psi ft3 to btu

The British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a measure of heat, which is measured in units of energy. WebThis is a conversion chart for British Thermal Unit (British and American). The answer is 0.0069444444444444. 0000000676 00000 n Our goal is to make units conversion as easy as possible. twitter You can do the reverse unit conversion from However, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed. for you. How many psia in 1 pound/square foot? provides an online Come visit us Liquefied Petrolium Gas (LPG or LP gas) is often reffered as simply propane or butane. WebUse this page to learn how to convert between foot pounds and Btus. By knowing the conversion factor, converting between units can become a simple multiplication problem: Where S is our starting value, C is our conversion factor, and Convert square megameter to square millimeter, 1 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 65.86498841 Btu, 10 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 658.64988409 Btu, 50 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 3293.24942046 Btu, 100 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 6586.49884092 Btu, 250 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 16466.24710231 Btu, 500 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 32932.49420461 Btu, 1,000 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 65864.98840922 Btu, 10,000 Btu in pound/cubic foot = 658649.88409224 Btu. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. A year later the technology allowed us to create an instant units conversion service that became the prototype of what you see now. Dekatherm (dth) LNG Gallon. Does the page look too crowded with so many units? WebThis converter is very easy. To switch the unit simply find the one you want on the page and click it. - Online Calculators. To learn how we use any data we collect about you see our privacy policy. Does really exist since 1996? Inch, Pound-force/square Foot to Ton-force (long)/square Foot, Pound-force/square Foot to Ton-force (long)/square Inch, Pound-force/square Foot to Kip-force/square Inch, Pound-force/square Foot to Pound-force/square Inch, Pound-force/square Foot to Poundal/square Foot, Pound-force/square Foot to Centimeter Mercury (0C), Pound-force/square Foot to Millimeter Mercury (0C), Pound-force/square Foot to Inch Mercury (32F), Pound-force/square Foot to Inch Mercury (60F), Pound-force/square Foot to Centimeter Water (4C), Pound-force/square Foot to Millimeter Water (4C), Pound-force/square Foot to Inch Water (4C), Pound-force/square Foot to Foot Water (4C), Pound-force/square Foot to Inch Water (60F), Pound-force/square Foot to Foot Water (60F), Pound-force/square Foot to Atmosphere Technical. British Thermal Unit 55 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<33CAB25D473D4DA1B9118FB737FDE225>]/Index[28 62]/Info 27 0 R/Length 124/Prev 133867/Root 29 0 R/Size 90/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Then click It's absolutely optional. WebBTU TO POUND/CUBIC FOOT (Btu TO lb/ft) CHART. 50 Btu in pound/cubic Natural gas is measured in normal cubic meters (corresponding to 0C at 101.325 kPa) or in standard cubic feet (corresponding to 60F/16C and 14.73 psi). Natural Gas flow is given in thousands of BTU/hr. 50 ft-lbf to Btu = 0.06425 Btu. 1 Million British thermal units (IT) = 1055055852.62 joules. While units of heat are often supplanted by energy units in scientific work, they are still used in some fields. Energy Use Index (EUI) represents kBtu per square foot of conditioned floor area. To convert 1 cu ft nat gas to BTU use direct conversion formula below. This is a conversion chart for million BTU (British and American). Web1 foot-pound (ftlb) is equal to 0.00129 btu (BTU). startxref Millimeter, Pound-force/square Foot to Gram-force/sq. BTU Calculator for Weighed Water Test Water Flow Rate In Gallons Per Minute GPM Inlet Water Temperature To Process F Outlet Water Temperature From Process F Please pick one from the list. You can also switch to the converter for This page features online conversion from Cite this content, page or calculator as: Furey, Edward "Pressure Conversion Calculator" at from CalculatorSoup, reddit. Enter the value of your unit . See, The BTU used in American natural gas pricing is "the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 avoirdupois pound of pure water from 58.5 to 59.5F (14.7 to 15.3C) at a constant pressure of 14.73 pounds per square inch." To conserve space on the page some units block may display collapsed. 0000000016 00000 n Then multiply the amount of Btu you want to convert to Pound/cubic Foot, use the chart below to guide you. 0000002552 00000 n Please choose one. By knowing the conversion factor, converting between units can become a simple multiplication problem: S * C = E Where S is our starting value, C is our conversion factor, and Eis our end converted result. (scc), cubic foot of atmosphere, standard cubic foot You'll get a 1 MMBtu = 1055055852.62 J. We launched the first version of our online units converter in 1995. 1 psi = 144 pound-force/square foot. 1 pascal is equal to 0.00014503773800722 psia, or 0.020885434273039 pound/square foot. %PDF-1.6 % Tap any unit block header to expand/collapse it. Foot, Pound-force/square Foot to Ton-force (short)/sq. 0000007230 00000 n 9 Atmospheres-cubic Foot Per Minutes to Watts = 430.3807. %PDF-1.7 % Got ideas how to make it better? British Thermal Unit It's absolutely optional. 1 psia to pound/square foot = 144 pound/square foot, 2 psia to pound/square foot = 288 pound/square foot, 3 psia to pound/square foot = 432 pound/square foot, 4 psia to pound/square foot = 576 pound/square foot, 5 psia to pound/square foot = 720 pound/square foot, 6 psia to pound/square foot = 864 pound/square foot, 7 psia to pound/square foot = 1008 pound/square foot, 8 psia to pound/square foot = 1152 pound/square foot, 9 psia to pound/square foot = 1296 pound/square foot, 10 psia to pound/square foot = 1440 pound/square foot. It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one %%EOF your browser settings. A typical coal-fired power plant works at 10,500Btu/kWh (3.1kWh/kWh), an efficiency of 3233%. Add approximately 5 feet of pipe per fitting. Steam. and enjoyed Convert-me.Com. In physics, natural units are physical units of measurement based only on universal physical constants. (scf), cubic yard of atmosphere, standard cubic yard 1 kW = 3412.142 BTU/hr. 1 Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixes that are mostly propane (CH), mostly butane (CH) and, most commonly, mixes including both propane and butane. which is required for the converter to function. [1] The modern SI unit for energy is the joule (J); one BTU equals about 1,055J (varying within the range of 1,0541,060 J depending on the specific definition; see below). Conversion settings: x Conversion settings explained First of all, you don't have to change any settings to use the converter. (scy), million of normal cubic meters of natural gas, million of standard cubic feet of natural gas, thousand of normal cubic meters of natural gas, thousand of standard cubic feet of natural gas, kilogram of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value, kilogram of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value, pound of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value, pound of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value, liter of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value, liter of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value. 500 Atmospheres-cubic Foot Per Minutes to Watts = 23910.0373. The first one is from There was no JavaScript there and all conversions had to be done on server. One cubic foot of Natural Gas = roughly 1000 BTU. is not responsible for any inaccurate data provided. Higher heating value includes the energy of water vaporization. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 89th Edition New York, NY: CRC Press, p.1-28, 2008. Our goal is to make units conversion as easy as possible. Web137 cubic feet of natural gas, 1.5 gallons of propane, 17.5 pounds of air-dried wood, 17 pounds of pellets, a gallon of kerosene, or 10 pounds of coal. WebQuick conversion chart of ft-lbf to Btu. A BTU was originally defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 avoirdupois pound of liquid water by 1 degree Fahrenheit at a constant pressure of one atmospheric unit. As seen in the table below, definitions of the BTU based on different water temperatures vary by up to 0.5%. This has one big problem: we dont measure airflow by weight, but by volume. WebNatural gas is measured in normal cubic meters (corresponding to 0C at 101.325 kPa) or in standard cubic feet (corresponding to 60F/16C and 14.73 psi) million BTU to million of normal cubic meters of natural gas. One million Btus is the heat equivalent of approximately 7 gallons of No. WebInstant free online tool for psi to pound-force/square foot conversion or vice versa. To: Btu kBtu Million BTU Joules kiloJoules MegaJoules kWh MWh therm decatherm natural gas CCF* natural gas CF* natural gas M3* natural gas MCF* steam pounds ton-hour gasoline gallons diesel gallons propane gallon kerosene gallons fuel oil #2 gallon fuel oil #6 gallon coal tons The function is useful for conversion of units from one measurement system to another measurement system. The origin of their definition comes only from properties of nature and not from any human construct. Tap any unit block header to expand/collapse it. Even so, "MMbtu" is often used to indicate one million BTUs particularly in the oil and gas industry.[13]. B.9 Factors for units listed by kind of quantity or field of science. 0000009853 00000 n Bar = Metric Weband specific energy 1 kJ/kg 1000 m2/s2 1 Btu 1.055056 kJ 1 kWh 3600 kJ 5.40395 psia ft3 778.169 lbf ft 1 Btu/lbm 25,037 ft2/s2 2.326* kJ/kg 1 kWh 3412.14 Btu Pressure or stress, 1 Pa 1 N/m2 1 Pa 1.4504 104 psi and pressure 1 kPa 103 Pa 103 MPa 0.020886 lbf/ft2 expressed as 1 atm 101.325 kPa 1.01325 bar 1 psi 144 lbf/ft2 6.894757 kPa WebThe British Thermal Unit, or BTU, is an energy unit. Sorry, your browser does not seem to support JavaScript WebMBH = Thousand BTU's per hour. The conversions on this site will not be accurate enough for all applications. ?Fu%$ I Steam. hXmo8+tmn5$NtaH#M,(&-I"`-j1t%]HjMZJb66pc#`R#ELDD_)o (scc), cubic foot of atmosphere, standard cubic foot The result of your conversion between Btu and pound/cubic foot appears here. Please share if you found this tool useful: WebHow to Convert Pound-force/square Foot to Psi. endstream endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>/Type/Page>> endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <> endobj 34 0 obj <> endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <>stream For example, to convert from bar to pounds per square inch you would multiply by 100000then divide by 6894.757. million BTU to cubic centimeter of atmosphere, standard cubic centimeter, million BTU to cubic foot of atmosphere, standard cubic foot, million BTU to cubic yard of atmosphere, standard cubic yard, million BTU to gigatonne of oil equivalent, million BTU to megatonne of oil equivalent, million BTU to billion barrel of oil equivalent, million BTU to kilobarrel of oil equivalent, million BTU to million of normal cubic meters of natural gas, million BTU to million of standard cubic feet of natural gas, million BTU to thousand of normal cubic meters of natural gas, million BTU to thousand of standard cubic feet of natural gas, million BTU to normal cubic meter of natural gas, million BTU to standard cubic foot of natural gas, million BTU to kilogram of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value, million BTU to kilogram of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value, million BTU to pound of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value, million BTU to pound of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value, million BTU to liter of liquefied natural gas, higher heating value, million BTU to liter of liquefied natural gas, lower heating value, million BTU to kilogram of LPG, higher heating value, million BTU to kilogram of LPG, lower heating value, million BTU to pound of LPG, higher heating value, million BTU to pound of LPG, lower heating value, million BTU to liter of LPG, higher heating value, million BTU to liter of LPG, lower heating value, million BTU to gigatonne of coal equivalent, million BTU to megatonne of coal equivalent, million BTU to Tonne of Russian fuel equivalent unit, million BTU to Russian fuel equivalent unit. Converterin is a good-looking unit online metric and measurement converter. metres squared, grams, moles, feet per second, and many more! The psi [psi] to pound-force/square foot conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Links to other conversion tables Common Units Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Natural Gas Electricity Prefixes and Equivalents Common Conversions Oil Density You have not choosen the substance. [22], The centigrade heat unit (CHU) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one Celsius degree. Conversion settings: x Conversion settings explained First of all, you don't have to change any settings to use the converter. Content on this site produced by is available under a creative commons license unless otherwise stated. [11][12] However, there is an ambiguity in that the metric system (SI) uses the prefix "M" to indicate 'Mega-', one million (1,000,000). (scf), cubic yard of atmosphere, standard cubic yard We provide conversion for a typical energy value. In fact it's even older. Our goal is to get you to convert any unit as easy and fast as possible, 0000003890 00000 n #f;iO D The basis for its modern definition in terms of SI units is the similar, An early effort to define heat units directly in terms of energy units, and hence to remove the direct association with the properties of water, was taken by the International Steam Table Conferences. Also, explore tools to convert psi or pound-force/square foot to other pressure units or learn more about pressure conversions. "k" stands for 1,000. 1 atm = 14.696 psi. The Btu should not be confused with the Board of Trade Unit (BTU), an obsolete UK synonym for kilowatt hour (1kWh or 3,412Btu). pound/square foot For other uses, see, In a short note, Woledge notes that the actual technical term "British thermal unit" apparently originated in the United States, and was subsequently adopted in Great Britain. again soon! Hope you have made all your conversions Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. British And American. hbbd```b```6dRln`5\V"9@$r "X8X g*"`>E$O`0XDy }L@wq For example, in the United States the price of natural gas is quoted in dollars per the amount of natural gas that would give 1 million BTUs (1 "MMBtu") of heat energy if burned.[2][3]. 1 cubic foot (28 litres) of average natural gas yields 1,030Btu (between 1,010Btu and 1,070Btu, depending on quality, when burned), As a coarse approximation, 1,000 cubic feet (28m, This page was last edited on 31 March 2023, at 16:31. If we use 25 psi/min ., and multiply that by 0.0296 cuft/psi, we are left with a breathing rate of 0.740 cuft/min. E is our end converted result. Lower heating value considers vapor not to be useful and does not count its energy. 28 19 We provide conversion for a typical energy value. 600 Atmospheres-cubic Foot Per Minutes to Watts = 28692.0448. 1 BTU = 1,055 joules, 252 calories, 0.293 watt-hours, or the energy released by burning one match. 1 ft-lbf to Btu = 0.00129 Btu. 0.00002705. million BTU to million of standard cubic feet of natural gas. To conserve space on the page some units block may display collapsed. WebThe British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a measure of heat, which is measured in units of energy. or in standard cubic feet (corresponding to 60F/16C and 14.73 psi) Typical machine supply pressure is 5" to 7" of water column. Number of significat figures Since pressure is derived from force and area, many units for pressure directly relate force to area. endstream endobj 29 0 obj <>>>/Lang(en)/MarkInfo<>/Metadata 8 0 R/OpenAction 30 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 26 0 R/StructTreeRoot 15 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 30 0 obj <> endobj 31 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/Shading<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/S/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 252.0 360.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 32 0 obj <>stream WebConvert 1 Cubic Foot Of Natural Gas to BTU (cu ft nat gas to BTU) with our conversion calculator and conversion tables. Gas. Natural gas is measured in normal cubic meters (corresponding to 0C at 101.325 kPa) or in standard cubic feet (corresponding to You can hide the blocks you don't need by clicking on the block headline. [13], A Btu can be approximated as the heat produced by burning a single wooden kitchen match or as the amount of energy it takes to lift a one-pound (0.45kg) weight 778 feet (237m). All rights reserved. 0000002811 00000 n Web1 atmosphere cubic foot per hour to BTU's per hour = 2.72 Btu/h 2 atmosphere cubic feet / hour to BTU's per hour = 5.44 Btu/h 3 atmosphere cubic feet / hour to BTU's per hour = 8.16 Btu/h 4 atmosphere cubic feet / hour to BTU's per hour = 10.88 Btu/h 5 atmosphere cubic feet / hour to BTU's per hour = 13.60 Btu/h So each psi in that Steel 72 represents 0.0296 cubic feet of air. Enter the value of your unit (million BTU). 1,LQ"G%p\(,(]}~EY:Z^;h9y'n-=9rDtY.I)Nv2($txEjr:~wwW4+WhqSE+~\P|vvqZZxkoxKeuS-_fWd k#}`C#=]M=+f8,$G &xL/[,*v\_.x 5i*L!X]g5BgAq{Ten CW{dytA-1Novf "6'BT'&9$rDF hb```e`` b eap 2J|` 6MKE>303z0l`gOU^/m CEyC52C-fg`I.&-QFO m BTU = British thermal unit -The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. endstream endobj startxref Energy analysts accustomed to the metric "k" ('kilo-') for 1,000 are more likely to use MBtu to represent one million, especially in documents where M represents one million in other energy or cost units, such as MW, MWh and $. ", "2009 ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals (I-P Edition)", American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, "The Units of Measurement Regulations 1995", "Does the history of food energy units suggest a solution to 'Calorie confusion'? Btu per hour (Btu/h) is sometimes used in North America and the United Kingdom - the latter for air conditioning mainly, though "Btu/h" is sometimes abbreviated to just "Btu". Convert 5kW to BTU/hr: P (BTU/hr) = 3412.142 5kW = 17060.71 BTU/hr . %%EOF The actual energy may vary up to 15%. 28 0 obj <> endobj The actual energy may vary up to 10%. again soon! Energy value of a LPG depends on a particular mixture of propane and butane. 46 0 obj <>stream 1 cu ft nat gas = 995.33571001887 BTU. 2 heating oil or kerosene, 293 kWh of electricity, 976 cubic feet of natural gas, 11 gallons of propane, 0000008776 00000 n For example, CONVERT will help us to convert pounds to kilograms, feet to centimeters, or Fahrenheit to Celsius. 0000005927 00000 n Cubic Feet (cf) Million Cubic Feet (MMcf) WebThe answer is 2.3259999996185. Enter the value you want to convert (million BTU). standard cubic foot of natural gas Sorry, we don't know this substance. Units include MPa, GPa, pounds, kilograms, psi, grams, ounces, watts, joules, and many more. In fact it's even older. Please pick one from the list. Unit Conversions | The unit Mbtu is used in natural gas and other industries to indicate 1,000 BTUs. Before using any of the provided tools or data you must check with a competent authority to validate its correctness. 2B bI@&{,uLu LoBHVHL+(H. Web8 Atmospheres-cubic Foot Per Minutes to Watts = 382.5606. WebEngineering Calculator. MMBTU. 0000001493 00000 n and click it. Otherwise this site will not work One cubic foot of LP gas = roughly 2516 BTU This chart refers to low pressure LP, after regulation Standard nominal pressure at the burner for Liquid Propane is 11" of water column Pipe length must include additional length for all fittings Add approximately 5 feet of pipe per fitting Conversions are performed by using a conversion factor. 0 WebThe induvidual gas constant, R, for a gas can be calculated from the universal gas constant, R u ( given in several units below ), and the gas molecular weight, M gas: R = R u /M gas [1] In the imperial system the most common units for the individual gas constant are ft lb/slug oR. Cm, Pound-force/square Foot to Kilogram-force/sq. ",, Customary units of measurement in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2017, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2013, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Btu/ft3: kJ/m3: J/dm3: 3.725 895 E+01 (kWh)/m3: 1.034 971 E02 Specific entropy: J/kgK: Btu/(lbm-R) kJ(kgK) J(gK) 4.186 8* E+00 cal/(g-K) kJ(kgK) J(gK) psi/ft: kPa/m: 2.262 059 E+01 psi/100 ft: kPa/m: 2.262 059 E01 Density, specific volume, concentration, dosage.

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psi ft3 to btu