somerton man autopsy report

The names were not released to the public until the 1980s as at the time they were "quite easily procurable by the ordinary individual" from a pharmacy without the need to give a reason for the purchase. There was the destruction of the center of the liver lobules revealed under the microscope. A stroke can damage the brain and central nervous system. It was later established What is it with the underpants andsinglet? The man's death coincided with a reorganization of Australian security agencies, which would culminate the following year with the founding of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). Mysterious death. Remains of mystery Somerton man exhumed 70 years after his death. The body was lying by the sea wall about across from the Crippled Children's Home, which was on the corner of The Esplanade and Bickford Terrace. However, certain features, such as the ears, can offer useful markers. Why some seriously doubt the hairs used to extract DNA were not those of the SomertonMan, Parallels between Carl Webbs behaviour, his physical characteristics andASD. The condition can develop due to several underlying medical conditions, ranging from blood disorders to liver disease. When passers-by discovered the man's body on December 1, 1948, he was dressed in a brown . 18 Proof the code is an acrostic depends on whose edition of Omar Khayyhams quatrains you are lookingat. The Somerton Man committed suicide yousay? This is especially the case if its caused by a bacterial infection. Harking back to the Coroners speculation, in that if it was found that TSM didnt die where he was found and had been carried to the beach, cue Detective ODohertys credible witness, then everything would need reconsidering, which would include his alleged 30th November arrival in Adelaide etc etc so, perhaps he was in town and unwell for quite some time before dying. Feltus also stated that her family did not know of her connection with the case, and he agreed not to disclose her identity or anything that might reveal it. Then the scientist ran those segments through massive DNA databases (maintained by genealogy companies such as to try to find out more about her fathers father the suspected Somerton Man. Her father had died in 1995 and her mother had died in 2007. ", The Webb Brothers. By early February 1949, there had been eight different "positive" identifications of the body, including two Darwin men who thought the body was of a friend of theirs and others who thought it was a missing station worker, a worker on a steamship, or a Swedish man. A small excavator and earthmover were used to remove the hard topsoil, before a marquee tent was set up directly over the gravesite. Now, get this: In June 1945 three years before the death of the Somerton Man a 34-year-old Singaporean named George Marshall was found dead in Ashton Park, in Sydney, with an open copy of the Rubaiyat on his chest. . To exhume a body in South Australia, it needs the Attorney-General's approval for obvious reasons. Still, tests showed no evidence of any foreign objects in the body. 8 What was he poisoned with? It just kind of happened.. On 30 Nov 1948 his health suddenly deteriorated, due to a certain individuals care, and he was placed near the steps facing the CCH, the same day his suitcase was delivered to the railway station? However, in July 1949, he was found in Sydney and the final page of his copy of the Rubaiyat (reportedly a 1924 edition published in Sydney) was intact, with the words "Tamam Shud" still in place. This chain of events is part of a stroke that can occur in adults and children. The man died on the beach with his feet crossed, with no signs of struggle or distress to mark his end. The Swinburne W and the Tamam ShudCode. It turns out that the Somerton Man had unusual ears in that his upper ear hollow (the cymba) was much larger than his lower ear hollow (the cavum). In February 2018, the University of Adelaide team obtained a high-definition analysis of the mitochondrial DNA from the hair sample from Somerton Man. In summer, the beach at Somerton in suburban Adelaide is a glistening stretch of sand, surf and sun. When police originally contacted her, she denied knowing the dead man. The Perfect Circle. He gave the coroner a piece of paper with the names of the two drugs which were entered as Exhibit C.18. Other key evidence no longer exists, such as the brown suitcase, which was destroyed in 1986. The spy theory hinged on a copy of The Rubiyt that had been dropped in a mans car around the time of the Somerton Mans death. A comparison of Jessicas handwriting and the Rubaiyats inscription, Boxalls memories of Jessica and the meaning of Verse70. Updated. In December 2017, Abbott announced three "excellent" hairs "at the right development stage for extracting DNA" had been found on the plaster cast of the corpse, and had been submitted for analysis to the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide. An inquest into the death, conducted by coroner Thomas Erskine Cleland, started a few days after the body was found but was adjourned until June 17, 1949. Abbotts research was undertaken with American genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick, founder of Identifinders International, a genealogical research agency involved in some of America's most high-profile cold cases. The treasure hunt which followed gave members a chance to admire the wealth and beauty of the flowers and the vegetables in the garden. A stranger arriving in Adelaide by morning train (e.g.Melbourne Express) might look for a seaside destination where he could lie down without attracting attention. Dust Jacket -- Tamm Shud: How the Somerton Man's Last Dance for a Lasting Life Was Decoded -- Omar Khayyam Center Research Report. August 12, 2011. We are getting closer to an answer.. The suitcase also contained a thread card of Warm Sepia of Ridgway thread which was an unusual color, not available in Australia. 19 Instances of false reporting in the early stages of the Somerton BodyCase. He also has a family somewhere missing him from their family tree and they have a right to know. To be more sure about that would require exhumation of his corpse and either genetic testing of any intact tissue or chemical analysis of dental enamel, which can reveal where someone lived when their teeth formed. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Privacy Policy Certain genetic marker combinations tie together distinct families and places. Abbott had been trying to solve the mystery for more than a decade. ", Dr. Linzi Wilson-Wilde oversaw the DNA analysis, which was carried out at Forensic Science SA and hoped are that there will be enough DNA to allow researchers to compare the Somerton Man's profile with potential relatives. The poem's subject led police to theorize that the man had committed suicide by poison. What work [we do] will be dependent on the amount of DNA and the quality of that sample, and we can't predict what that will be yet.". After the inquest, a plaster cast was made of the man's head and shoulders. The labels had been clipped from his clothing. The 5-foot-11, 40- to 50-year-old man carried no money or identification. The high arsenic level is not surprising since environmental arsenic levels in industrialized societies were higher in the 1940s than they are today. In March 2009 a University of Adelaide team led by Professor Derek Abbott began an attempt to solve the case by cracking the code and proposing to exhume the body to test for DNA. There is no evidence that Boxall had any contact with Harkness after 1945. 16 RACHEL EGANS DNA LINKED TO PROSPERTHOMSON.. 15 In 2002 I had a lengthy conversation with Jessica Harkness., 14 The seventy-year old secret of the Somertoncode. This is the second part of a two-part story about the forensic investigation of the Somerton Man. It was later established Four differing accounts of the contents found in the Somerton Manspockets. The code was a quatrain offering a gist of why and how The . The Mystery of the Somerton Man, also known as the Tamm Shud case, was, for over seven decades, an unsolved story of an unidentified man found dead at 6.30 am on December 1, 1948, on the Somerton Park beach, 6.8 miles (11 km) southwest of Adelaide, South Australia. The remains of the man were exhumed in May 2021 for DNA analysis and then finally, in July 2022, the mystery of the Somerton Mans identity was claimed to have been solved. Code experts were called in at the time to decipher the lines, but were unsuccessful. We add to DS Leanes slow motion investigativerecord. It was . The man had no further information, but the book supplied yet more baffling clues. All you need to know about barbiturates and who used it to commitsuicide. He appeared to be drunk . Read "Part 1: History and Code" here. I guess its all over and done with now,right? This is another bit of information that could prove useful in the future, suggesting that investigators might check for heart disease in his relatives, should candidates one day be found. You can explain any weird thing by saying he was a spy, Abbott said. 10 DNA, mtDNA, genealogy,mass spectroscopy and nuclear related matters. (Supplied) The suitcase. As Fitzpatrick will present at next weeks meeting, Rachels paternal line traced back to the Mid-Atlantic states of the US, centered around Virginia. Police checked incoming train records and believed the man had arrived at the Adelaide railway station by overnight train from either Melbourne, Sydney, or Port Augusta. If for some reason after buying his ticket he missed his train, he might ask someone how to get to the seaside and be told that St. Leonards bus stop was opposite the station. Note: Detective Brown was not involved with the enquiries relating to theRubaiyat. The postmortem showed no lesions likely to cause natural death such as coronary disease or cerebral hemorrhage. The bodys head was resting against the seawall, with legs extended and feet crossed. Whoops !! Do you know if TSMs DNA profile could become public record? They found that he and his mother belonged to haplogroup H4a1a1a, which is possessed by only 1% of Europeans. Perhaps the most unique piece of evidence in the Somerton Man case is a tiny piece of paper found in the man's pocket containing the printed words "Tamm shud," which means "finished" or "ended . The blood often appears in stool or vomit but isnt always visible, though it may cause the stool to look black or tarry. Putting Charlie and Roy into heightperspective. "It's possible that he came to this state to try and find her," Abbott speculated. The chance that this was a coincidence has been estimated as between one in 10-20 million. DNA THE LAST SECRET OF THE SOMERTON MANMYSTERY. With the original autopsy report lost, and the government unwilling to exhume the body, Abbott was still able to analyze photos of the dead man, and discovered two strange things. But that didnt explain anything about their connection to the Somerton Man. Derek Abbott also subsequently wrote to Rau in support of the Egans, saying that exhumation for DNA testing would be consistent with federal government policy of identifying soldiers in war graves, to bring closure to their families. His investigations led to many questions concerning the assumptions police had made on the case. Another theory concerns Alf Boxall, who was reportedly involved in intelligence work during and immediately after World War II. But the other person being interviewed - Fiona Ellis-Jones, who you may possibly remember as having been the host of the ABC's five-part " The Somerton Man Mystery " podcast - did say one thing that I at least found interesting. An unnamed man said he found it discarded in his car on November 30, the day before the Somerton man's death. This gives us clues as to the timeline of his possible movements. Kat teaches a lesson on a dietician who dipped her toe into evangelical cult-leading. Was the state of the Somerton Mans health a factor in hisdeath? (1) He hada massively oversized and congested spleen. the Science X network is one of the largest online communities for science-minded people. As for the "Tamam Shud" poem, Webb liked poetry and even wrote his own, according to Abbott. Did the Professor pick the wrongCharlie? What we know about the Somerton Man, the Thomsons, the Egans and theirDNA. Nevertheless, the names Feltus used in his book were pseudonyms. There was no evidence of any commonly tested poison or other foreign substance in the body, but the pathologists were convinced a drug was involved. and a stenciling brush, as used on merchant ships for marking cargo. A new DNA analysis links the Somerton Man to Thomas Jefferson and Native Americans. Gerry Feltus claimed he was given permission by Thomson's family to disclose her names and that of her husband, Prosper Thomson. Police believed that whoever removed the clothing tags either overlooked these three items or purposely left the "Keane" tags on the clothes, knowing Keane was not the dead man's name. Cleland remarked that if the body had been carried to its final resting place then "all the difficulties would disappear". The scrap came from the last words of the last page of The Rubiyt of Omar Khayyam, an 11th-century poetry book about lifes transience. Three Inches and an update from the office of Dr.Fitzpatrick. I should add that if SM and Jessica both had connective tissue disease then this suggests they were related. It was thought that her future husband, Prosper Thomson, was in the process of obtaining a divorce from his first wife in 1949 and that he did not marry Jessica Harkness until mid-1950. FamilyNamed. Prosper McTaggart Thomson and his participation inWW2. Would that we had estimates of volume loss. The theme of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is that one should live life to the fullest and have no regrets when it ends. Passersby had mistaken him for a drunk. Fifty days to interpret the two words TamamShud., THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TRAIN TICKET TO HENLEYBEACH. It can occur even in newborns and babies in the womb. While riding on the beach, he found the dead body of a man around 6:30 am. Mike Dash. Jessica did know the identity of the "Somerton Man" and his identity was also "known to a level higher than the police force". DNA Researchers Name the Somerton Man, Australia's 73-Year-Old Cold Case. The man's last meal was a pasty (pastry wrapping meat and potatoes) eaten three to four hours before death. He was clean-shaven and carried no identification. It was suspected that the suitcase was owned by the man found on the beach on December 1. By March 2022, Abbott said he had already established Webb's name through years of work with Fitzpatrick to build a complex family tree of around 4,000 names that led to Webb, whose date of death had not been recorded. Australia's most enduring mysteries - the identity of the "Somerton Man" - is finally solved. Somerton Man's identity - and how and why he died - has baffled an army of sleuths ever since his body was found by two apprentice jockeys just after sunrise on December 1, 1948. June 3, 2015 report. Sleuths amateur and professional alike have been puzzled for years by the discovery in 1948 of an unidentified man's . Rachael covers a listener submission about a gruesome discovery in a cave, and how the DNA Doe Project helped uncover the story. In news media, books, and other discussions of the case, Thomson was frequently referred to by various pseudonyms, including the nickname "Jestyn" and names such as "Teresa Johnson ne Powell". Why has it taken over 70 years to question why the police didnt use the Henley Beach train ticket to trace the Somerton Mansmovements? The Criminal Connection: Roy Webbs father-in-law was an associate of one of Australias most notoriouscriminals. Now we have Carl Webb, we have to start all overagain. An autopsy found an enlarged spleen and a liver in poor condition but could . On July 23, 2022, they matched DNA obtained from the hair to DNA tests taken by Webb's distant relatives. The Bloodstained Shirt .. Part 2 | The Somerton Man, Carl Charles Webb looks like Richard Charles Webb and the Somerton Man looks like Russell RichardWebb, The Webb Brothers. Henneberg also found what he called a "unique identifier, a mole on the cheek that was the same shape and in the same position in both photographs. While Henneberg found anatomical similarities in features such as the nose, lips, and eyes, he believed they were not as reliable as the close similarity of the ear. He was 5 ft 11 inches tall (180 cm), with grey eyes, fair to ginger-colored hair, and slightly grey around the temples. A closer look at the Somerton Mans NINE medicalconditions. Somerton Park, Australia. "It is inherited from both sides of the family, and when you put it in a genealogical database, you can get matches with recent relatives going up to about fifth cousin. Carl "Charles" Webb was born in Footscray, Melbourne, Victoria, on November 16, 1905. He added that this evidence fitted in with the theory that the body might have been brought to Somerton beach after the man's death, accounting for the lack of evidence of vomiting and convulsions, which are the two main physiological reactions to poison. Why There? Kate Thomson opposed the exhumation as being disrespectful to her brother, In October 2019, the South Australian Attorney-General, Vickie Chapman, signed off for the Somerton mans body to be exhumed by the University of Adelaide Professor Derek Abbott. Although named "City Baths", the center was not a public bathing facility but a public swimming pool. The extent of blood loss seems severe enough to cause collapse and death by hypovolemic shock. Really, the aim of this is to do everything we can to find out who this man is and finally give him a name. Some forms of connective tissue disease can cause very small stature and Jessie was only 4 feet 6 inches (JS was correct in this) in height whereas her brothers were reasonably tall. A final piece of information from the autopsy photographs comes from the Somerton Man's tie stripes, which slope with a negative gradient, in accordance with the US convention for ties. "This would indicate that there's been a change in the environment. Fitzpatrick compared DNA from Rachel and her mother to identify which portions of her genome came from her father. As Abbott explained, three types of DNA can be tested: mtDNA (inherited maternally), YDNA (inherited paternally), and autosomal DNA (inherited from both sides). "The strontium-88 is very interesting, as there is a very sharp change about one-and-a-half weeks before death," he said. Gwen Shamblin's diet program of praying the fat away somehow appealed to enough people that she could afford a private plane- unfortunately for her.. The burial of the Somerton Mans body occurred on June 14, 1949, in Adelaide's West Terrace Cemetery. Around the same time as the inquest, a piece of rolled-up paper with the words "Tamm Shud" printed on it was found in a fob pocket sewn within the dead man's trouser pocket. March 17, 2022; Believing Alf Boxall March 1, 2022 This post is all about Carl Webbsbrain. The information about Webb sheds some light on the mysteries that have surrounded the case. It's an enduring mystery here in South Australia. Its important to take the entire course of antibiotics to prevent the infection from returning or worsening. Robin Thomson's widow, Roma Egan, and their daughter Rachel Egan, also appeared on 60 Minutes suggesting that the Somerton Man was Robin Thomson's father and, therefore, Rachel's grandfather. Abbott and Fitzpatrick dont think the man was a murder victim or a spy. Please, allow us to send you push notifications with new Alerts. Police questioned a woman seen leaving the cemetery but she claimed she knew nothing of the man. An autopsy found an enlarged spleen and a liver in poor condition but could not determine a cause of death, factors . 34 Things folks know and things they dont about the Somerton Man MurderMystery.. 33 Whatever happened to the Somerton Mans brown knittedpullover? A new DNA analysis links the "Somerton Man" to Thomas Jefferson and Native Americans. July 5, 2021 by Juliane Cunha. An autopsy failed to find a cause of death, and noted that the man was in his forties with a fit physique. Thomson's daughter Kate, in a television interview in 2014 with 60 Minutes, also said that she believed her mother knew the dead man. Coroner Cleland, Professor Cleland and Professor StantonHicks. Height. Clive, perhaps he acquired his conditions relatively quickly, especially seeing so many appear to be related a bit like the domino effect and that being the case didnt lose his physique. Certain connective tissue syndromes could could most, and possibly all of the observed problems. The dead man on the beach was dressed in a white shirt, a red, white and blue tie, brown trousers, socks and shoes, a brown knitted pullover and a fashionable grey and brown double-breasted jacket of "American" tailoring. A forensic scientist in California has discovered a genetic link that pinpoints the mans origins to the US East Coast, with growing hopes that additional searches will uncover closer relatives, and finally give the man a name. Thomson also said that whilst she was working at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney during World War II, she had owned a copy of the Rubaiyat. After years of forensic investigation, Somerton Man's identity remains a mystery (Part 2: DNA, isotopes, and autopsy) . Fitzpatrick said, "The last known record we have of him is in April 1947 when he left Dorothy. Some of TSMs medical conditions appear (to the laymans eye) to be interrelated, but there is little doubt he needed medical assistance. (Left) The Somerton Mans ear has a larger cymba than cavum, unlike 99% of the population. Neil Day initially went over to see if the man was alright and got fairly close to him and couldn't see him breathing and then Days friend took hold of the man's leg to see if they could wake him, but they quickly realized he was dead. As Abbott explained, the strontium-88 level is perhaps the most intriguing. Thomson told police that, after the war ended, she had moved to Melbourne and married. It has to be said, nobody but nobody could have been as incompetent as Detective Sergeant Leane of the South AustralianPolice. Called the Somerton man after the beach where he was found in December 1948, . Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. Were all the Webbs as camera shy asCarl? As The Australian reports, South Australia's new attorney general Vickie Chapman is considering exhuming the corpse of the Somerton Man so googletag.cmd.push . "Together with the similarity of the ear characteristics, this mole, in a forensic case, would allow me to make a rare statement positively identifying the Somerton man.". Hello Byron, Ive been enjoying your insights. That's how he was on 1 December 1948, when two men found him slumped . A seaman by the name of Tommy Reade from the SS Cycle, in port at the time, was thought to be the dead man, but after some of his shipmates viewed the body at the morgue, they stated categorically that the corpse was not that of Tommy Reade. (3) He had extensive congestion (clogging) of the liver. The City Baths on King William St. were accessed from the station's northern exit via a lane. When an employee looked inside the case he told Harvey he had found an object inside the case he described as looking like a needle. The Somerton Man was thought to have fathered a child with a nurse called Jo Jestyn Thomson, Rachel Egan's grandmother. Some of the man's DNA was pulled from the hair . Dead, and in a jacket and tie. The paper's other side was blank. The pathologist concluded, "I am quite convinced the death could not have been natural the poison I suggested was a barbiturate or a soluble hypnotic". Bookmark. If Rachel is the granddaughter of the Somerton Man, then she inherited about 25% of his DNA. In 1978, following a request from ABC-TV journalist Stuart Littlemore, Department of Defence cryptographers analyzed the handwritten text. Feltus believed Thomson knew the Somerton man's identity. "Autosomal DNA is what's needed, and that's how adopted kids can find their biological parents, by a blind search," Abbott said. The Cold War was on, leading some journalists to later speculate that the Somerton Man was a murdered spy, either American or Russian. There were no foreign agents in the man's body, however, the suggestion was that the internal bleeding and over-enlarged . Has Rachel Egan's DNA finally ended Derek Abbott's involvement in the Somerton Man Mystery? If the book was found one or two weeks before, it suggests that the man had visited previously or had been in Adelaide for a longer period. 1947 Prosper Thomsons want ads and the possible uses of Carl Webbstools. The Body on Somerton Beach. The ear shapes shared by both men were a "very good" match - his cymba (upper ear hollow) was larger than his cavum (lower ear hollow), a feature possessed by only 12% of the Caucasian population. . The last page of the book had been torn out and replaced with a list of random letters a code, perhaps. The clues to the unparalleled mystery of the Somerton Man have baffled investigators from the day he was found, sparking a tabloid fascination that's still going strong. SA Police had an exhumation order approved by Attorney-General Vickie Chapman, who said the case had generated "intense public interest. The pair analyzed DNA evidence from hairs caught in a plaster cast made of the mans face. The next time I have a check up with the local quack thats what Im going to ask him. In June 2010, Abbott obtained a photograph of Jessica Thomson's eldest son Robin, which clearly showed that he, like the unknown man, had not only a larger cymba than cavum but also hypodontia. The Egans reported lodging a new application with the Attorney-General of South Australia, John Rau, to have the Somerton Man's body exhumed and DNA tested. On November 30th, 1948, John Lyons was strolling along Somerton beach, south of Adelaide, Australia, around 7 pm. In 1947, while unmarried, she had given birth to a son named Robin. "Whilst we may never find the complete truth surrounding the circumstances of his death, I am confident we can find his family group," Abbott said. Years after the burial, flowers began appearing on the grave. Flames issuing from premises at Walford Cross. is a leading web-based science, research and technology news service which covers a full range of topics. On 1 December, 1948, the man's . Electroconvulsive therapy, frontal lobe lobotomy, brain scrambling and the mysterious death of CarlWebb, Lawson sat in a darkened room creating the bust while his every move was being watched by a detective who was guarding thedoor.. Medical term Pharyngeal Congestion (Pharyngitis), In some cases, medical treatment is necessary for pharyngitis. Mortuary photo of the unknown man found dead on Somerton Beach, south of Adelaide, Australia, in December 1948. Somerton Man's body to be exhumed in South Australia more than 70 years after he was found on a beach. "You dont have to be a spy to be secretive., International Symposium on Human Identification. 2.36pm Monday 24th April 2023. Through his DNA, should we find it through the exhumation, we can potentially find on genealogical databases his cousins and relatives and bring him back to his family.. The coat had not been imported, indicating the man had been to the United States or bought the coat from someone of similar size who had been. He disappeared and she appeared in court, saying that he had disappeared and she wanted to divorce. Patients hospitalized for worsening heart failure have high mortality in hospital and within the months following discharge. This prevents blood from draining out of the brain. Where to now with Jessica Harknessinvolvement? The Somerton Man inquest was closed for lack of new evidence despite the police having found more thanenough. At least two sites relatively close to Adelaide were of interest to spies: the Radium Hill uranium mine and the Woomera Test Range, an Anglo-Australian military research facility. Bloodstains on the neck of Webbs shirt and a MUTILATED copy of the Rubaiyat found in the back of a UTILITYTRUCK? The drugs were later publicly identified as digitalis and ouabain, both of which are cardenolide-type cardiac glycosides. In a 1978 television interview Stuart Littlemore asks: "Mr. Boxall, you had been working, hadn't you, in an intelligence unit, before you met this young woman [Jessica Harkness]. But, they said that the "only clue of any value" remained the clothing. His hands and nails showed no signs of manual labor, with pronounced high calf muscles consistent with people who regularly wore boots or shoes with high heels or performed ballet. X marks the spot the man's body was found. Furthermore, the facial appearance of Carl Webb does not match the face of the police photograph taken of the Somerton Man shortly after his autopsy, which also casts doubt on the claim.

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somerton man autopsy report

somerton man autopsy report