Chanel and #5 have a strained relationship that can sometimes appear antagonistic, because both disagree in a lot of things. Chanel later introduces Hester as "Chanel #6" to the other girls, and they looked surprised. Scream Queens - Se2 - Ep01 - Scream Again HD Watch HD Or when you, take someone to the airport, you let them go. Chanel then begins a temper-tantrum and attacks Chad's lawyer as everyone rushes to stop her. Content, Chanel thanks the detectives, who hand her a file with Bethanys criminal record before Chanel leaves the room. Popularity, humiliating, and blackmailing are essential things in her life. Chanel then sends Daria on a scavenger hunt in the morgue, however Tristan intervenes resulting in his death. He starts attacking her and tackles her to the ground before revealing that he's Chad Radwell. Nobody seems to have enjoyed the tale. Chanel realizes that there's a new serial killer on the lose. Chanel thanks the three women for their kindness, and suggests to be "besties for life". Chanel then demands that she receive the cash equivalency of the prize in order to go on her own trip, but Ingrid explains that she can't afford to do so. She needs to be mean to other people so she can feel confident. Chanel then takes her newly obtained blood samples to the blood bank at C.U.R.E. She then comments on Catherine's diet, saying how she eats a lot of irregular food. The reason why she is a horrible person to everyone is because in reality she is very insecure and she feels really lonely, because she has never had true friends, her boyfriend compulsively cheats on her, and her parents forget her birthday. At some point, Chanel arranged a meeting with Grace, and then proceeded to tell her the truth about her mother and her relationship with her father, insulting the two of them in the process, before insulting Grace as well. After the nurse is out of sight, Chanel starts raiding the fridge and begins stuffing entire drawers of blood samples into her purse, before managing to escape unnoticed. He goes on to apologize for giving Chanel silver poisoning and admits that someone must have messed with his solution. Remembering this, Chanel claims that the Compliment Night is still a work in progress, before finally walking out of the room. In slow-motion, The Chanels skip gleefully and excitingly down the hall, as #1 grabs flowers. #5 tries to remind her of their time at the asylum when they were best friends and shared secrets, which infuriates Chanel as this was the most traumatic period of her life. Ingrid says that Agatha was Chanel's former maid, who got her head dunked in the deep fryer. Ilya4otim. At lunch time, Millie reveals that Chanel sent her the biggest present for Chanel-o-ween last year, before killing a gas station attendant, which was a fake amputated food full of jelly beans. The Chanels and Zayday try to kill Dean Musnch. When Jennifer reveals it is a tie, Chanel gets angry and blames Chanel #5 for it, calling her weird and an idiot for not ensuring that she would win the election, making #5 surprised and a little sad. At Kappa House, Chanel tells Chad that Hester was not actually pregnant and that she pushed Hester down the stairs. She asks one of the nurses if they test all of their blood before sending it off to the hospital, to which the nurse replies yes. If any of you bitches die while protecting a sister, you're allowed to skip the rest of hell week. The Chanels discover his corpse in the morgue and scream in horror as the lower half of his body has been cut off. He declares he's going to Tiffany's to get an engagement ring for her. Later, Brock is sitting at a table aggressively playing five finger fillet with his transplanted hand, when Chanel walks in, seeming somewhat concerned. She was the mastermind of the most violent Ghostface massacre, which also claimed the most casualties, the Second Woodsboro Murders (2011). At the end of the episode, Chanel is scared after Gigi got attacked by Red Devil. At night, Chanel knocks on Brock's front door. It is revealed that he was the Red Devil that attacked her at the asylum at the end of season 1, and he only did it as a joke - one that she didn't find particularly funny. However, she explains that she doesn't actually plan on eating the popcorn, but rather throwing them on the floor to make "the fatties" feel bad and says that this is one of her favorite hobbies. Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today because a backstabbing little bitch got exactly what was coming to her. Chanels is completely dumbfounded and horrified. She is later at the movies with Dr. Brock, where she purchased a large popcorn with a lot of butter. Chanel is exited out. After a brief confrontation at the board, Chanel collapses to the ground, screaming in defeat, as Cathy points and laughs at her. They come up with the idea of killing her. So I hope you all grasp the concept that this is what happens when you rub uglies with my man you end up dead! She is later seen approaching Dr. Brock, asking him for his help in doing this, as she realized that #3 and #5 are too stupid to do so. I may be a stone cold bitch, but I love Kappa. She then states that it is obvious that Dean Munsch is the killer, and tells the other Chanels that they should kill her. As she describes the details of the Ivanka costume, Chanel #3 and Zayday look at #5, whom they helped in making her own Ivanka Trump costume. And since Brock's actually help her, #3 and #5 cheat on the MCats, is Brock's way of truly apologizing. The Chanels are Chanel's sidekicks and initially considered her their best friend. Chanel says that if #5 wants forgiveness, she has to go out during that night to prepare the pumpkin patch party that will be celebrated no matter what Dean Munsch said. Once, she made Pete think that she liked him back so she can laugh at him and humiliate him. WebScream Queens: Created by Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk, Ryan Murphy. They always do what Chanel wants and says, because she gives them popularity and an on-top position at school. Ingrid then comes in the room and interrupts the couple to tell Chanel that the police are there to speak with her after receiving another "anonymous" tip that she's the killer. 3:03. She has a very snotty attitude and she can be quite a bully to other people, and even treats poorly her "best friends", The Chanels. She hands Ingrid back the trophy and storms out, leaving Ingrid feeling defeated and confused. Chad is scared because he doesn't think he can stay monogamous forever. Cathy then slips in a flirty comment to Brock, but Chanel starts to object, explaining to her that the only reason Brock had sex with her was because he was sad about Chanel. They take Ms. Bean's body and store it in a freezer, where Chanel swears the pledges to secrecy. Grace seems noticeably confused as she was convinced that Hester was, in fact, the killer, but now she is questioning everything. #3 asks surprised if the whole pumpkin patch thing was a plan to save her own life, which is true. Maika Monroe Monroe is another of the new generation of scream queens who have emerged in the mid-late 2010s. Zayday has an epiphany as she spells out a word. She talks to him about Boone, asking how he is holding up, and Chad answers by saying how he is obviously upset, and then when Chanel tries to get back together with him again, he reveals he still does not want to date someone who's the president of a sorority filled with freaks and losers. She was the daughter of Kate Roberts, the younger sister of Chanel asks if they're at least still getting paid, and when the Dean says they were never getting paid, the three scream in terror. Lynn concludes the autotuned voice was really hiding a woman's voice. She suggests recruiting some of the new patients to join the Chanels, not only so the new girls can do all of the work, but also so they can be used as bait for the Green Meanie. Cathy rushes to stop Chad from performing surgery on Brock. Web1 language. Outside the hospital, Cathy is seen holding up contaminated pints of blood to the Chanels, Zayday, and Ingrid. Hester then asks her how many tampons do she has in her purse, which #2 answers with 9 and at that point they knew she was telling the truth. We see Chanel wailing loudly and runs into the locker room. Institute. The four toss Tyler into the swamp. Whenever I wanted to strut across campus or down a long hallway with the other Chanels, she'd always be like "I have a colonic!" The three girls later realize that Tyler is in danger when he's wheeled off to surgery despite the fact that the doctors had already left the hospital. Chanel locates the source of the sound, and sees someone hiding in bed sheets, when suddenly she jumps up, revealing herself to be Hester. Brock explains that he must play dangerous games with his hand to show that he is in control, and Chanel then seductively grabs Brock and confesses that when she is around him, her hands also seem to have a mind of their own. Despite this, however, The Radwells play Pictionary, and Chanel decides to join them with Hester, whom they insult. This was his redemption. #9 begins having a minor meltdown, but as soon as Chanel pricks her, she relaxes and realizes it wasn't as bad as she expected. She abruptly stops and looks around to see if anyone is listening. Everyone is impatiently waiting for Chad to come. At the dining room table, Chanel eats a very salty meal, and asks Brock questions about himself. The other kappas do not show up so she did not get to drown her. Chanel starts the episode at Chanel #2 open casket funeral and describes her as a backstabbing little bitch and got everything she deserved, because she dated Chad. Having both guys on the floor suffering from pain, the girls start to kick them and throwing trash at them until they get tired. She thinks that him not being able to control his hand is just an act and loves it. Chanel just turned Hester Ulrich into Chanel #6 so Chad, Chanel's boyfriend, stops thinking that the Kappa house is full of weirdos. Chanel does not like the idea, but #3 confronts #1 saying that it will happen, convincing the majority of the girls to vote in favor. The Chanels then participate in Chanel's Chanel-o-ween video for 2016, but instead of her usually nice and somewhat expensive gifts, she gives her fans actual body parts that she got from the hospital. Cathy appears behind Chanel, asking what's going on. Hellena SB. The Chanels reach a room and Brock waits. Chanel: Uhhhh, I don't think it works that way. #1 says to #3 that she should not judge her for her plan, because they all know that she just talks to Sam because she thinks she has karate abilities. #1 is shocked when #5 says that she does not care what happened to #2, because that's #1's problem, and when people start noticing that she is missing they will start snooping about Kappa Kappa Tau. Scream Queens isn't exactly 60 Minutes. She is also one out of the 7 characters to be in all episodes. For Chanel, #3 is the only one that is close to being "normal" but does not think she should be talking a lot with Sam, one of the pledges who has become one of #3's closest friends, which makes Chanel #3 angry. They spend several hours shopping, and by the time they realize this, the mall is already deserted and the lights have begun to be turned off. This makes Chanel accuse Hester of being the killer. Shrieking, Chanel ducks and moves aside from the numerous tennis balls, which crash into the door's window, shattering the glass. She suggests that they give Hester a job at the hospital to keep her occupied and prevent her from murdering anyone important, to which Cathy obliges. After accusing #3 and #5 as the killers, Hester accuses Chanel of being one of the killers. Dean Munsch and the Chanels visit Hester at the asylum again. Some of the presents include a box filled with blood, a box of moths and rosy apples. #5 explains that she was bored and went to the freezer to find that #2's corpse disappeared. Cathy suggests having Dr. Holt's hand replaced with a new one that never belonged to a murderer. Chanel Oberlin defends her group saying that the culture that says it is okay for a man to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls to have eating disorders. Grace offers to get some from the basement, causing her to discover a locked secret door, but she is stopped by Chanel #5. Scream Queens Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Her mom is the first American to wear one of Karl Lagerfeld's skirts. However, little did the Chanels know that Boone was actually alive. Everyone at the party becomes suspicious, as they are unaware it is Hester wearing the Ivanka costume. After this, she offends #5's fundraiser video for the laser needed for Tyler's surgery, and tells her that the only way to his heart is to be there for him in these troubling times. Once she nears a door that's boarded up, she turns around and sees the Green Meanie and he brings out a tennis pitching machine. Chanel responds by saying that she's not demeaning anyone and is simply being rash and confident because she was the one to find the cure for Catherine. She and Grace meet again at the universitys caf, where Chanel gives Grace a pumpkin spice latte, which she pulls aside, claiming not to trust Chanel at all. They then leave and go to the mall. The rest of the Chanels then take Chanel out of the room after Denise dismisses her. The Chanels then continue their reign of terror as they continue "hell week" for the new pledges.
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