Jan Jurriaense Post, 1667. This traditional resource can be engaged online. Your help would be most welcome! Egbert Teunise Metselaer, 1685. Albert Jacobse Gardenier, 1677-85. Arent Danielse Van Antwerpen, 1720. Hendrick Martense Van Coppenhoegen, 1659. Elizabeth Casparse Conyn, 1721. Jan Pieterse Mebie, 1603. [26], In 1754, representatives of seven British North American colonies met in the Stadt Huys, Albany's city hall, for the Albany Congress; Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania presented the Albany Plan of Union there, which was the first formal proposal to unite the colonies. Jannetie Pieterse Vosburgh, 1683. Hendrick Janse alias Ribbide, 1664. of Schuyler Mansion in 1987. After the charter of the Privileged West India Company, in 1621, Fort Orange was built, around which clustered the little hamlet occupied by the servants and factors of the Company, who claimed and exercised the entire Indian trade. Abraham Melgertse Van Der Poel, 1710. Pieter Jillise Metselaer, 1657. Lysbet Luykase Wyngaert, 1700. A source of much qualitative information Catalyntie Dirkse Ten Broeck. Samuel Jacobse Gardenier, 1681. Elbert Gerritse Lansing, 1693. He gained federal dollars earmarked for restoring historic structures. Lourens Claese Tolk, 1702. Jan Janse Myndertse, 1629. Claas Lourense Van der Volgen, alias Van Purmerent. Sarah Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. For reasons unknown, Governor George Clinton issued a temporary stay of execution, but the slave girls were executed by hanging on March 14, and Pompey on April 11, 1794. Jan Martense Wever or De Weever, 1689-94. Jan Hendrickse Van den Bergh, 1683-8. Frederick Gysbertse Van den Bergh, 1662. HENDRICKSE. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer hired agents, including the leader of Fort Oranje Bastiaen Jansen Krol, to purchase land from Indigenous people. Pieter Danielse Van Antwerpen, 1720. Wouter Pieterse Quackenbos, 1676-99. Feitie Claese Van Schaick, 1696. Pieter Casparse Conyn, 1721. Myndert Janse Wemp, 1672-7. Ephraim Evertse Wendel, 1690. Paulus Martense Van Rynsburgh, 1662. Willem Franse Hardick, 1737. Aeltie Janse Wemp, 1663. He could have used his influence to change the location of I-787, which cuts the city off from "its whole raison d'tre". Cornelis Martense Potter, 1659. Adriaen Claese Vryman, 1654. In the late 18th century and early 19th century, Albany saw development of the turnpike and by 1815, Albany was the turnpike center of the state. Lambert Jochemse Van Valkenburgh, 1693. [91] To this day, evidence of the original plan is still visible. In return, the families signed contracts promising to either work for the patroon for a certain number of years or to give him a share of their farming or trapping labors. Like French traders before them, the Dutch often married or had unions with Mohawk and Mahican women; their descendants later intermarried with English settlers as well, leading to the area's cultural history being expressed in complex bloodlines. Jacobus Pieterse Winne, 1684. Roeloff Janse Van Frederikfort, 1662. Mateuwese. the Schuyler Families in America Prior to 1800, compiled ANDRIESSE. Hendrik Janse Damen, 1634. By Erin Frick. When New Netherland was captured by the English in 1664, they changed the name Beverwijck to Albany, in honor of the Duke of Albany (later James II of England and James VII of Scotland). Barent Gerritse Van den Bergh, 1700-5. Gas stoves will soon become toast in New York, under a controversial new handshake deal between Gov. Roeloff Cornelise Van Houten, 1638. Rutger Hendrickse Van Soest, 1630. Meese. Aeltie Gerritse Lansing. Jannetie Lambertse Van Valkenburgh, 1683. Pieter Cornelise De Jongh, 1659. Myndert Harmense Van der Bogart, 1683-1706. ", James II of England and James VII of Scotland, History of Albany, New York (prehistory1664), History of Albany, New York (1983present), W. Averell Harriman State Office Building Campus, 312-Year-Old Document Shapes City's Government, All America City Awards: AAC Winners by State and City, The New Larned History for Ready Reference and Research, National Municipal League (1896), pp. He provided them with food, clothing, shelter, tools, farm animals and implements. been made by subsequent family historians - some of whom are listed Jan Janse Van Haarlem, 1697. ISAACKSE. Hendrikje Geurt Van Schoonhoven, 1700. Pieter Claese Kaye Van Oostzanen, 1661-3. Tobias Dirkse Ten Broeck. Abeel, Stoffel Janse: master carpenter; in Beverwyck in 1653; Feb 3, 1655, he was aged about 32 years; his wife was Neeltie Janse Croon; Dec. 4, 1670, made his will in which he mentions the following children: Magdalena, then aged 17, and already married; Maria, aged 14; Johannes, aged 11, and Elizabeth. The New York state capital was established here in the 1880s. Cornelis Teunise Van Westbroeck or Bos, 1663-6. online.Three Cuyler sons became mayors [45] The town and village known as "the Colonie"[Note 7] to the north of Albany was annexed in 1815. Dirkje Teunise Metselaer, 1685. Tories and prisoners of war were often jailed in the Stadt Huys alongside common criminals. Elsie Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1683-1700. Some also achieved standing in the Dutch communities, becoming important interpreters and negotiators among the differing cultures. This measure had a happy effect in stimulating immigration to New Netherland from the mother country. [29] In 1775, with the colonies in the midst of the Revolutionary War, the Stadt Huys became home to the Albany Committee of Correspondence (the political arm of the local revolutionary movement), which took over operation of Albany's government and eventually expanded its power to control all of Albany County. Nanning Harmense Visscher, 1683-1711. Abraham Johannese Wendel, 1691. Adriaen Janse Van Ilpendam, 1656. Lysbet Janse Witbeck, 1683. Robert (?) Sara Johannese Wendel, 1691. Wybrecht Jacobse Dochter, 1661. Goosen Gerritse Van Schaick, 1637-75. Geertie Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. Rolantsen. of some family-related documents. Wyntie Harmense Van Hun, 1681. Reyer Gerritse Lansing, 1747. Your email address will not be published. Jan Helmerse, alias Jan De Bock, 1657-60. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GENEALOGIES OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF THE ANCIENT COUNTY OF ALBANY, FROM 1630 TO 1800 by PROFESSOR JONATHAN PEARSON. index. Anna Janse Goes, 1697. [92] In addition, the Mayor's Office of Special Events was created in an effort to increase the number of festivals and artistic events in the city, including a year-long Dongan Charter tricentennial celebration in 1986. In 1790 the federal government conducted its first comprehensive census, and Albany County was still the most populous county in New York State, with 75,921 inhabitants. Maria Martense Cregier, 1734. Ariaentie Barentse Coeymans. The early population of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, though almost pure Dutch at first, was changeable: after a few years spent in traffic with the Indians some returned to Patria: some retired to New Amsterdam (New York), whilst others passed beyond the limits of the Colonie and purchased lands at Kinderhook, Claverac, Catskill, Coxsackie, Niskayuna, Half Moon, and Schenectady. Some of his children took Marcelis as their surnames, others Van Iveren; without a knowledge of this fact it would be quite impossible for his descendants to trace back their pedigree to him. Cornelia Harmense Knickerbakker, 1708. Thomas Albertse Slingerland, 1725. Many of the families at Fort Oranje were sent south to New Amsterdam (now Manhattan) for protection, but the traders mostly stayed on. Maritie Lambertse Loockermans, 1682. Dirk Janse Goes, 1697-1700. Jacob Meese Vrooman, 1683-92. Jurriaen Janse Gruenwout, 1662-86. Jan Gerritse Van Oldenburgh, 1662. Daniell Pieterse Winne, 1684. The 1920s saw the rise of a powerful political machine controlled by the Democratic Party. During the late 18th century and throughout of the 19th century, Albany was a center of transportation. Harmen Albertse Vedder, 1659. Pieter Johannese De Garmeau, 1753. material on the first 286 members of the family in America. Elisabeth Gerritse De Honneur, 1679-82. Jacob Hendrickse Lery, 1663. [36] Albany is the second oldest state capital in the United States. Johannes Tomase Wyngaerd, 1702. Claas or Nicolaas Ripse Van Dam, 1658-1700. Philip Philipse Demoer, 1693-99. Isaac Casparse Halenbeck, 1706. Jan Evertse Schoenmaker, 1661-5. Willemse. In 1793, Bethlehem was made a town within Albany County. Great article. Book/Printed Material Contributions for the genealogies of the first settlers of the ancient county of Albany, from 1630 to 1800. [De Foreest] - Emily Johnston de Forest (Mrs. Robert W. De Forest), A Walloon Family in America: Lockwood de Forest and his Forbears, 1500-1848, together with A Voyage to Guiana, being the Journal of Jesse de Forest and his Colonists, 1623-1625, (New York 1914), 860 total pages. AERTSE. [32] Albany reported a population of 3,498 in the first national census in 1790, an increase of almost 700% since its chartering about a century before. Jacob Teunise Quick, 1661-89. The First Settler, Harmen Tomase Hun (Van Amersfort) had a son named Tomas Harmense and a daughter Wyntie Harmense. Willem Martense Moer, 1665. In the ensuing battle, the Dutch and Mahicans were ambushed and many were killed, including the Dutch commander Daniel Van Krieckenbeeck and three of his men. It includes substantial Abraham Franse Van Aalsteyn, 1700. Jannetie Martense Van Bergen, 1683. Maria Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. [Schuyler] GOOSENSE. Vol 1: The New York Society, Order of the Founders & Patriots of America. Includes Johannes Janse Lansing, 1749. Stevense. Ann Gerritse Spoor, 1719. Isaac Cornelise Swits, 1664-90. Lambert Albertse Van Neck, 1659-62. Jan Hendrickse Van Bael, 1659-79. Visscher Talcott (first published 1883). Jan Franse Hardick, 1737. Johanna Hanse Barheit, 1705. Myndert Frederickse Van Iveren, 1675-1704. David Abrahamse Schuyler, 1709. Early History and Manuscript Collections [ edit | edit source] Annual Report by New York State Historian. CRISTYSSEN OR CHRISTIAANSE. But that is not the complete story. Marya Luykase Wyngaert, 1709. Johannes Jacobse Lansingh, 1751. DHM - De Halve Maen pages, indexes. Lena Janse Gardenier, 1702. Illustrations: New Netherland map published by Nicolaes Visscher II (16491702); A map of the Manor Renselaerwick surveyed and laid down by a scale of 100 chains to an inch by Jno. In 1627, the Mohican went to war with the Mohawk and requested the assistance of the commander of Fort Oranje. Johannes Johannese Wendel, 1655-91. [20] On November 1, 1683, the Province of New York was split into counties, with Albany County being the largest. Abraham Janse Van Aelsteyn, 1700. Jan Lambertse Van Bremen, 1661-9. Willem Janse Schutt or Dommelaer, 1657-65. Hendrick Lambertse Bont or Bint, alias Sassian. Subscribe! Annatie Dirkse Van Vechten, 1687. Tyssen. Andries Hanse Barhydt or Barheit, 1692-99. Lourense. Claes Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1660-2. Teuw(n? Evert Janse Wendell, 1658-74. Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, 1663-7. Sara Janse Van Bremen, 1703. The city's location at the east end of the Erie Canal gave it unparalleled access to both raw products and a captive customer base in the west. Cornelis Stevense Mulder or Muller, 1682-1709. Lena Dirkse By, 1704. Hester Bastiaense Visscher, 1700. Willem Cornelise Coster or Koster, 1643. HELMERSE. Van Rensselaer, nor any other partner in the Dutch West India Company, would have invested so much time and money to just become one of many traders vying for the trade and competitively driving prices down. Elisabeth Dirkse Ten Broeck. Sara Janse Witbeck, 1698. It was known from then on as Albany County Airport until a massive upgrade and modernization project between 1996 and 1998, when it was rechristened Albany International Airport. Elisabeth Dirkse Bratt, 1727. Nicolaas Gregory Hillebrant, 1658. Jacob Janse Stoutenbergh, 1646. Gerrit Hendrickse Van Rys or Reis, 1663. Johannes Symonse Veeder, 1699-1742. Roeloff Willemse Van Heerden, 1662. Susanna Johannese Wendel, 1691. Teuntie Janse Goes, 1697-1702. The county gained $35 million in fees and the city received $13 million for lost tax revenue. Casparus Janse Bronck, 1738. Jacob Sanderse Glen, 1672-86. Cornelis Teunise Van Merkerk, 1637. Jan Janse Ouderkerk "Smalle Kuyper," 1681. Pieter Harmense Knickerbakker, 1708. Van Rensselaer Schuyler. From the beginning, it seems that Kiliaen Van Rensselaer intended two parts to his colony. Claas Teunise Uylenspiegel, 1645. Commertie Casparse Conyn, 1721. Pieter Nicolaase Van Nordinge, 1637. Pieter Jacobse Borsboom, 1662. Geertruy Andriesse Van Doesburgh, 1661. By 1825, the Erie Canal was completed between Albany and Lake Erie, forming a continuous water route that enabled travel and the shipment of resources across long distances. Gerrit Arentse Slingerland, 1713. Aaltie Franse Pruyn, 1683-1700. After the character of the Privileged West India Company, in 1621, Fort Orange was built, around which clustered the little hamlet occupied by the servants and factors of the Company, who claimed and exercised the entier Indian trade. [10] In 1614, Hendrick Christiaensen rebuilt the French fort as Fort Nassau, the first Dutch fur trading post in present-day Albany. Aeltie Jacobse Gardenier, 1683. On the 7th day of June, 1629, under the title of "Freedoms and Exemptions" concession was made to Patroons to plant colonies in New Netherland. The early population of Fort Orange and Beverwyck, though almost pure Dutch at first, was changeable: after a few years spent in traffic with the Indians some returned to Patria: some retired to New Amsterdam (New York), whilst others passed beyond the limits of the Colonie and purchased lands at Kinderhook, Claverac, Catskill, Coxsackie . Upstate New York began to prosper as migrants from Vermont and Connecticut began flowing in, noting the advantages of living on the Hudson and trading at Albany, while being only a few days' sail from New York City. Teunis Dirkse Van Vechten, 1638-1704. Wynant Melgertse Van der Poel, 1710. Killiaen Pieterse Winne, 1684. An article on Captain Claes Cornelise Swits, 1663. and leads early on in our research. Agnietie Casparse Conyn, 1703-21. Second. Lammert Janse Van der [illegible], 1661. Proposed legislation is moving through Albany that would allow dog owners to have state park beach access. Unlike the current Barge Canal, which ends at nearby Waterford, the original Erie Canal ended at Albany; Lock 1 was located north of Colonie Street. In 1624, eight families joined the Dutch traders at Albany arriving on the ship New Netherland captained by Cornelis May. Jan Hanse Barheit, 1701. Jacob Janse Loockermans, 1659. Helena Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. Jan or Johan Helmerse Van Bassle, 1642. The history dates back to the early 1600s, when Dutch settlers established a trading post in the area. [7][Note 3] Albany's first European structure may have been a primitive fort on Castle Island built by French traders ca. A Key to the Names of Persons Occurring In the Early Dutch Records of Albany and Vicinity. Johannes Sanderse Glen, 1699. Humphreys, Mary Gay, Catherine Schuyler [77], In 1908 Albany opened one of the first commercial airports in the world, and the first municipal airport in the United States. Dirk Dirkse Keyser, 1658. The site of the present city of Albany was first occupied as a trading post in 1614. They found crowded living conditions and limited employment opportunities, but also higher wages and better schools and social services. Soon after in 1831, a 16-mile railroad opened between Albany and Schenectady. Grieta Gerritse Van Vranken, 1700. on important family members. Gerrit Isaacse Lansing, 1747. The most comprehensive family resource. & America & Some of Their Descendants (New York, 1912), The church built in 1643 was 34 ft. by 19 ft. and contained but nine banken (benches) for the worshipers: yet this house served the little community until 1658. Hendrick Cornelise Van Buren, 1662. It may be the most It has Engeltie Albertse Bratt. [Quackenbush] Johannes Pieterse Van Alen, 1689-1706. Johannes Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Albany is known for its extensive history, culture, architecture, and institutions of higher education. Luykas Luykase Wyngaert, 1709. AANC Albany Ancestry, Willem Martense Huis or Rues, 1658-72. Baltuse Van Benthuysen, 1720. Pieter Claese Bout, 1659. Numbering only a few thousand, they settled primarily in the lowlands that became the states of Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. Rutger, Rut or Ruth Jacobse Van Schoenderwoert or Van Woert, 1636-63. This is a work in progress! [90], Much of the original highway plan was never constructed, however: Rockefeller had wanted the South Mall Arterial to pass through the Empire State Plaza. [59][60] One of the ten companies that formed the NYCRR was the Mohawk and Hudson Railroad, which was the first railroad in the state and the first successful steam railroad running regularly scheduled service in the country. by James Brown Van Vechten, Sr. (Detroit: MI, privately printed, 1954). Harmen Harmense Van Gansevoort, 1664-75. Jacomyntie Geurt Van Schoonhoven, 1700. Go Back to Home Page, Go Back to Genealogies of the First Settlers of Albany. Ackes or Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, 1663-7. Pieter Pieterse Van Woggelum, 1671-87. Baatha Isaacse Van Deusen. online. Gysbert Cornelise Van Wesp op de Berg or Aende Berg, 1645-1667. From statehood to this date, the Legislature had frequently moved the state capital between the city of New York, Kingston, Hurley, Poughkeepsie and Albany. In the absence of income taxes or property taxes, the patroons control of the fur trade and collection of rents from tenant farmers financed the operation and development of the colony. Jannetie Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1695. Frans Barentse Pastoor, 1654-61. In 1703 he occupied a house and lot on the east side of Broadway at the "Great bridge," across he Rutten Kil just south of State street. . CASPARSE. EVERTSE. He paid to recruit, transport and settle most of the original families. Jacob Hendrickse Ten Eyck, 1733. Pieter Symonse Veeder, 1699. Takel Dirkse Van Heemstraaten, 1700. Catharina Sybrantse Van Schaick, 1686. What Corning had saved from destruction, Whalen refurbished. Ephraim Volkertse Van Veghten, 1747. [28][Note 5] The same year, the French and Indian War began; it was the North American front of the Seven Years' War in Europe and the fourth in a series of North American wars between the colonial powers dating back to 1689, began. "[85] Because there was limited new development in this period, much of Albany's historic architecture survived and has been newly appreciated since the late 20th century. Gerritje Teunise Metselaer, 1685. Another embarrassment in the identification of persons arises from the fact, that some bear the same Christian name. Tys Barentse Schoenmaker Van Edam, 1636. Lucas Pieterse Houtsager (Coeymans), 1660. Abraham Dirkse Van Vechten, 1699. II), p. 775, A Map of the Provinces of New-York and New-Jersey, with a Part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec, How a City Worked: Occupations in Colonial Albany, "Re-examining the Albany Fire of 1793 and Three Slaves Hanged for It", The Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries, Colonie History: Frequently Asked Questions, The People's Welfare: Law and Regulation in Nineteenth-Century America, Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 to 1990, The Railroad Builders, A Chronicle of the Welding of the States, The Albany Lumber Trade: Its History and Extent, Laws of the State of New York, Passed at the Ninety-Third Session of the Legislature, Begun January Fourth, and Ended April Twenty-Sixth, 1870, in the City of Albany. Cornelis Cornelise Van Schoenderwoert, alias Vosje. Teunis Jurriaense Rinckhout, 1704. Wesselse. Barent Albertse Bratt, 1670-1700. Arien Andriesse Gardenier. JANSE. Johannes Myndertse Van Iveren, 1707. Lambert Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Abraham Isaacse Ver Planck, 1667. FRANSE. Teunis Pieterse Suidam, 1705. This admirably researched, documented, and well-indexed set is strictly genealogical but is basic to any understanding of early Albany's most prominent family. [26], On November 17, 1793, a large fire broke out, destroying 26 homes on Broadway, Maiden Lane, James Street, and State Street. Coatie Melgertse Van der Poel, 1683. Evert Evertse De Goyer, 1664. by Florence Christoph and published by the Friends II), p. 460, Notes on the Iroquois; Or, Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and General Ethnology, Howell and Tenney (1886, Vol. Mayke Janse Goes, 1697. [93] Whalen is credited for an "unparalleled cycle of commercial investment and development" in Albany due to his "aggressive business development programs". [63] Later in the century, much lumber was harvested and processed in the Midwest, particularly Detroit and Chicago. These pioneers are known today as the New Netherland Dutch. Jan Barentse Poest (alias Wemp?) Jacob Abrahamse Vosburgh ) Same? Hendrick Gerritse Lansing, 1747. Hendrick Janse Van der Vin, 1654. Anna Janse Mebie, 1716. Seger Cornelise Van Voorhout, 1642-62. These settlers built homes and cultivated farms; they also constructed Fort Oranje (Fort Orange) on the west bank of the Hudson River. Andries Andriesse Gardenier. Maurits Janse Ban Broeckhuysen, 1636. Wyntie Dirkse Van Vechten, 1687. Willem Claese Groesbeeck, 1681-1707. Intricate wrought-iron details still enhance many historic buildings in Albany. The city is home to the mother churches of two Christian dioceses as well as the oldest Christian congregation in Upstate New York. Gerrit Teunise De Reus, 1631. Matthias Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. Ragel Casparse Conyn, 1721. Cornelia Janse Gardenier, 1702. Pieter Martense Van Buren, 1703. The city was officially chartered in 1686 with the issuance of the Dongan Charter, the oldest effective city charter in the nation and possibly the longest-running instrument of municipal government in the Western Hemisphere.[1]. Jan Cornelise Van Nes, 1697. Catryna Andriesse De Vos, 1664-91. Mattyse. Claas Janse Van Warlwyck, 1642. Claas Reinderse Mynderse, 1706. 1664-7. The basic genealogical compilation Jacob Cornelise Schermerhoorn, 1742. Three years later, he discovered electromagnetic self-induction (the SI unit for which is now the henry). In these cases individuals were often distinguished by personal peculiarities, trades, &c., which, though sufficient for the time, gave little or no aid to one tracing the pedigree of a family. themes. Cornelia Tyssen Van der Heyden, 1700. Frans Pieterse Clauw or Klauw, 1662-1700. It succeeded Poughkeepsie as the capital of New York in 1797. It is located on the north end of the navigable Hudson River, was the original eastern terminus of the Erie Canal, and was home to some of the earliest railroad systems in the world. Its natural advantages both for trade and agriculture were unequaled by any like portion of the continent. Cornelis Wesselse Ten Broeck, 1723. Maritie Harmense Lieversen, 1683. Jan Mateuwese Van Deursen, 1696. Dirk Teunise Van Vechten, 1676-1705. Cornelis Cornelise De Vos, 1653-7. CHRISTOFFELSE. New Netherland became the only one of the original 13 colonies established more for trade and than for settlers escaping harsh political or religious conditions in Europe. on most of the major families of early A Jesuit missionary who visited the village in 1646 mentions that it contained then but ten thatched cottages. disk, and online Claas Cuykase Wyngaert, 1700-4. Lucas Jans Van Salsbergen, 1693. It was destroyed by flooding soon after construction. Jurrian Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1699. Teunis Pieterse Temper, 1657-60. Cathalina Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Claas Hendrickse Van Utrecht, or Schoonhoven, 1654-60. Carsten Frederickse Van Iveren, 1663. Elizabeth Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. Johannes Janse Witbeck, 1683. Gerrit Ryckse Van Vranken. Albert Janse Van Amsterdam, 1642. Jacob Adriaanse Van Utrecht, 1630. The First Settlers Philip and David Schuyler, were more commonly called Philip and David Pieterse, being sons of Pieter Schuyler. ", Kenney, Alice P. "The Transformation of the Albany Patricians, 17781860,", This page was last edited on 15 March 2023, at 09:21. below! Cornelia Tyssen Goes (? Jacob Aertse Wagenaar, 1642. or more formally Contributions for the Genealogies of the It is one of the oldest surviving settlements from the original Thirteen Colonies, and the longest continuously chartered city in the United States. Ryer Cornelise Soesbergen, 1660. in the 1997 volume. ARNOUTSE. Shorrock is studying the cellular processes underlying the class of genetic . ARENTSE. Gysbert Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. Teunis Teunise Metselaer or Demetselaer, 1658-83. JERONIMUS. The use of surnames gradually increased among the Dutch from the time the Province was occupied by the English in 1664, and after the first quarter of the following century few names were written without the addition of a family name. Christina Wesselse Ten Croeck, 1723. Jacob Andriesse Gardenier. Gerrit Janse Herttenbergh, 1664. This would have included Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York (including all of Long Island), and Connecticut. Reyer Jacobse Schermerhoorn, 1678-96. Volkert Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. Claas Franse Van de Bogart, 1699-1720. Maritie Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. Frans Claese Van der Bogart, 1724. Jannetie Jurriaense Rinckhout, 1704. Luykase. Catharina Janse Van Hoesen, 1694. I can either snail mail photocopies of pages to you, or I can send the pages to you via email as .jpg files. Claas Gerritse Van Vranken, 1705. Teunis Cornelise Spitsbergen, 1663-75. [73] In 1871, the northwestern portion of Albanywest from Magazine Streetwas annexed to the neighboring town of Guilderland[74] after the town of Watervliet refused annexation of said territory. I do, however, recommend that you read the "Preface" and "Key to Names" for valuable information about the structure of Dutch names. Jacobus Luykase Wyngaert, 1701-20. David Pieterse Coeymans, 1636. Willempie Teunise Metselaer, 1685. In 1629, the Dutch passed the Charter of Privileges and Exemptions, a plan for the colonization of New Netherland. Part of the land annexed to Guilderland was ceded back to Albany in 1910, setting up the current western border. Johannes Andriesse Schaap, 1695. Published for the Bradt Family Society, this work provides basic data and information on all family members over four centuries. Jurriaen Teunise Glazemaecker, 1658-67. Jannetie Willemse Van Slyck, 1688. Richart Janse Van Den Bergh, 1702. Joris Arissen or Aertse Vander Baest, 1670-90. Symon Volkertse Veeder, alias De Bakker, 1654-67. The area was originally inhabited by an Algonquian Indian tribe, the Mohican, as well as the Iroquois, five nations of whom the easternmost, the Mohawk, had the closest relations with traders and settlers in Albany. But where there is little or no difference in the dates this help fails, and all is left to conjecture. It lost more than 20 percent of its population during the Corning years, and most of the downtown businesses moved to the suburbs, following residents who had gone to newer housing. BASTIAENSE. Eefie Jurriaense Ricnckhout, 1704. Jan Barentse Wemp, 1645-61. The population of New Netherland, at the beginning of Stuyvesant's administration (1647), is variously estimated at from 1,000 to 3,000; at its close in 1664 it was about 10,000. Christina Dirkse Ten Broeck. Marten Pieterse Winne, 1684. Dirck Ahasueruse Roseboom, 1749. The Dutch character was not wanting in the requisite energy, perseverance and pluck; but it was the system of government, persevered in against protests and petitions, that was chiefly at fault. Aert Martense Doorn, 1686. Van Rensselaer Schuyler published in the "Women of Colonial and When such cases occur in the following list, the dates annexed will sometimes aid in solving the difficulty. Engeltie Andriesse Witbeck, 1683. Volkie Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. Isaac Janse Van Arnham, 1699. narratives on the most important family members and also printings Claas Jacobse Groesboeck alias Van Rotterdam, 1661-1707. Revolutionary Times" series. Gabriel Tomase Stridles. Jan Cornelise Buys changed to Jan Jansen Damen, 1634. Jan Harmense Backer, 1658-83. Evert Johannese Wendel, 1691. With poor communications it is a wonder anything was ever done. Published by the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Maria Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1700. The Federalist Papers were published in New York newspapers to sway voters to accept the new constitution. Arent Reinderse Smit, 1645. Roeloffse Aert Goosense Van Twiller, 1661-84. by Jonathan Pearson and A basic genealogy with some narrative [65] Albany was known for its publishing houses, and to some extent, still is.