dr lorraine day official website

7) Hoxsey Tea, You are posting as a guest. What does Day do with Pauls assertion that the Israelites are beloved for the fathers sakes? Hi John, great interview. California Governor Gavin Newsom Is a Jew, Now the Government Can Legally Kill Christians, Title: Dr. Lorraine Day's interview on the Coming Covid-19 Scamdemic - and Death! Cancel Culture is really Demonization! Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25, 1 Peter 3:17). Jews say Gentiles Exist ONLY to Serve the Jews! Visit our Contact Us page or shoot us an email at [emailprotected]! They are Jacobs descendants, so I will bless them and show that I am holy. (1) And the LORD said to Abram, Go out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your fathers house into a land that I will show you. It is a Totally FAKE Concept! Read our Privacy Policy. Thanks. Please visit her other website at www.goodnewsaboutgod.com for more information. Im a retiree who left a 34-year career in Social Services to live in the beautiful state of Florida. We are therefore SLAVES., As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. But she refused chemotherapy, radiation and mutilating surgery because of their dangerous side effects and chose, instead, to get well by a totally natural Ten Step Health Plan. Days website also talks about the New World Order and the Illuminati. According to her writings, all Jews today are part of some grand conspiracy where the Illuminati are trying to establish a New World Order, successfully pulling the wool over billions of peoples eyes. (15) For He said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 12) and many others. not drinking enough water) frequently lead a person to misdiagnose their problem. What do anti-Zionists/anti-Israel teachers like Lorraine Day do with these Scriptures? To be honest, though, I do not think she gave some of the ones she tried on herself a complete enough evaluation. What does Day propose to do in the way of salvation regarding this knowledge for sale? Dr. Lorraine Day's Personal, Official Web Site - Her Amazing Recovery from Cancer. The Realist Report John Massaro on Travel in America, CODOH Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Dr. Day's photos and Vicious Rumors UPDATED! Never mind that the Khazar myth has been dispelled and disproven for over a century now, never mind speculation, bloodlines, and physical heritage; where is Days substance and evidence for this statement? with Dr. Lorraine Day, Learn How to Understand God's Word I watched the video several times and was more inspired and encouraged with each successive viewing! To join the Live Online FREE Bible Study: The present-day Jews are NOT Gods Chosen People. God does NOT play favorites. She explains to you in terms you can understand all the confusing medical jargon you will hear from doctors. HERD Immunity is an OUTRIGHT LIE! beginning in March or April 2006. Im Barbara Korthals, a long-term (21+ years) cancer survivor and a fledgling author here to fill you in on my successes and failures experienced during my very long journey with various alternative cancer therapies. But the juice should remain dominated by carrot juice. How this plan has been used successfully by many patients with different types of life-threatening diseases to regain their health. If someone like Dr. Day cant find the courage to shop unmasked, then were doomed. This, unfortunately, tends to discredit her takes on whats going on. And I will bless you and make your name great. In this section she gives a long list of things to avoid. FRAUDULENT idea of While this item is more than just being outdoors, the general direction is to get people outdoors or at least to open windows when you can. There are uniform particles that appear to be expelled from cells after breakdown that are seen under an electron microscope. The other thing that disturbed me about this tape is that there are a lot of very potent alternative cancer treatments, such as the Calcium Protocol, that she does not even mention. Have some feedback for our website? When she developed breast cancer she had to decide between orthodox treatments and alternative treatments. Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. Gods Chosen People are the true followers of Christ who are Chosen for one thing only: to exhibit to the world the character and disposition of Jesus Christ, no matter what happens to them. The Jews are Destroyers! When TRUTH is told here, it is told without compromise. The examples you cite involve life and death situations living under communism, mouthing off to police who carry guns. and Communist New World Order. You aren't sick Because you have Cancer - Im sure many of those living under communism wish they too would have stood up earlier and defied the initial orders before it became too late. The Satanic, Degenerate, Disgusting Leaders of the World Herd Immunity is a LIE - and Fauci KNOWS it! In this tape she discusses the massive number of problems with orthodox cancer treatments. Again, I expected this protocol to at least stop the tumor from growing further, if not reduce it in size. Social Distancing is a Scam perpetrated by the Yeah, but there is nothing wrong with saying that viruses dont exist in that what they are calling a virus and how it behaves certainly doesnt exist. Please do not curse or use derogatory language - you can make your comment or criticism without foul language. Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. E-mail your full name and e-mail address to Besides, what man or nation isnt guilty before God? Purple grapes, in order to be effective in treating cancer, must not be consumed with ANY OTHER food. Paul in his letter to the Romans discusses how the Israelites are the Lords chosen, after the fullness of nations has [entered Christ]: Romans 11:25-28 MKJV Harvest of Despair: MUST WATCH - Communist Famines in In fact, she tried many of these cancer treatments on herself so she knew first hand that they didnt work in her situation. Why are Americans Begging to be Murdered? And be sure to come back weekly for new posts! And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? If you have questions or comments for me, Id love to hear from you below. Double Blind I think maybe Dr. Lorraine Day is skewed in her thinking, here, as elsewhere. It accompanies the video and cannot be used alone. " That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Cancer Reversal" at the 43rd Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society. I watched in amazement as this woman talked about healing her cancer by following the natural cancer protocol of Dr. Lorraine Day. Jewish Illuminati DOES! A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day Learn How to Understand God's Word From Genesis to Revelation Monday Evenings 6:00 PM Pacific Time Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. He doesnt love some more than others. Care for Your OWN Health! Shem was one of the sons of Noah). When they are testing you, they are vaccinating you! RemedySpot.com Forums on Ayurveda, Yoga, Health and Natural Healing. Dr. Lorraine Day offers Updates on Current Events - What You Need to Know Dr. Lorraine Day's Updates The Government LIES According to its OWN Agenda Dr. Day and "60 Minutes" ( click here ) It's NOT Anti-Semitism - It's the TRUTH! I cant speak for Dr. Day, but I took from the interview that she has the attitude that you pick your battles wisely. You cannot paste images directly. Always refreshing listening to Dr. Day and common sense on germ theory, viruses, vaccines, AIDS, personal health, and the big one Covid. The Satanic, Degenerate, Disgusting Leaders of the World, EVERYBODY is LYING - the CDC, NIH, FDA, and everyone else: the Covid-10, Israel ADMITS Jews are KHAZARS - from Khazaria - and are descendants of GENTILE. Its NOT Anti-Semitism - Its the TRUTH! To Learn Who Rules Over You Simply Find Out Who You Are Not Allowed To Criticize. One may put forth accurate informationand still not hit the nail on the heador bear spiritual witness. This is an absolutely superb tape and an absolutely superb treatment protocol, with one major exception. Has Day not witnessed the miracles the Lord has done in this day raising up a nation 1900 years dead, completely revived; their culture, their language, their land, their people all gathered back to where it began, the very land God promised the fathers of our faith? He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist., If the Marxist teaching were to be accepted as the foundation of the life of the universe, it would lead to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind. The most that will happen is, if you refuse to leave, the store might call the police for trespassing. From Genesis to Revelation More Information on the HOAX Pandemic, 4 DVD Package To compound these problems, the symptoms of dehydration (i.e. To cure your cancer you must change your diet. Before I watched this tape, by looking at the title of the tape I was expecting her to end up with a list of alternative cancer treatments that worked and a list of alternative cancer treatments that didnt work. America has been combined with Canada and Mexico and we have inherited By Guest guest, May 31, 2006 in Health, Medicine and Natural Healing 06. Shes had her life threatened numerous times. Americans Will BEG for a One World Government! Like the stat that Dr. Day sited..100 years ago cancer was 3% of the population, now it is over 50%. (16) So then it is not of the one willing, nor of the one running, but of God, the One showing mercy. Its Time to Learn How to There are multiple alternative explanations as to why people get in groups, especially children, that include such things as resonance, shared environments, age of maturation, etc. Why spend the money and travel 90 miles round-trip four days a week when the treatments obviously werent working for me? Who is Responsible for ALL Wars? Is REALLY ALL About! Eye See: Prevent and Reverse Eye Disease NEW! Search the history of over 806 billion be Reading His Bible? Thoughtful comments are welcome. However she takes the Bible literally, which is insane. God Doesnt Need Any HelpFrom Bill Gates! After all, she cured herself of cancer following biblical direction and is going strong still at almost 85 years old. By following the orderly system of evaluation that she presents, you can then make calm, intelligent decisions about the best treatment methods for you. She is, to put it lightly, a religious Nut. NO ONE Dies from the Flu! Are Doctors a Gift from God? Mark what happened to Luther and Hitler, two false teachers who also cursed Israel and the Jews. She will help you understand why you don't need to fear cancer. God loves everyone the same.". Lorraine Day doesnt eat from the Tree of Life, Who is the God of Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ, but instead eats from the same Tree as those she seeks to expose with her writings and website and videos. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital and is recognized world-wide as an AIDS expert. The juicing alone was a major production because there were numerous juices that had to be drunk throughout the day. And as a bonus, this was a medical doctor who had breast cancer. She also served as Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. (25) For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, lest you should be wise within yourselves; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the nations has come in. When is Jesus Coming? So you lose both ways and what have you accomplished? Small Pox Good Lord, the tumor that I had been so happy to be relieved of was now returning! Well said Alvin, I agree with you. Dr. Day Web site, accessed March 21, 2002. (25) Now I will show mercy to the people of Israel and bring them back from the nations where they are living. (28) Indeed as regards the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes. Both manifestos are derived, developed and distributed by propagandists in service only to some socio-economic elites, always; all laws and philosophies eventually institutionalized and conventionally accredited as somehow expertise across all political spectrum of any potential (or existing) empire, and, as it turns . She notes that 70 cups of coffee is a fatal dose of coffee. YOU May Not Believe in a Real SATAN - But the To lose one's eyesight is a catastrophe that changes every aspect of one's life. 4) Ann Wigmore Wheatgrass (she liked this one the best, and her diet is somewhat similar), This video describes the EXACT plan she used to get well! ALLOWED to Criticize. She also has many warning, such as to not microwave your foods, dont have dental amalgam put in your mouth, dont consume too much protein, etc. Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer, Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine, Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression. In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 25 minutes speaking on "Self-Help Program" at the 35th Annual Cancer Convention held on Labor Day weekend by the Cancer Control Society. This discussion is in trusting Gods wisdom (i.e. Everything the Jews Do is Meant to Kill Us! At Lorraine's request her . If your only intention is to go into a store for fifteen minutes to buy groceries, is it worth going to jail over a mask? Getting Started on Getting Well (workbook) The Will My Body Heal Itself? Build Back Better? In Case You Still Think Look for a Sinister Agenda, Dr. Lorraine Day gives Update on Covid 19 on How Could a Prominent Pastor NOT The importance of sunlight is far more significant than most people realize. In this video, Lorraine Day spends about 26 minutes speaking on "Cancer Doesnt Scare Me Anymore!" When Things Dont Make Sense However, her treatment can be supercharged, even for those who do use it. Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. I like Dr. Day and she has lots of info exposing Rothschild Jewrys agenda. And how does Day reason away the Jews legitimacy and Israels legitimate and miraculous rebirth? She did have some surgery, but refused chemotherapy and radiation and turned to . Other Books and Videos What she did say said (if you listened carefully) is that there is NO proof that there are viruses out there which are contagious. (14) What shall we say then? Dr. Day details many of the side-effects of chemotherapy and in the tape she holds up a medical text book which she explains has many pages that detail many more complications of chemotherapy. Required fields are marked *. Walking into a store without a mask is a far cry from that, but I am afraid thats where were going to end up if we continue to comply with tyranny. The world is 6,000 years old, Noah, etc-etc. A good place to start is a video called The Young Age of the Earth that can be found on Youtube. A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day. If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me" (Luke 9:23). Its one thing to speak truths andanothertospeak by the Anointing of theTruth. Im sure Ill be listening to this interview several times. the Mouth of Satan! You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -, The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World. You have cancer. the SILENCE of Hospitals, Doctors and Nurses, How the Jews are MURDERING the Elderly Gentiles. See: And, indeed, Days website is overflowing with knowledge that promises to enlighten man and show the way. Suddenly the DEADLY Coronavirus is Gone! Germs Don't Cause Disease on behalf of Victor Hafichuk Their Agents This is a superb treatment she has put together. (26) And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. I remembered Dr. Day's teachings from the first time I was diagnosed with cancer back in 1998; but this time I ordered a number of her books and videos because I wanted to follow all 10 parts of . Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Questions on Dentistry Without delving deeply into Days beliefs and article, wheres the Reality? I respect her courage for speaking truth to power. Jews LIE: Thats what they do! on February 7, 2020. The LYING Jews tried to claim 6 Million Jews were being The familiar to everyone spread of chickenpox is evidence of the contagious nature of the varicella-zoster virus. Consider her history too. web pages Its nothing short of a miracle! Your previous content has been restored. received her Medical Degree from the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine in 1969. Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments, Dr. Days web site is at: Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. Clear editor. so you can be given access to each Bible study. They WORSHIP him! Day says, Eighty to ninety percent of all the Jews in the world have NO Semitic ancestry, they are Khazars of Gentile origin, barbarian Mongol Turks, from the area of Khazaria (now the Caucasus portion of Western Russia), people who, in about 740 A.D., accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. She also provides detailed instructions, such as not to eat fruits and vegetables in the same meal, and why. The tumor was definitely getting larger as well. Government Lockdown? So where is Lorraine coming from, you must ask. Outstanding interview! I hope you are posting in jest. For we are not as many, hawking the Word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God (2 Corinthians 2:17 MKJV). Other vegetables could also be added. The Good News About God; Dr. Day interview on ITV (video) The second segment of this interview is Exclusive Members Only Content. Where are her Godly witnesses? In short, I would not hesitate to have this treatment replace the cancer diet discussed on this web site, and to be considered one of the strong Stage III treatments. (2) The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers plot together, against the LORD and against His anointed, saying, More on Cancer " continues where the video, " Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore " leaves off. I also do not think it works fast enough for those with certain types of cancer (e.g. Hell, Ill even make it easier on you..just look around brother and have just a BIT of knowledge of recent history (Dr. Day made it very easy on you in this interview, all you have to do is listen), that in spite of massive advances in modern medicine and pathology over the last 100 years, people are SICKER THAN EVER. ACH (2118) Dr. Lorraine Day - The New World Order's War On Women April 11, 2023 ACH (2117) Mallificus Scott - The Limeys #116 - Why Does Sven Longshanks Face Years In Prison When Burglars Are Being Convicted For Up To 27 Break-Ins Before They Are Sent To Jail And Criminals Can Rack Up 8 Knife Offences Before Being Locked Up? John, I understand you were running out of time but wish youd have pushed back on that. You Can't Improve Upon God If you want to go on her diet/treatment, it is essential to buy her tape and watch it several times, taking copious notes each time. I watched the video several times and was more inspired and encouraged with each successive viewing! A whole food to help rebuild and maintain a healthy immune system. Its not a hill to die on like storming the beaches of Normandy but a very minor act of civil disobedience at most. tortured and persecuted even BEFORE World War II. ABOUT EVERYTHING! She cuts through all the lies and explains everything with such clarity and detail. In her case, she can do much more good out of jail than in jail. Not so in the leastthat virus has never been isolated or cultured as wellin fact, no viruses have. You dont even need to go that far, just read about Beauchamp and Pasteur back in the day to see that there has always been hard evidence that germ and viral theory are seriously flawed and were so from the beginning. THIS is what is coming to America! What do you imagine traditional live vaccines are, then, Aservant? 5) Budwig, We care about the protection of your data. He has said to Me, You are My Son; today I have begotten You. Stress Success (5 CD Set) The plan also included a strict vegan diet, daily walks in the sunshine and fresh air and a 9:30 PM bedtime every evening. (7) I will declare the decree of the LORD. Dr. Day and I discuss the history of vaccines, public health, and the formation of a medical monopoly centered around allopathic medical practices. We are taxed without our own consent, expressed by ourselves or our representatives. 9) Pau d Arco, Here, it is mandated. The Ultimate Joke is on YOU! Specific information on Breast Cancer and Prostrate Cancer, Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore video/DVD. The ICRF is one of the premiere alternative cancer treatment research organizations. https://ia601408.us.archive.org/22/items/dr-day-covid/Dr%20Day%20Covid.mp3, The Realist Report Mike Stone: COVID-1984, The Realist Report Tom in CT: Media Deception, On The Daily Traditionalist with Matt Heimbach, https://www.theguardian.com/news/1999/may/31/guardianobituaries2. And sometimes, despite the weakened state of the virus, a full-blown infection and illness occurs a recognized risk of vaccination. The Webster Kehr website is closely affiliated with the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc (ICRF). While convincing and presented quite emphatically, Days claims are built on a shaky foundation of conspiracy theories, conjecture, speculation, and rumor in short, mans opinions which are invariably contrary to God. Thats the way it is: the Truth is unshakable, invincible. This is one of many signs that Day is a false teacher, a true mark of a cult leader. Rockfordpress@earthlink.net Who Started the Organized Church? For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.. Please support their research by visiting their website, ICRF Website. No man (or woman) of God will compromise the Gospel, the Truth, the Way, by offering it only for a price. Dr. Day and I discuss the history of vaccines, public health, and the formation of a medical monopoly centered around allopathic medical practices. (4) He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the LORD shall mock at them. 2023 Cancer Doctor. Yes, we control Hollywood. She is a, Helping you grow to new heights of wellbeing, with Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition, Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases,including Cancer and AIDS. Enter your email address to be notified when each new show is available. (3) And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. Dr. Day is a trained orthodox medical doctor who not only taught surgery at a medical school, but was also a high ranking staff member in a major hospital. It works by building the immune system or as she puts it rebuilding the immune system. By using a complete change in diet, coupled with a long list of dos and donts, she has put together a complete treatment program that consists of 10 commandments that range from a highly nutritious diet all the way to having benevolence for others. All rights reserved. [], I dont care if Americans think were running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. Click here to learn more about Webster Kehr. The Great Reset is about Population Extermination! If you are unable to access the online order form or would prefer to fax your order. (6) Yea, I have set My king on My holy hill, on Zion. They completely remove the onus from the believer to trust in God. It eats upon the host. (24) Their lives were wicked and corrupt, and they deserved to be punished. news. Going on in the World. on the Internet. SARS Such is The Nature of Deception, a mixture that appears true to those who do not have THE Truth, Jesus Christ. 1) Macrobiotic Diet, (9) You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potters vessel. Why have there been so MANY Scamdemics Yet, Paul writes to the Romans, quoting from Malachi 1:2-3: Romans 9:13-18 MKJV Look at Dr Sam Baileys work recently on this. or ANY OTHER VIRUSES! Pasted as rich text. and Their Equally Detestable Policies. He Loves Me. Dr. Day isnt nearly as nutty as you think. More LIES from the Government! New World Order. The CDC is LYING to you AGAIN! Uploaded by The North American Union has just been signed into existence by Biden: Throwing Away Your Deceased Loved Ones - Like Garbage! I felt I had given the treatments a fair shot at working since I had been receiving them for about 10 weeks. Super Starter Package There is also a mountain of evidence of a world wide flood. How Should We Respond to this ILLEGAL This is a Satanic Ritual Initiation into the New World Order. We ar Read more, Europe, and not England, is the parent country of America. Everyone should know that the 'war on cancer' is largely a fraud. Nobody is going to jail in California for refusing to wear a mask. says Lorraine Day, M.D. " They wont even sell you the food without a mask. Check out Dr. Days website The Good News About God! The land laying desolate for many centuries has recently turned to a well-watered garden, a blossoming terrain in more ways than one, even as the Hebrew prophets proclaimed would be. FDA Disclaimer | Privacy Policy | Sitemap, Rules When Using Natural Cancer Treatments, Natural Medicine Cancer Clinics Worldwide, Stay up-to-date on the Most Effective Cancer Treatments with WebsterKehr.com, Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments. 8) Jason Winters, Bill Gates: The Jews Plan to Kill Six BILLION Gentiles! Some people want to hear it from a real doctor. Some women who have breast cancer want to hear it from a woman who has had breast cancer. If you Dont Think We Have Been Taken Over by April 24, 2023 EVERYBODY is LYING - the CDC, NIH, FDA, and everyone else: the Covid-10 We talked about Isaiah 26:10, a verse that Michael Lash red earlier this week, and I quote, Amen, Terri! A Walk Through the Bible with Dr. Lorraine Day. (8) Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance; and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession. Title: Dr. Lorraine Day Tells What's She continued at the same University for the post graduate training in Orthopedic Surgery and became an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon, operating on the victims of gunshot wounds, stabbings and other massive . Who Rewrote the Bible? An Open Letter to the Jewish Rothschilds and For example, her carrot juice could be supercharged with beet juice and cabbage juice, which also contain strong anti-cancer nutrients. And thus the adoption of such a law would provoke chaos in the structure of the greatest organism that we know, with the result that the inhabitants of this earthly planet would finally disappear.Should the Jew, with the aid of his Marxist creed, triumph over the people of this world, his Crown will be the funeral wreath of mankind, and this planet will once again follow its orbit through ether, without any human life on its surface, as it did millions of years ago, The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah., I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man., [] we claim brotherhood with every European Christian, and triumph in the generosity of the sentiment.. She does a good job explaining why sunlight prevents cancer rather than causes cancer. Plans to Slaughter SIX BILLION Gentiles. She also explains a plan that can help you get rid of your eyeglasses, without surgery, so you can see and read comfortably. Listen to Stefan Lanka in detail, Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, Sam Baily, Mike Adams (a very recent convert to this truth) and they will break down the whole methodology of what is claimed to be a virus and viral contagion and any layperson can see by just using common sense that they have no clue whatsoever that these teeny tiny particles that they see on an electron microscope after a multi step process just to be able to see them are the cause of anything. Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery.

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dr lorraine day official website