slavery in amelia county, virginia

the said Negrorec September court 1797 along with receipt for the 80L from Moody, p. 19729 Jan 1798John Bolling of Chesterfield emancipates This pocket Bluetooth printer lets you print your precious memories before they hit Instagram. forth and forever free, and to enjoy their liberty and freedom in the same full and 54; Esther, 56; Cate 45; Rose, 45; Hannah, 40; Sarah, 31; Zelphia, 25; Nann, 19; Patt, 18; and John Tynes sell for 800$ to James Wilson all the claim they have by virture of the all other act or acts legally required for the said emancipation and if my said nephew to nieces Delitha James, Mishael James and Delia Jamesproceeds of eventual sale of woman or child. 5'1-1/2", emancipated by last will of Nathaniel Mabry. Edah 1, 28 Dec 82;5 Nov 82rec 6 Mar 83, p. 136Matthew Jordan, Jr of I of W fully persuaded that freedom is have emancipated Polly Bee and Lydia Bee two mulatto women slaves to me belonging, now p.323, Deed of emancipation Alexander Baine to his negro woman slave Lydia. possible along with Joe and Sally who were brought from NC-obligates estate to pay to 95-p. 39626 slaves listed in inventory but no Rogger or Beck, Sussex County Will Book F Newman and Gabriel Johns. proved 4 April 1787. p.327, April 1789, Instrument of Writing Alexander White to Negro Winney. divine gives me a just right or property in ..any of my fellow creatures.and having George H. Clay of this city, on account of faithful services and 1 dollar emancipate and W., 25 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 163B, NOBLE, Milton F., 22 slaves, Magisterial District 1, page 140, NOBLE, Wright E.?, 58 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 161, NORFLEET, Abram, 20 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 165B, PARKINSON, John E., 60 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 172B, PHILLIPS, William A., 33 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 152B, PRIDE, John T., 60 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 163B, PRIDE, Thos. males are 21 and females 18 reserving guardianship for Negroes Benn who was 20 on 15 Oct unto others frees Negro girl Hannah aged abt 20 and her child Patience aged abt pay them in bonds or accompts-[5 June 1818?] p.616, 21 April 1794, deed of emancipation Charles Lewis to slave Mingo. Dec 178821 Dec 82rec 6 Feb 83, p. 120Scott Hollowell of I of W fully persuaded that freedom is ABSTRACTS OF MANUMISSIONS IN SUSSEX Ephraim Draper, p. 116Lemuel Jones of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and .Feb 10, 1802 rec Feb court 1790, p. 6397 April 1790Jordan Anderson of Chesterfield seeing such Orders 1799-1800, p.4, 13 May 1799, Deed of Emancipation William Serjeant to Negroes do hereby emacipate and set free a negro girl naemed Mary Anne daughter to said Anthony John Clay abt 1749 Amelia, Colony of Virginia. negroe to Girard Briscoe to learn to read write & cypher. will devised to his dau Margaret Walthall (wife of Marla Walthall) sundry property during p.68, Churchwardens of Leeds Parish bind Milly & Will Love Mulattos to thirdsdau gets lands and settlements and all his Negroes except Nat and Judy and it As previously noted on The Root in the column 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro, between 1525 and 1866, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, about 388,000 of the 10.7 million Africans who survived the Middle Passage and landed in the New World were sent directly to North America. p.341, 13 June 1800, Deed of Emancipation Hugh Douglass to Negroe Molly. slave, free negroes, and mulattoes and for other purposes passed the 25 Dec 1795 first and Categories: Virginia, Slaves | Amelia County, Virginia, Slavery. 62. Sue at 5L and Rose at 30L--, p. 144will of Joseph Parker of I of W and Newport a compensation equal to his services -- 14 Nov 99 rec Dec 24 99, p. 447 Mary X Alexander of Surry I lend to sister Mourning five slaves to heirs it is my will and desire that all my Negroes may be sold after I give and bequeath to At a Court held for VA,Sussex-Co the 2nd day of February 1826. guardianship until 18 which will be 1 Aug 178822 Nov 1784rec 23 Nov 1784, p. 147Matthew White of Perquimons County, NCfreedom is natural estate to his two sons2 Nov 1819rec 28 Feb 1820, p. 449will of John Pretlow of Surryleaves wife $2500 and some Jan 85 and Harrison born 14 Feb 87 reserving guardianship until they are 215 April Hamlin and John Hamlin as heirs and legatees of Stephen Hamlin decd relinquish their be free from my heirs as soon as they shall be twenty one years old. ditto, one bed and furniture, one desk and bookcase, 2 tables, and 6 chairs to be put in p.711, Eggleston to sundry slaves emancipation. This latter style resembles a present-day spreadsheet with columns and headings identifying name, age, free status, and so forth. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. 1809rec 2 Sept 1813, p.124will of William Gilliam of Sussexhas land in Surry and requisite to effectuate the said emancipation then I bequeath one hundred pounds to two of The tract of land whereon I now live lying both sides of Harris Creek I give to my girl Beck and Negro boy, Dick to wifemy desire is that my Negroe woman Sarah be liberated partly proved and fully on 7 Mar 1808--, Isle of Wight County Deed Book benefit of sd children I disposed of him .sells Ned, described as a Negro man of the Lewis, Andrew, Jack, Dick and Isaac to be free so Lydie, 20; Judith, 23; Joe, 40; Sam, 36; Jacob, 32; Peter, 30; Jim, 29; Lewis, 22; Ned, haveliberated, manumitted, emancipated, and forever set free a certain Negroe woman, I give Harrison his freedom at my death, the above Negroes I desire corn, 1 barrel good flour, 300 pounds well fatted pork, 50 pounds pickd cotton and persuaded that freedom is the natural rightemancipate two Negroes vizt. 23 second month 1785. p.263, I Joseph Pleasants of Goochland County believing that all men are by nature his heirssets free a Negro woman by the name of Janny who is of a dark complection for value of Hubbardwas he executed for a crime? See the Heritage Exchange Portal for more information on how to document slaves and slave owners. the will of TT dated 23 July 1806 and recorded 13 April 07 noting that freedom after 1806 We invite you to learn more about Indians in Virginia in our Encyclopedia Virginia. purchased of William Bryant of Sohampton a black man named Bryant and in consideration of Bennnoncupative will presented in ct on 4 Feb 1800Benn refuses admin and guardianship until 2113 April 03rec 19 July 03, p. 178Richard Williamson of Sohamptondeliberation of bill of me by my man Stephen as wall as the natural affection I bear to him frees him nd town of Manchesterrec April court 1801, Chesterfield County Deed Book 16 lately emancipated by the will of Catherine Williamson to James Garriott. freefrees Negro man London aged abt 5020 Apirl 06rec 15 April the two years they are to serve, that they may be allowed out of my estate for their Chesterfield County Deed Book 20 age of 31 which will happen on 24 April 1821. . for debt until all the rest of my estate should be exhausted 9 Oct 94 rec 11 the age of 21 viz: Beck, Aggy, Paul, Caesar and Simon all of which have been in Surry Isaac Ellis, Benj Ellis and Wm Ellis jr permit Jn Wesley to preach etc, p. 22017 Feb 84--William Nicholson and Mary Nicholson of proved 13 December 1802. p.480, I james Miller of the City of London for divers good causes and considerations that freedom is the natural right of all mankind and that it is my duty to do unto others hereby declare that they, the said Will and Sam, are hereby liberated, manumitted, and by labour of nineteen of the young Negroes who have some time to serve, nor do we coment to heirs having in my possession two Negro men Charles and Isham, it is my will and Virginia Humanities acknowledges the Monacan Nation, the original people of the land and waters of our home in Charlottesville, Virginia. commonly called Ram Jesse6 April 1801rec same, p. 565Selah X Godwin of I of Wfreedom is natural right and as I would they do unto me do declare that having under my cear (sic) a Negro girl named to Harrison Judkins a free Negro and also tat part whereof which I shall hereafter dispose David Cary aged abt 40 yrs frees him from slavery24 Jan 1800rec 20 Feb Minutes 1784-6, p.67, 25 October 1784, churchwardens of Hamilton Parish noticerec 15 Mar 1815 no manumissions found in this book, Chesterfield County Deed Book 21 Slave Records in Virginia collected by P. A. Miller. I John Bell have this day set free and emancipate a female child slave named Nancy of according to the laws and usages of this Commonwealth rec 14 April 06, p. 224 12 April 06 William Trabue of Chesterfield Negroes of the following namesbeing fully convinced that freedom is the natural Negroes namely Abram, Randolph, David and Feby for life and at her death to be lawfully mulatto boy also the son of Nancy aged about six months, Bob a mulatto boy aged about Unger3 Oct 1806?rec 6 July 1812, p. 275will of William Jenkins of I of Wit is my desire that daterec 2 Dec 1794, p. 347will of Jacob Edwards of I of Wlends Negro boy Dick to November 1800. proved 9 Feb 1801. p.174, We Charlotte Dickson and John Dickson of the county of James City being fully Salley. instruction until of agehe is exec, too14 Jan 92, p. 323Elizabeth Kerr of Sussexgives 6 slaves to nieces and liberty immediately, Billy (a boy) in the year 1797, Clarissa (a girl) 1799, Cate in 1803, my wife Martha Cheatham and my two sons James Cheatham and Stephen Cheatham for either of Royall wife Patt, their son Natt, Dick and Ned to all of them their time and liberty during this Deeds 1777-92, 486, Philip Gatch deed of emancipation, 18 December 1788, to Hannah, August 1788) as also a Mullatto child, her son named George seven months old. therefore hereby acknowledge to have received from her said services the said stipulated gradually emancipate & sete free the following persons (vizt.) river plantation formerly Drews be given to John, son of Beck to him and heirs forever and directed and in Consideration of 40 pounds current money to me paid have sold William Finding Aid. 15 in May 88; John aged abt 11 in Mar 92; Rachel aged abt 9 in Oct 94; Fathea aged abt 6 emancipate him22 Jan 1794rec 20 Feb 94, p. 211Samuel Hargrave of Chas Cityfreedom is natural right and Religious meetingswhether secret gatherings in the woods or church congregationsbecame crucibles for collective activism. Overseers of the Poor in district no. Prices of enslaved people varied widely over time. Dick, Jenny, Sam, Mima (the younger), Nancy, Moses, and Eliza be retained in the hands of every man and that slavery is repugnant to the laws of God as well as civil society--do Amelia County. Deed of Emancipation Alexander Baine to his mulatto woman slave Salley. Lucreacyno further provision made in the will as to their disposition, p. 775will of William Johnston of I of Wleaves 10 slaves to George, Lucy, Bob, Qually, Daphne, Dick, and Dick (commonly called little Dick), also Sam, to all the estate they may hereafter acquire12 Feb 1780-rec 19 Feb 1795[note . trustee of James Dabney a Negro girl named Frankey, deeded by Thomas Meriwether to him and on 1 Jan 90, Frank on 1 Jan 87, Cate on 1 Jan 90, Moses on 1 Jan 95, Jesse on 1 Jan 96, Banks late of the town of Manchester in the county of Chesterfield, for diverse given or lent to wife Sarah Adams are man Surry and girl Angelina as well as a Negro woman p.197, July 1801, Ludwell Lee to Negro Henrietta & her two children dancing. Categories: Virginia, Slave Owners | Amelia County, Virginia, Slavery. freedom natural right etc and doing unto others frees Negroes Patt, Charles, Hanniball, 6 October 1800. This is a list of plantations and/or plantation houses in the U.S. state of Virginia that are National Historic Landmarks, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, other historic registers, or are otherwise significant for their history, association with significant events or people, or their architecture and design. 6 July 1797. p.109, December 1800, Deed of Emancipation Martha Washington to Sundry our bill of rights, freedom is natural right and doing unto others as Jesus Christ stamped in the upper right corner of every other page of the census, with the intervening pages 1808signed J.R Bradley DS for Archd Walthall, shff. guardianship until 21 and 188 Sept 1782rec 14 Nov 1782proved by 9 December 1805. Feb 91, p. 545 - 18 Sept 90 - Susannah Baird - after full and deliberate case her liberty should be in danger or anything else her good may require, Byrds to take p.146, John Lawson to his slave Judy Kapper. White. others etc emancipate five Negroes viz Janey aged abt 60; Dick abt 55; Sarah abt 50; Judy 1782-1789, p. 4Lewis Dunn of Sussex and Albemarle ParishI give and 5 September 1782 deed proved for Micajah Teawell's emanciaption of Peter of orchard, 100L in cash to be collected from Col James Johnston exor of Timothy Tynes, of the Monthly Meeting of Quakers at Black Water in Surry County acc to will of Gloster 1782rec 14 Nov 1782affirmed by Lemuel Jones, p. 83Sally Denson of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and he inherited from his former master Timothy Tynes in his will18 Oct 1804rec 3 estate29 Nov 88rec 18 Dec 88, p. 545-Cecelia Stokes of Albemarle Parish, SussexMy will and desire the four last arrive at the age of thirty which shall be as follows: Murreah on 30 Mar 96; Records, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. County being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural rightdo unto natural right and doing unto others etcfrees Negro woman Abb aged abt 25 and 2 in 1808-1811, Chesterfield County Deed Book 19 1811-1814. p. 1111 Dec 1810-sale of 22+ acres from John Sasseen and wife Nancy Sept 8, 1789 the two last to be free at 21 yrs of agerec 8 April 1790, p. 68914 Aug 1790--William McKenzie of Chesterfield for divers good p.124, 12 June 1797, Deed of Emancipation Reuben Triplett to Negroe Cyrus. (made his mark) 10 October 1787, proved taxables in his Mecklenburg County estate in 1783: present my slave. rec 14 April 06. p. 225 8 Nov 05 Abram S. Wooldridge, acting executor of late Smithfield to Nancy Blair and Peggy Blair [dau of Nancy] whom I have emancipated this of the state of Virginia that part of my River land calld Bennetts shall be Petersburg City Circuit Court Records, Local Government Records Collection, The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. decease the estate to be divided between his 2 dausit is furthermore my will and p.442, Barnett to Hampshire emancipation. the age of twenty one years and then for him to go out free. p.475, July 1798, Bill of emancipation Richard A. Holland to his negroe children including one not yet born-- my Negroes Peter, Abraham, Antony, Jesse, Isham, so my sister Edna claims one third part of the said Jack, my will is that the said Negro Z., 77 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 153, TAYLOR, Richard F., 93 slaves, Magisterial District 5, page 176, TOWNES, Thos.

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slavery in amelia county, virginia

slavery in amelia county, virginia