclaim Yaldabaoth's glory, but at the same time, through Sophia's influence, they reminded people of their higher origin and prepared for the coming of Christ. The Master Samael says, when going down into a particular, individual galaxy: We need to fill the inexhaustible bag of great possibilities. People think that it means that Moses was literally talking face to face with God about what? [25][i] After the emergence of Christianity the same charge was also repeated against its followers. Only Judas has guessed the master arightand has discerned that he comes from the heavenly realm of the godBarbelo. In the realm of Barbelo, it seems, earthly pains are unknown and the fortunate inhabitants are free from the attentions of the God of the Old Testament. The Gnostics took Genesis at its word and concluded that this god was simply malicious, hot-tempered, stupid, and inept. False Heaven, Yaldabaoth, Archons When we eat animals, who also collect the solar light, we gain that light. 15, p.323). Instructor: the Auric embryo. If you observe these two words, Kether and Yesod, we say that Kether is always related with the letter Iod, of Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei. Now, what is an infinite? Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in (the space of) heaven above, or that is in the (space of the) earth beneath, or that is in the (space of the) water under the earth." 'son of shame/Ba'al'. Saklas is one of the false angels created by Yaldabaoth alongside the Archons to serve him. Now, let us dive further down through the cosmos, into our planet Earth. Are you one of the few who keep Glorian going? This place is thought of as the abode of Sophia (Wisdom) and Barbelo, also called Ogdoad. [3] Lewis, Nicola Denzey. We feed ourselves with solar light in many ways. If you sing that, with concentration, you bring to yourself a great deal of solar energy. But, animals use instinct to defend themselves, to do what they have to do that instinct is intelligence that is related to the consciousness of that animal, or anima in Latin, which means "soul." However "bar," in Aramaic, means son, and in particular, "son of" the word that follows. That is why, when we address Master Jesus of Nazareth, we are amazed: he has in his consciousness the perception of many infinites. [21] Furthermore, the story of the Exodus was adapted by Ezekiel the Tragedian into the Ancient Greek: , romanized:Exagg, a Greek play performed in Alexandria and seen by Egyptians and Jews. Aliases Many meditators, when they enter into samadhi, have the bliss of entering into that region; they experience those planets of Christ and remain there as though they were on a vacation, as a tourist. Likewise, the Gospel of John mentions an evil ruler (archon) of this world in no less than three places (12:31, 14:30, and 16:11). [2][3][4] He is identified as the Demiurge and false god who keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the material universe. ", The Pleiades are comprised of seven Suns; ours is the 7th. It is the same instinct that we have, but developed in the heart, in relation with the pineal gland: that is intuition, and, what we call "common sense." In the Omeyocan the infinite stillness swirls about before the manifestation of the Solar Logos. How did the Gnostics get the idea that the demiurge was instead malevolent? Of course, he is a Master of many previous cosmic days, and now he is manifesting as a Paramarthasatya in this cosmic day; but he fought for that. [15], Scholem's own theory rendered the name as Yald' Abaoth. p. 53-54. That river was the 7th symphony of Beethoven. That aspect is an archetype that in Christianity is called Jesus Christ. It ought to have been simple enough to determine that the Sanhedrin of the time, whatever it may have done, could not have bound all Jews for all eternity. Instructor: The black holes that the scientists say they discover in the center of any galaxy? The word Barbelo comes from the Aramaic language. Imagine the level of inter-penetration that the Master Jesus has it is huge. 8 + 8 = 8. Another angel, Saklas, also came from the cloud. The Abstract Absolute Space has three aspects: We were addressing the region of Barbelo which is the Ain Soph Aur, which is called Bar-Bel (the son of Bel, the son of the Sun). . From this unknowable entirety, or radical zero, emanates in the beginning any sidereal universe, Pythagorean Monad, Gnostic Father/Mother, Hindu Purusha-Prakriti, Egyptian Osiris-Isis, dual Protocosmos or Kabbalistic Adam Kadmon, the Theos-Chaos of the Theogony of Hesiod, the Chaldean Ur-Anas or fire and water, Semitic Iod-Heve, Parsi Zeru-Ama, Unique-One, Buddhist Aunadad-Ad, Ruach Elohim or Divine Spirit of the Lord floating upon Genesis waters of the first instant. HarperOne. But things only get more obscure and confusing as you continue reading the text. Here, we are addressing this in an objective cosmic way: When you divide the word Berashith , extracting from it the Bar , then we see that it is addressing that particular, individual son ( Bar) within us. [38][39] For instance, Valentinians believed that the Demiurge is merely an ignorant and incompetent creator, trying to fashion the world as well as he can, but lacking the proper power to maintain its goodness. The spheres multiply outwardly and inwardly, both in the infinitely large and in the infinitely small. Others, Epiphanius further seems to say (78 f.), told a similar tale of Prunikos, substituting Caulacau for Yaldabaoth. The Gnostic text Reality of the Rulers describes him as an androgynous being, an arrogant beast that resembled an aborted fetus in both appearance and character. This book has the same cast but a very arcane interpretation. - Exodus 20: 2-4. Thus Blacks' proposal renders Aramaic: , romanized: yald beh, lit. There we have something to meditate on. Many. We are penetrating into what we call Christ; the cosmic consciousness. Master Samael Aun Weor says in his book, Cosmic Teachings of a Lama: In the beginning or dawn of each universe, the eternal dark light or absolute obscurity is converted into the Chaos. False Angel If you observe a common, ordinary irrational animal that common sense is stronger in them, than in us, sadly, because we have the ego very strong within us. From the space above, if you meditate and have a samadhi, you will hear beautiful music. If you are at all familiar with the story of Jesus, you should be. I have brought the water and the fire out of the region of the Light of the lights of the Treasury of the Light; and I have brought the wine and the blood out of the region of Barbelo.. [7] The Secret Book of John adds that he had the body of a snake and the head of a lion, with eyes like lightning bolts. And, from the unmanifested Isis, the Ain Soph, many initiates prepare themselves in order to enter into the Ain, the bosom of the Father, which is beyond the Ain Soph. All of the Suns, in themselves, form a singular force, which is Barbelo; the son of Bel, the Sun of the Sun. The Omeyocan is the navel where the Diverse becomes Universe. The Child, also called Autogenes (the pre-existing Christ), meaning "self-generated," is produced from Barbelo either spontaneously or from a spark of the Father's light. The demiurge is given many names in the Gnostic scriptures, but the three most common ones are Yaldabaoth (also spelled "Ialdabaoth"), Samael, and Saklas. Consequently most scholars retracted their support. Or, we will say, in the Nahua language, we can penetrate into all of the Teuhtlampas, infinites. So, Barbelo is translated as, "the son of the Sun." Therefore, the birth in () Belen or ( -) Bethlehem was in order to make the reality of a man who had incarnated ( Bel) the Christ-Sun understandable.. He started just as any of us. As an example let us listen the third movement of the 7th symphony. [2][3][4], The etymology of the name Yaldabaoth has been subject to many speculative theories. There is where we find the region of Barbelo, in us. Audience: Talking about the central Suns of the galaxies, it is also said that we observe black holes, do they have any relation with this? So, when through sexual transmutation you become a real human being, God (Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei) is in you, personalized, and you are named Jehovah . Slate is published by The Slate The third aspect is Ain Soph Aur; another A, another Aleph. So, Bar-Belos is the son of Belos, the tower of fire. Comprehend that scientists state that energy and matter are aspects of the same thing, that they think know very well, and which we are studying here, from this kabbalistic perspective. When you are singing that mantra, you are taking that energy from the space. Then I was talking with a friend of mine, and we arrived at the conclusion that my own, individual, particular Christ because the person in that experience is named Christian, from the word Christ was addressing my own particular Christ. 1990. So, when you ask, "Where is the region of Barbelo?" Understand that the center of this infinite is what the Master Samael calls, the Central Sun or Intergalactic Center of this infinite. It comes to my mind, one of the lectures of the Master Samael Aun Weor, who said; we have to know ourselves, and, if we know ourselves, we will know the Gods and the universe this is the Greek axiom: Homo Nosce Te Ipsum. Malkuth and Yesod below, and Kether above. Osiris is a dark God, for us, because we do not see that light. - Samael Aun Weor. Yald' being Aramaic: , romanized: yald[g] but translated as 'begetter', not 'child' and Abaoth being a term attested in magic texts, descending from Hebrew: , romanized:Tzevaot, lit. T & T Clark. Relatives Let us examine the letter Aleph. So, now you understand that when the Bible addresses Seth, it says, "And Adam has a son, and his name was Seth." A quantum table of the radiant energy that comes from the sun". Race The Zohar addresses that anagram in different ways. That Bar (son) is that archetype that we call Jesus Christ; the name for that archetype in Aramaic is Bar. Therefore, the birth in () Belen or ( -) Bethlehem was in order to make the reality of a man who had incarnated ( Bel) the Christ-Sun understandable., "Unquestionably, it (Bel) is the Christ Sun who must guide us in the superior worlds of cosmic consciousness. The second is Elohim. Such Sun unifies and coordinates the Pleiades in their entirety. The Gnostics identified him with the god of the Old Testament. 4 p.361 c; in Amos iii. Indubitably, Barbelo is what in Kabbalah is called the Ain Soph Aur, which is the third aspect of the Absolute Abstract Space. Nonetheless, the idea of a sacred Judas always seemed rational to me, at least in Christian terms. You have to put your consciousness into what you are doing; then your amphora, your body, your three-brains, will be full. So Nebro created six angelsas well as Saklasto be assistants, and these produced twelve angels in the heavens, with each one receiving a portion in the heavens. Abstract. In some of these Gnostic texts, Yaldabaoth is further identified with the Ancient Roman god Saturnus.[4]. Amphora of Salvation, I would like to be next to thee. As a consequence of meditating on this aspect of the Abstract Absolute Space, we have to state that each one of us, without exception, has part of that Abstract Absolute Sun within the Spirit. But in the time when Gnosticism arose (the late first or early second century AD), that wasnt really the case. "because did there ( balal) confound (mix, blend, intermingle; mash) the language of all the earth: and from thence did scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.. In living memory, the Catholic Church invoked the verses where the Jews called for this very blood to be, not just upon their own heads, but upon their every succeeding generation. HarperOne. [13], Helped by these events, Hilgenfeld's etymology remained the majority view until a 1974 analysis by Scholem explained its origin. The Barbeloites were a baptizing group that in the mid-2nd century fused with Christian baptizing groups. Each one of us, in ourselves, is an amphora, that takes in, and sends out. The Gnostics were steeped in the Greek philosophical tradition, so their description of the demiurge as having a lions head was probably intended to show that he was a being who couldnt or wouldnt control his base urges. Master Samael Aun Weor called the abode of the Solar Absolute, in his book Hell, the Devil and Karma, the Protocosmos (the first cosmos.) The fact is that the first aspect of the Absolute is called Ain, which means "nothing." In the beginning of the Bible, we always address the first verse, which says: Bara Elohim The son of AElohim, Aleph-Tav in the Hei of Schamayim Thou Heavens, And Aleph-Tav in the Hei of Aretz And thou earth" - Genesis 1: 1. But, if you take the beginning of the two words, it is Bel. And he is . That is a type of intelligence that controls this infinite and that is in union with all of the Suns of this infinite, which, in turn, are related with all the galaxies of this infinite, including our solar system. The first is Ain, which means nothing, zero. The place should have been identified as the realm of Barbello. Click here to return to the corrected sentences. This is why, when we address the Holy Tetragrammaton (Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei) we understand that it is related with the letter Aleph, in its shape: that is, through the values of the letters that together form the shape of Aleph, which is the Holy Tetragrammaton. And she intimated that what has been taken from the Mother on High by the archon who made the world, and others with himgods, demons, and angelsmust be gathered from the power in the bodies, through the male and female emissions. And the man was frozen. Such a view also had the effect of enabling the Gnostics to make sense of several passages in the Old Testament that had long troubled Christians and even Jews. This pseudo-variant was translated in Jastrow's popular Aramaic dictionary as 'confusion'. The fire is the Barbelo. Note, by the way, that the Gnostics could arrive at this position even while upholding the sanctity of the Jewish scriptures: everything those books said was accurate, but their authors had been ignorant of the true meaning of what they had written about.[18]. In English, we pronounce the two words in the same way. Strange as it may at first seem, this, too, was probably a good-faith interpretation of Christian scriptures that were already widespread, popular, and authoritative in the Gnostics time. When we start doing that, expanding our consciousness, that is when we become what we call, Christian. Why? Let me tell you that all of this that we are talking about here, I have experienced with my common sense. According to The Hypostasis of the Archons and On the Origin of the World, it was Sophia, who rebuked him and gave him this name, Samael. 2010. He didn't know the answer. So, if we ejaculate the solar energy, the sexual energy, we remain in darkness. . We are in that space too. Now, let us read what the Master Huiracocha whose personality was called Arnold Krumm-Heller, and who lived in Mexico wrote about this subject, but first, a quote from the Bible: And Adam (the brain) again knew ( Ath Eshoth) his wife (through sexual transmutation), and she bear a son, and called his name () Seth, for Elohim has appointed for me another seed instead of () Abel: For () Kain had slain him. But, now let us read what Master Huiracocha stated; The Sethian Initiates worshiped the Divine ( Chokmah) Wisdom, they were undoubtedly the first Theosophists. [6] Brakke, David. Now, when we address the Tree of Life, in the world of Atziluth, we name each Sephirah with a sacred name that we have written in English (with Latin letters) and in Hebrew, and we place the word Ain-Elohim (Aelohim) in order to show you how this is hidden in the scriptures. But, you have a Solar Absolute above, as well, that sends the energy through Kether, which is the superior Bel. God doesnt create Barbelo per se; instead, she comes from him by some indirect means. He didn't ask about all of the parts of the body, only a single hair of his mustache. First emanation of God in some Gnostic cosmogony, Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit,, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from December 2021, Articles lacking in-text citations from October 2011, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 21 April 2023, at 02:02. Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth[a] (/jldbe/; Coptic: ,[b] Latin: Ialdabaoth),[1] is a malevolent God and creator of the material world in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic, lion-headed serpent. 4, 3), as a form of Barbl, which may have the same meaning. But, a Paramarthasatya, like Master Jesus, penetrates into that light. p. 59. Easy to understand, right? "That light" said the wise man, "is the same light of the candle, reflected in all the mirrors; that is intuition, the common sense. He then created the material world, which, like all creations, was a reflection of the personality of its creator. The first letter of Ain, is Aleph. Bel-I-Lin. Of course, this sphere, which we are showing in this graphic, is not easy to perceive like when we perceive the Earth; the sphere of the Earth, in comparison with the infinite, is nothing. The word Aelohim is formed by two words. Eventually, Yaldabaoth expelled them from the ethereal region, the Paradise, as punishment. 17 Mar 2023 04:31:05 The development of the sexual organs depends upon the pineal gland, because it is through the pineal gland that we receive the solar light, which then descends into our sexual organs. That depends on the priest. If that initiate of the Solar Absolute, if that Barbelo you could also call it Barbelo, individually speaking but Barbelo is something expanded, it is beyond the infinite. The first Aleph of Aelohim represents Ain, the unknowable; as we said, the letter Aleph relates to the Abstract. This is the reason why the universe is called the created Elohim or Bar Aelohim - The son of Aelohim. Barbelo, Pronnoia, Protennoia (also known as Incorruptibility, and the 'Mother-Father'). When we read this from the Pistis Sophia, by the Master Aberamentho, who was named Jesus on this planet Earth a word which means Savior, Yeshua in Hebrew we have to penetrate into, or to inquire about Barbelo. 2010. This is saying that above Jehovah is Aelohim. The inexhaustible bag of great possibilities has the shape of a spiral galaxy. HarperOne. But since Jesus destroyed his kingdom instead of promoting it, Yaldabaoth had him crucified. His analysis showed the unattested Aramaic term to have been fabulated and attested only in a single corrupted text from 1859, with its claimed translation having been transposed from the reading of an earlier etymology, whose explanation seemingly equated "darkness" and "chaos" when translating an unattested supposed plural form of Hebrew: , romanized:bhu. This is the complication that we call nature; this is what life is, in us and in the universe. Harvard University Press. Sakla, Fool, Creator of Humans, The Fool of God, God's Eater, Samael, Evil Michael, Right Hand of Yaldabaoth, "Anti-Michael", False Michael, Herald of Yaldabaoth, Vajuma Not only our infinite; many infinites. This figure is also variously referred to as 'Mother-Father' (hinting at her apparent androgyny), 'First Human Being', 'The Triple Androgynous Name', or 'Eternal Aeon'. It would dispel the centuries of anti-Semitic paranoia that were among the chief accompaniments of the Easter celebration until approximately 30 years after 1945, when the Vatican finally acquitted the Jews of the charge of Christ-killing. Tomorrow they'll torture the one who bears me. This Darkness is contained within the Uterus and that the Great Wind, the Great Breath, (Ruach Elohim our own, particular Chesed, the Spirit of God) must come in order to free it. The Bible says, in Genesis 11: 9: Therefore is the name of it called Babel;". 'donkey', then seen as the animal of Seth. [7] Scopello, Madeleine, and Marvin Meyer. In these Mysteries, Light was represented by an Elder and Darkness by a young and beautiful woman. Here we are not addressing the infinite; we are only addressing our own particular galaxy. As machines, we feed the planet. The region of Barbelo, is the great power of the universal God if we can call it God. So, in those regions there exists a type of nature which is 100% perfect, in all of its kingdoms. 2008. [12], In his proposed 1967 etymology Adam[de], already diverted from the then majority view and translated Aramaic: , romanized: yald similarly to Scholem, as German: Erzeugung, lit. Babel is formed with two words: Ba , which means gate, and Bel , which means Sun. [1] Markschies, Christoph. That is why that mixture of forces is what the Bible calls Balal. But, remember that Jesus was born in Beth-Lehem, Bel-en, and he is the son of Bel. That is what we are; everything is mathematically related. Seth replaces Habel when we transmute the solar light, when we control Kain, and kill Kain. We give to the gathering of many galaxies the name "infinite" there is no real name for it, in English. When we feed ourselves with that bread, which is symbolized in the ritual of the Eucharist, you take the solar light in you, through your mouth. Confused? Because, from Seth, we have Enosh; Enosh is called the human being, the true, self-realized initiates. Edited by Marvin Meyer. Understand that Jesus is a Hebrew word which means savior (Yeshuah) and Christ is a Greek word that relates to the light, to the fire; it is from that point of view that we have to understand that name, in order to comprehend the gospels. [17] Galatians 2:11-21, NRSV. Early Christians were highly critical of many of the particulars of Judaism, asserting that Christ had come to correct what the Jews had gotten wrong. Shut up, Morning Star. That is a permutation that is written about in the book of Genesis that people do not understand. ": The Boast of Yaldabaoth", 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190467166.003.0004, "Ist die Gnosis in aramischen Weisheitsschulen entstanden? But, that Elijah that is being addressed here is not a person, but the solar light that has to build, within each one of us, the solar bodies.

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saklas and barbelo